Opinion is one thing.Makagulfazel said:
Downgrading the quality of art because it does ont suit your taste is a completely different one.
I am not talking about you in particular here but there are some people posting here which do exactly that. They place their "taste" and "preference" in certain designs/art above anyone else and think its the correct way how to judge things. And that shows that they actually lack the experience and an eye for what is a good design or what the requirements are for good design.
We all have our preferences of course. I am for example not someone who draws chibi art or those overly cute "manga" stuff. But I would never call it inferior to what I do well only because its not my taste. We have to find visual solutions to issues in our class and we get our work all the time analysed. And you will see many different styles and solutions in the end for the same problem (like in creating a message only with black and white or creating some logo and such). Which one is now better ? At some point you learn not to judge the style but only the quality within.
The same can be done with the design/art of games and comics.
for a long time gaming was seen as male hobby and many statistics have shown that a large number of players have been male.Sabirah said:All RPG gamers see the main Character as male because most Gamers are male. Doesn't make Anjali Shepperd less of a character because she has to share the same franchise as the robot they got to play the male version of Shepperd.
And the Asari are depicted as the most powerful race in the galaxy militarily and economically. Not a bunch of space hoes.
Today it is a bit more spread. But sadly it is still clear to see where gaming had its roots ...