Feminism and why it's bad.

I know that it's a most common grievance, but I can't help notice again and again that your average leftist sucks at concocting any kind of argument. The fact that they are supported by a rotten and corrupt academia in pretty much all western countries doesn't help either.

And it's going to be way worse than any Yugoslav war. For all their bitching and whining, the southern Slavic nations have a lot more similarities among themselves than say, peoples of the UK. Those wars were mostly a result of socialism failing hard, not any cultural issues.

But their manner of propaganda is intriguing as well. Similar to a situation in Yugoslavia immediately after WWII. The party needed someone to rebuild all the destroyed infrastructure and start up new construction projects, so they came up with a brilliant idea of how to use the youth for it, and not spend a dime on it - the youth work actions. They focused on getting the young women to volunteer or "volunteer" for them, and the men came on their own. And I have yet to meet someone who regretted participating in these actions.

The important thing here what the party got right back then, and that the modern left is still using today - the best way to spread your ideology in societies where women are equal is to get to the women, and the men who want to have sex with them will fall in line as well.

They are directly to blame for the rise of /pol/

Not that /pol/ isn't the most entertaining board on 4chan by a long shot.
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I know that it's a most common grievance, but I can't help notice again and again that your average leftist sucks at concocting any kind of argument. The fact that they are supported by a rotten and corrupt academia in pretty much all western countries doesn't help either.

And it's going to be way worse than any Yugoslav war. For all their bitching and whining, the southern Slavic nations have a lot more similarities among themselves than say, peoples of the UK. Those wars were mostly a result of socialism failing hard, not any cultural issues.

But their manner of propaganda is intriguing as well. Similar to a situation in Yugoslavia immediately after WWII. The party needed someone to rebuild all the destroyed infrastructure and start up new construction projects, so they came up with a brilliant idea of how to use the youth for it, and not spend a dime on it - the youth work actions. They focused on getting the young women to volunteer or "volunteer" for them, and the men came on their own. And I have yet to meet someone who regretted participating in these actions.

The important thing here what the party got right back then, and that the modern left is still using today - the best way to spread your ideology in societies where women are equal is to get to the women, and the men who want to have sex with them will fall in line as well.

They are directly to blame for the rise of /pol/

Not that /pol/ isn't the most entertaining board on 4chan by a long shot.

Yeah I have to admit, the counter culture they've developed is fucking hilarious. But, when they actually try to take themselves seriously I just roll my eyes.
Why is it again the task of a feminist to do something/shut up a radical feminist again though?

In reality, every ideological movement is defined by its lowest, most contemptible adherent. For example, the far right Jobbik in my homeland pretends to be simple people who communicate unfortunate truths and want to protect hard working people of any ethnicity. However, they have several militias associated with them, and there is one particularly vile one who, funnily enough, attack ethnic Hungarians most of all, not the jews or the roma they claim to be fighting against. Also there are brazen Holocaust deniers, and people who claim the roma are a biological weapon sent by the jews. The leaders of Jobbik denounce these things, but they're the ones who dogwhistled and pandered to them all the way since they broke into the mainstream. In essence, when these elements are not moderated, and even embraced and accepted, any movement is diseased, even when they claim to be enlightened and claim to fight for sympathetic goals.

So, we are in some sense ALL responsible for the idiots in our society? I could agree with that. We should all do something to make the idiots shut up. But, that doesn't mean one person, a feminist for example, is more responsible for what some nut-job does than you and me. A feminist here in Germany is not more or less responsible for what idiots do, than a soccer fan is responsible for hooligans.

We are talking here about a movement that is as broad like the Punk movement for example, not a politicaly uniforn group. And even those, can be often enough seperated in different wings. I can't hold the Primeminster of UK responsible for what a member of his party says in the public, so why should I do the same with feminists, which is a leaderless movement.

And the more PC bullshit the media tries to paint everything with, the greater the backlash is going to be.

From what I hear the German lefturds started mocking people who were worried that this was gonna be the new norm, implying that everyone who's worried is a nazi. These antifa scum are the ones who don't care about anyone's rights, they just care about their feels, and using their disgusting cry bully tactics to silence everyone.

We should not blow this out of proportion though. As far as that rape-incident in Germany is concerned. It was never a secret that some areas had criminal gangs and groups creating problems, for decades. And it was not somehow edgy or scandalous to say that there are turkish, african, italian, russian crime organisations operating in Germany, before it happend. There have always been areas where the tone isn't really friendly.

Those things are hardly a surprise for me, partialy, because I actually knew such people.
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Let's start by calling the problem what it really is. It's not just "some women getting attacked", or as the lefty feminists like to put it "women getting attacked by men". It's European women being assaulted by Muslim immigrants. Not nazis, not Marine Le Pen, not Putin, Muslim immigrants.
European women getting raped by Europeans is one thing but we can't have muslim foreigners do it, that's bad. Raping European women should be a privilege for Europeans only!
European women getting raped by Europeans is one thing but we can't have muslim foreigners do it, that's bad. Raping European women should be a privilege for Europeans only!
Not original, every social justice idiot said this when the news first came out, classic sjw tactic of changing the topic and snarking like a retard. This is Germany we're talking about, one of the most progressive liberal places and suddenly the whole country became a rapefest, with women not being able to walk down the street without fucking safety guidelines. The police called this whole mess a completely new dimension of crime, implying that it didn't happen on this scale before. Ffs, one of the first news after the refugees were welcomed was that a German school started telling female students to cover up and that a 7 year old girl was raped by a North African man. You can't downplay this as "men rape", this is a clear clash of cultures and since they're here to live with Europeans then it's not "cultural supremacy" or "neocolonisation" or whatever the fuck you people call it if we demand they play by our rules, it's just common sense.
snarking like a retard
Don't be ableist.

This is Germany we're talking about, one of the most progressive liberal places
Heh, right. Even if that were true, what would it have to do with anything?

and suddenly the whole country became a rapefest, with women not being able to walk down the street without fucking safety guidelines.
Central station of Cologne = "the whole country", obviously.

The police called this whole mess a completely new dimension of crime, implying that it didn't happen on this scale before.

Ffs, one of the first news after the refugees were welcomed was that a German school started telling female students to cover up and that a 7 year old girl was raped by a North African man.
The first news? That does tell us something about your filter bubble but little else.
A principal of a school in the bulging Bavarian Metropolis of Pocking (15k inhabitants) suggesting modest clothing to avoid "misunderstandings" is a clear sign of sharia law being established throughout the country, I'm sure. I'm gonna stock up on weapons and snacks in order to join my patriotic European brethren in the fight against the impending islamisation of the occident.

You can't downplay this as "men rape", this is a clear clash of cultures
Rape and sexual assault are terrible things and calling them that isn't downplaying anything.

and since they're here to live with Europeans then it's not "cultural supremacy" or "neocolonisation" or whatever the fuck you people call it if we demand they play by our rules, it's just common sense.
Who is "we people"? Criminals shall be prosecuted and tried for their crimes. Which is what happens.
The whole thing has blown up so much on social media.
So much bullshit-reporting and commenting going on (and yes, I also count those Oktoberfest-rape-statistics quoted by the left under "bullshit") that nobody really knows anything anymore.
A'ight, back to equality:
Because equality is a dish best served cold.

Absolutely barbaric.

This is the kind of news which makes living in eastern Europe a lot more bearable.


Just to be clear, do you deny the fact that muslim immigrants are statistically far more likely to rape (a good source for this being the rape statistics of Norway and Sweden, not to mention the legal systems in most muslim-majority countries)?
Central station of Cologne = "the whole country", obviously.
It also happened in Hamburg, as well as other places, and not only in Germany.
In refugee camps, women are pimped out and they can't walk to the toilet at night because they get raped en route. Female police officers are shown no respect and are often molested themselves. I have also read about individual incidents numbering in the hundreds. This has been well-known for months, people just say "lalalalala can't hear you" because reality is problematic. This Cologne incident forces people to wake up to reality lived by the average folks.

A principal of a school in the bulging Bavarian Metropolis of Pocking (15k inhabitants) suggesting modest clothing to avoid "misunderstandings" is a clear sign of sharia law being established throughout the country, I'm sure. I'm gonna stock up on weapons and snacks in order to join my patriotic European brethren in the fight against the impending islamisation of the occident.
The natives have to start changing their behaviour so that they can assimilate to a foreign culture. First, there is a shock, then there is normalization and suddenly, without even noticing, it's just a fact of life that women may have rights according to law but not really. I've seen this happen in Hungarian villages, I won't go into detail, but this clash of cultures, even if the cultures historically lived together for hundreds of years, can get extremely ugly.

Rape and sexual assault are terrible things and calling them that isn't downplaying anything.
By just seeing this as a "man problem" you're basically saying "well life sucks, what can you do, better let these members of a heavily misogynist culture isolate themselves and do what they want" and that is downplaying. Basically you can't acknowledge that women's rights all over Western Europe have just been set back so you just shrug the whole thing off.

Criminals shall be prosecuted and tried for their crimes. Which is what happens.
Funny you mention that, because, as you well know, these type of crimes rarely result in actual punishment. Maybe community service or a couple of months in jail. I don't see rapists quivering in fear, do you?

It really does seem to me that in the entire western sphere, the news and politics surrounding these kinds of incidents mostly serve to widen the wedge between the left and right, as those on the right become outraged, which is exacerbated by the response from those on the left at large which has a very different goal which is to shift attention to the contemperary goals of those on the left. Prompting the response that they care more about their agenda than the outrageous acts commited. Note that I do not subscribe to a right or left wing form of politics.

Although I think the idea that one should simply stand an arm's length away from people to protect oneself is ridiculous in general.

This is all really a shame since it is clear that it is not a political issue but a criminal issue. It really saddens me that we in the supposedly enlightened west can't take a harsh stance against this kind of behavior by criminals who seem to happily want to drag civilization backwards. A lot of talk of harsh punishments and swift action thrown around, but the goal here seems to appease the public and calm things down.
Absolutely barbaric.

This is the kind of news which makes living in eastern Europe a lot more bearable.


Just to be clear, do you deny the fact that muslim immigrants are statistically far more likely to rape (a good source for this being the rape statistics of Norway and Sweden, not to mention the legal systems in most muslim-majority countries)?
Which statistic?

I love the selective memory of people in Europe. Like as extreme acts of violence are totally unheard of in this society.

Welcome to Germany!

I guess this means that everyone who's a member of the punk movement must be loving the violence.

By just seeing this as a "man problem" you're basically saying "well life sucks, what can you do, better let these members of a heavily misogynist culture isolate themselves and do what they want" and that is downplaying. Basically you can't acknowledge that women's rights all over Western Europe have just been set back so you just shrug the whole thing off.
And what would you propose? Honestly now. How do you want to tell people what to "believe" in or how do you want to educate people. It's not illegal to be an dumb idiot. I had to deal with racists, misogynistic, religious fanatics and many other idiots. Germans too, it's really not just limited to "muslims". But what can you really do? YOu can't force people to accept your position, no matter how sensible it is. Just to make this clear though, if someone is comiting a crime, than he has to face the consequences. But I say this again. If someone hates women, as sad as it is, there is not much you can do, except for turning around, and saying, fuck it. There is no the thought police in Germany.
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This thread is bad and you should all feel bad. But because I haven't seen anything expressly vat-able in the 6 pages of utter bullshit I just read I will leave it open for now.
The whole thing has blown up so much on social media.
So much bullshit-reporting and commenting going on (and yes, I also count those Oktoberfest-rape-statistics quoted by the left under "bullshit") that nobody really knows anything anymore.
I'm sorry about Germany man. Do you have an idea of what you think should be done?
I'm sorry about Germany man. Do you have an idea of what you think should be done?
Not really. Both Left and Right are trying to utilise what happened for their own goals, and there's not much to be done. What is clear is that the police has trouble keeping up the law insome situations. That definitely needs work. In some regions the police is understaffed and underequipped, and they're often advised to be as soft as possible to avoid reports of police brutality.
The whole situation is fucked up.
Not really. Both Left and Right are trying to utilise what happened for their own goals, and there's not much to be done. What is clear is that the police has trouble keeping up the law insome situations. That definitely needs work. In some regions the police is understaffed and underequipped, and they're often advised to be as soft as possible to avoid reports of police brutality.
The whole situation is fucked up.
Yeah. But do you have a personal opinion of what you think should happen?
shame what muslims are doing in countries accepting them
Jump to 2:20 for the good part.

Old but still relevant, particularly in european politics today.
New Nationalism
Running on nationalist and often racist platforms, far right parties have gone from the streets into government, enjoying renewed popularity on local and national levels throughout Europe. In eastern Germany, the far-right NPD party has a foothold at state and local levels.

Contrary to what some may believe, it is not just eastern and southern Europe that face violent challenges. Last year, Germany's domestic intelligence service released estimates of 21,750 rightwing extremists in Germany, with 9,500 classified as potentially violent.

This means that the tendency towards violence within the far-right scene has grown in the past year. In the UK, the conviction of terrorist Pavlo Lapshyn and uncertainty about the future of the English Defence League (EDL) without former leader Tommy Robinson have raised new concerns about the potential for violent splinter groups and rogue individuals.

While there has been much talk about the problem by the media and political leaders, including immigration minister James Brokenshire and communities secretary Eric Pickles, there has been very little "do". Europe should have had its wake-up call nearly three years ago with far-right terrorist Anders Behring Breivik's attack in Norway. Only now the European Commission is standing up to tell European leaders about the need to act. Last month, EU commissioner Cecilia Malmström publicly stated that rightwing extremists posed the biggest threat to the European Union today. Following Breivik's attack, the commission supported the Swedish government and the Institute for Strategic Dialogue to carry out the first-ever cross-border study of solutions to far-right extremism across 10 EU member states. Today, the findings of this research will be presented to European policymakers in Stockholm at the Swedish Ministry of Justice.

The NSU murders (German: NSU-Morde) were a series of xenophobe murders perpetrated by German Neo-Nazi group National Socialist Underground (Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund) perpetrated between 2000 and 2007 throughout Germany, leaving ten people dead and one wounded. Primary targets were ethnic Turks, though the victims also included one ethnic Greek and one ethnic German policewoman.

I am to tired right now to find all of those articles and examples right now where extreme right wing members are part of political institutions, governments, runing lawyer's offices, terrorising and threatning politicans and journalists, not only in Germany, but many European nations.

But I agree. Let us continue to talk about the dangers of Islam and the threat of muslim culture on our own.
Well now I'm fully convinced that you don't avoid politics by saying you don't want to play. I met a political unicorn today -- one of those people with views you hear about but never have to deal with. There are the "SJW's." You know, loud, obnoxious, histrionic and possibly borderline people who make up a minority. Then you have the other guys whining about them on the internet who like to take a tilt at that windmill. I met one of the latter unicorns.

Me and the Unicorn were waiting for our respective interviewers to call us in.
So we had small talk before all that.
So are you from China or from here?
(Well, we're off to a swimming start. But I push away my annoyance and turn to correct him.)
"I'm not Chinese, I'm Korean. And yeah, I live here."
We share our education backgrounds. I in a hard science. Him in a social science.
He tells me he doesn't believe that there are mistakes. Sometimes, you wish you had information you didn't have but can't help it. You learn from experience.
I stated that I didn't share his sentiment. I didn't elaborate. (I have long ago reasoned that this is an irresponsible attitude. It doesn't matter that you couldn't help it. Life isn't so fair that it adjusts itself to your learning curve. Direct experience is a consolation prize that you sometimes learn nothing from. It's a poor substitute. You lost. Anything else you have to say about it is just making excuses.)
He then talked about SJW's. I told him I wasn't interested in that conversation. I told him I found that internet discussion fatiguing.
I told him I generally don't interview well.
Well clearly he had an opinion on that. Long story short, you're a beta male. You see males are judged on their accomplishments yadda yadda yadda. You gotta project confidence. You gotta seem like you can back up your capability. From your behavior I see your behavior is beta. (Oh good fucking lord.)
I shook my head. That's a defunct model we took from wolves. We don't use that anymore. And I indicated my suspicion of the very MRA-sounding bullshit now.
He, for his part, denied that this had anything to do with that. It's just this sterile functionalist model he uses because it works.
Eventually I was called in.

And at this point, after decompressing the whole thing? I know where the growing irritation was from. Now it's a preoccupying hatred for everything he stands for.

He's a pseudointellectual armchair psychologist. He judges me based on no information whatsoever (hey, you're Chinese right?) because mistakes are impossible, and he has no interest in whether he might provoke me into skinning my knuckles on his teeth. He'd learn rather firsthand from direct experience. And on this single point, I agree with him: Not everybody would learn from direct experience. This jackass wouldn't even if I hit him with one of the many stools available in the room. He calls this confidence. I have a different word for it.

And worst of all, he doesn't mean anything by it. He sincerely believes everything he says.
What a fucking waste of human potential this guy was.
Goddamn I am feeling the hate. I wish this fucking PUA scene and the obsession with SJW's would die already.
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