Feminism and why it's bad.

and people like Cathy Brennan who frankly need to die sooner rather than later before society as a whole can start to improve
Let's play Global Thermonuclear War!
I think global thermonuclear war (not the game) would solve most current issues in the world. Try worrying about woman's role in society when you have to survive in the radiated remains of our civilization (not to mention most of us would be dead already).

I think that's the charm Fallout has, all your current troubles are nothing in a setting such as that.
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All these issues make me wish I lived here.

I can't believe so many people in the comments section are bitching about it being crazy.

P.S. I apologize for the fact that anyone watching the video will be exposed to the stupidity that is Vice.
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This is still going. Insane. Test confirmed that admins either don't care or are totally absent. Hooray. ANARCHY!

But what's the problem? Why would they delete the thread when it's still active? You could say that it's gone seriously off-topic in some areas but why would that warrant deletion? It's not like the thread is hurting anyone, and people obviously want to post in it (I don't think anyone is pointing a gun at their head and forcing them).
Sander is a helpful, kind poster who will debate you with great wit and respecful, informed opinions. I'm sure there are people here who disagree with his opinions, I urge all those people to engage in a lively and respectful debate and talk about every single issue you can.

Meanwhile I'll be off to the store to purchase me some popcorn.

Don't misunderstand, it's unrelated. It's on sale.
Mostly I don't care, but to be honest I don't remember the last time I saw sexism IRL. I mean like someone in front of me behaving in a sexist way towards a woman. It's always about having it in movies and the internet and all that. So I suppose at least where I live things are pretty well.

And the last and only feminist I ever came across (or I suppose she was a feminist) was in collage years ago, while on the internal elections day, she was trying to convince me to vote for something as I was walking by (lot of people trying to convince you to vote for things at election periods) and I told her I already voted (which I had) and she yelled at me something related to the rights of women, or something along those lines, as I walked away. So I guess she either didn't believed me or she was really frustrated or something, either way not a nice way to get more votes...