Feminism and why it's bad.

Probably because it perpetuates gender stereotypes. Opposed to men, women gossip endlessly, need to have meaningless talks with their hairdresser and disturb the special atmosphere that can only exist between manly men.
It doesn't anger me and I don't condone vandalism but I can see why people are having issues with it.

of which there are several that are exclusively for women, but nobody would ask why those exist
I would ask. Single-sex hairdressers are silly no matter what.

That leads to long waits and an unpersonal, bad cut between longer dyeing sessions.
That's why you make an appointment. And if I'm not satisfied with the hair cut or the service, I switch hairdressers. It's not like they're rare.

It also perpetuates stereotypes if feminists vandalise shops and cars of people they disagree with. Turns out it's really hard to practise what you preach (inb4 "it probably weren't feminists but false flag trolls").

Single-sex hairdressers are rare, but it's just a specialisation like in any other fields of occupation. It's not necessary, but possible. There have always been barbers specialised for men or women, and usually the respective other sex just doesn't go there because it's to be expected that due to the relative lack of training the cut is going to be less than perfect. Explicitly "banning" (women are still allowed inside to make appointments and get gift certificates and so on) one sex is just a gimmick to be "special" and drum up publicity, and obviously it works.
And of course you have to make appointments, especially in the new barber shop because it's extremely busy.
What I meant is that in some harisaloons men's appointments are done quickly in between, like and afterthought. It just feels unpersonal.
So you'd change the barber, but apparently it's still some sort of bad thing if there's a new barber that explicitly adresses a perceived problem that apparently many have with other hairdressers?

In other gender-studies related news, there's something called "theoretical humanities", and as to be expected, hilarity ensues:
It also perpetuates stereotypes if feminists vandalise shops and cars of people they disagree with. Turns out it's really hard to practise what you preach (inb4 "it probably weren't feminists but false flag trolls").

Is feminists vandalising shops and cars of people they disagree with a stereotype? And it probaby were feminists but also idiots. Idiots are everywhere.

So you'd change the barber, but apparently it's still some sort of bad thing if there's a new barber that explicitly adresses a perceived problem that apparently many have with other hairdressers?

Like I said, I just think it's silly but I can see why people are having issues with it. I, personally, don't really care.
It also perpetuates stereotypes if feminists vandalise shops and cars of people they disagree with. Turns out it's really hard to practise what you preach (inb4 "it probably weren't feminists but false flag trolls").

Is feminists vandalising shops and cars of people they disagree with a stereotype? And it probaby were feminists but also idiots. Idiots are everywhere.

The same can be said of any movement or ideology etc.
I used to go to a men's only rockabilly barber shop, but the typical chauvinistic gossip in those places drove me away from there. Now I'm much rather cut my hair in a place for hipsters in which a gay dude named Marco always makes my bald spots disappear. Love you Marco.

The idea is great, but men usually ruin their safe spaces because anywhere a men can talk freely without being accused of prejudice, they end up being sexist and racist, and those men who don't fit that description end up feeling not fine in this kind of ambient. And I don't think men really need places where they can talk about whatever they want in anyway they want, since this pretty much means everywhere.

But I agree that there is way too many hairdressers only for woman. It's quite rare finding unisex hairdressers.
Why are people against single-sex hairdresser?
If you're a man, you go, have a haircut and have a talk with other men around. If you're a girl, you go, have a hair done and have talk with other women. If you wanna talk with both men and women, you go to a unisex hairdresser. If you don't wanna talk and just want to have a hair done, you keep your mouth shut.

I don't see how this hurts anybody. The customers are happy. The barber is happy. So where's the problem?

So was I. I had to do a reverse Google image search. I assumed it was a data map, but without context it could've been any damn thing about Reddit. Number of upvotes in subreddits on even numbered days where the post has more than 20 comments? Who knows?

I guess I sort of expected it to be the overview of all subreddits and not just the NSFW ones. I still haven't figured out what it's calculated on. Subscriptions?

I figured it out. But the graphic says absolutely nothing without the context of other subreddits, and is still mostly pointless in this thread. So there's NSFW content on Reddit. So? Is Reddit some special place for anti-porn rad-fems? Is there a development towards an anti-porn sentiment in other subreddits while the NSFW subreddits are growing? What's the relative size of those NSFW subreddits compared to Social Justice/Radfem/Whatever subreddits?
My point was that you shouldn't just post links without any further explanatory comments if the content of said links is not self-explanatory. Which it isn't in this case.
This is something you've been told repeatedly, and it is still annoying.
Providing commentary for your links also forces you to think about the content and its relevance to the topic.
So, how is it relevant?
More interesting interactive map: http://electronsoup.net/nsfw_subreddits/

This is a map of NSFW subreddits based on their 'Related Subreddits' sidebar panel. Data collected by /u/uglyasablasphemy (https://np.reddit.com/r/dataisbeaut...s_is_how_reddit_looks_like_if_you_link_every/). Moderators can set a list of subreddits similar to their own. This map simply graphs that network for 2,200 subreddits marked not safe for work. The subreddits are sized by number of subscribers (though not to scale, otherwise big subreddits would take up too much space). The colour scheme uses Gephi's clustering function, so subreddits of the same colour are more closely related to each other than to other colours. Zoom in and see if you can discern any themes to the clusters - I believe some are content-related (and quite obvious) while others are not as clear. There are some peripheral subreddits with no links; these were linked to by one of the orphaned subreddits, and thus have no visible links.

It's relevant because porn is good and, like all good things, it will be destroyed if the feminists win.
Akratus, what did I just say about posting stuff without any further commentary?
At least discuss the validity of a hidden-camera-stunt made by Fox News...
A bunch of feminists beat me up the other day. They stole my video games and replaced them with copies of Gone Home and Depression Quest.
tfw Gone Home is a good ________ and idiots always strawman it over "what is a game" debates, all the while loving the shit out of even shallower games like the stanley parable and beginner's guide
Bunch of scum rapists who happened to be muslim assaulted women in Cologne on New Year's Eve. Even BBC acknowledges it. Everyone, except for Reddit mods associated with SRS. Cause only white people rape or something, and in consequence white people can't be sexually assaulted. And they wonder why the extreme right is rising everywhere across the West.