Feminism and why it's bad.

Listen I have no problem with feminism or social justice or people on the right or almost any political idea in and of itself. I just hold up free speech higher than almost anything, it unchains peoples and nations since the free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny. But moral judgements themselves can bring along a quality that is, well, not a quality but more of a bad thing. It's not necessarily evil but I simply abhor the idea that any speech can be bad in and of itself. The worst example is some social justice person going: "Eww, what a gross thing to say!" That really grinds my gears. And you know why? You want to fucking know why the fuck I think that way?

You fucking asshole dipshit straight vaginasucker asspounder rapist fag nigger kyke whitey cracker halapeño snickerdoodles I will tell you why. Because life is miserable and the world is miserable and I will be damned if I let my fucking hatred for this world be constrained because it is the only thing that brings me joy I tell you hwat. I want to fucking be able to say nigger and faggot. I want to deride every idea and be able to fuck any brain I see up the ass. Just let me freak god damnit.

There's a difference between censoring someone who spreads hate and disease in word form and trying to censor someone who is just fucking around and having potentially a good time because of it. If you do the one it's generally agreed with and the other well it's putting yourself above others, which in itself would be bad if you weren't putting yourself above the enjoyment of other people and that is NO BUENO GOD DAMNIT ARE YOU A MEXICAN OR A MEXICANT?!

I am only against those who are fighting fun. You're no fun any more when you need to bring everyone else down to your level of cynicism. We're all cynical you fucking bitches we're just trying to cope so stop fucking bitching. Literally everything knowledgable like science even, advises you to expend positive energy and not negative energy. Just hate yourself for improvement that's enough hate in your life. FUck you I love you you fucking delusional intelligent and wonderful douchebag barely literrate cavemen human being fuckwad dipshit dominator of the foodchain! Also nigger. I'm sorry I just miss dopa the only substitute for him pleasuring me anally is his voice and I am missing that now.
Listen I have no problem with feminism or social justice or people on the right or almost any political idea in and of itself. I just hold up free speech higher than almost anything, it unchains peoples and nations since the free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny. But moral judgements themselves can bring along a quality that is, well, not a quality but more of a bad thing. It's not necessarily evil but I simply abhor the idea that any speech can be bad in and of itself. The worst example is some social justice person going: "Eww, what a gross thing to say!" That really grinds my gears. And you know why? You want to fucking know why the fuck I think that way?

You fucking asshole dipshit straight vaginasucker asspounder rapist fag nigger kyke whitey cracker halapeño snickerdoodles I will tell you why. Because life is miserable and the world is miserable and I will be damned if I let my fucking hatred for this world be constrained because it is the only thing that brings me joy I tell you hwat. I want to fucking be able to say nigger and faggot. I want to deride every idea and be able to fuck any brain I see up the ass. Just let me freak god damnit.

There's a difference between censoring someone who spreads hate and disease in word form and trying to censor someone who is just fucking around and having potentially a good time because of it. If you do the one it's generally agreed with and the other well it's putting yourself above others, which in itself would be bad if you weren't putting yourself above the enjoyment of other people and that is NO BUENO GOD DAMNIT ARE YOU A MEXICAN OR A MEXICANT?!

I am only against those who are fighting fun. You're no fun any more when you need to bring everyone else down to your level of cynicism. We're all cynical you fucking bitches we're just trying to cope so stop fucking bitching. Literally everything knowledgable like science even, advises you to expend positive energy and not negative energy. Just hate yourself for improvement that's enough hate in your life. FUck you I love you you fucking delusional intelligent and wonderful douchebag barely literrate cavemen human being fuckwad dipshit dominator of the foodchain! Also nigger. I'm sorry I just miss dopa the only substitute for him pleasuring me anally is his voice and I am missing that now.

You misspelled Kike.
As much as I agree with him, I am pretty sure that he is not against feminism, the idea of it, or what it stands for.
Well I feel like political correctness and certain strands of feminism are closely related, although I will admit this thread is not the most approrpiate for it, but I posted for lack of a better one.
Well. Yeah, political correctness. Like I said, I absolutely agree with the core statement of it. No reason to stop critical thinking and comments, just out of fear it could "hurt" someone. That's silly.

However, I feel it is also likewhise used to hide uncessary stuff that was "ok" to say yesterday, but could get you sued today. Simply, because, it was always shitty to do it. But only now, have people realized how shitty it really is.

Like how I could never ever imagine any situation where those old racist cartoons would actually work as a form of valuable criticism. Even though, I am sure some people can find them humours.

The fact that it's a cartoon doesn't change the fact that it is racist as fuck. And that there is no room for it, as entertainment.

We can't and should never tell people what they should laugh about. However, it is pretty obvious, that societies and standards change. Not always for the better. But sometimes, you simply have to accept that certain stuff is, well, simply inappropriate.
I dunno, I feel like it's kind of regressive to pretend like it never happened and cut it out of footage. But then again there's no real value to keeping it other than preserving history. I find preserving history important, but not these images, so I really don't mind if it's removed.

Although this character was removed from fantasia and it made some of the shots on my bluray blurry and that's unacceptable!!1!

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In my experience, when someone complains about political correctness, chances are excellent that what they're really complaining about is the fact that they were being an asshole and got called out on it.
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In my experience, when someone complains about political correctness, the chances are excellent that what they're really complaining about is the fact that they were being an asshole and got called out on it.
The whole anti-SJW thing seems largely an effort by fuckwads to feel better about being fuckwads, since their idea of anyone who cares about social justice is typically a fantasy straw man.
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We were talking about social justice/racism/political correctness for a good deal of this thread, but now suddenly 3 pages of it is off topic. . because. . . ?
Because it was devolving into a long-winded discussion on and with racism, straying too far off-topic.
But the thread is called feminism. Most of the thread is off topic. Or is it? Where is the line? WE WANT RIGIDLY DEFINED AREAS OF DOUBT AND CERTAINTY.
There are none. Just like in feminism, everything is made up on the spot and doesn't matter five minutes later.