Feminism and why it's bad.

I'd say there's both female privilege and male privilege. Just in different areas.

People get up in arms about racism and sexism, but when it comes down to it the biggest "Ism" causing issues in the modern first world, is classism. That one gets overlooked far more than it really should, considering in reality it's the most prevalent.

It does make me laugh when you see middle class white women talking about how "oppressed" they are, and how naturally advantaged and un-oppresible white men are, when within walking distance there are homeless white men, black men and women who are all being very much equally oppressed and shat on by society.

It's all a big distraction, this third wave feminism stuff. A trend amongst the youth to make themselves feel righteous and look good with minimal effort. It's like beanie babies, a fad that will eventually fade. It'll achieve as much real political and important social change as beanie babies too.
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La la ala lala lalal lala la la...

Every man should get in touch with his inner woman, and every woman should get in touch with their inner man.

Then they can choose afterwards to be dominant, submissive, or somewhere in between.

Most will choose their base gender.


The Dopamine Cleric Away!
Hmm? I don't know? When this discussion is about the Vaginae? For example.

Males talking about if feminism is bad or not feels like talking over someones head. Don't get me wrong, I am not giving my 5 cents on feminism here, because that would lead to nowhere.

But IF you want to SERIOUSLY have a discussion about it than I think it doesnt hurt to actually have different view points. As much as I respect the intellect of men, but ... when it comes to females, it would be nice to have female opinions. Just as ballance. They are humans too. Just as I wouldn't expect anything fruitfull to come out from females talking about male problems you know. I mean take NMA and do a gender swap, would you honestly expect that any topic about male issues would not end up in "No matter what, but we have to chop of their dicks! AND THEY DESERVE IT!". Just saying.

Tough before a female ventures in to this penis ridden place, we might as well expect Ahmadinejad to make peace with Israel or something.

As soon as an issue concerns one sex it concerns the other. So the issue of feminism isn't exclusively a female one.

I don't see anyone here calling for genital mutilation of any kind.

And there are no women on the internet.
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You, sir, have a natural talent for using phrases or words I don't understand. "Pecked out" as in "removed"? What from?
Hmm? I don't know? When this discussion is about the Vaginae? For example.

Males talking about if feminism is bad or not feels like talking over someones head. Don't get me wrong, I am not giving my 5 cents on feminism here, because that would lead to nowhere.

But IF you want to SERIOUSLY have a discussion about it than I think it doesnt hurt to actually have different view points. As much as I respect the intellect of men, but ... when it comes to females, it would be nice to have female opinions. Just as ballance. They are humans too. Just as I wouldn't expect anything fruitfull to come out from females talking about male problems you know. I mean take NMA and do a gender swap, would you honestly expect that any topic about male issues would not end up in "No matter what, but we have to chop of their dicks! AND THEY DESERVE IT!". Just saying.

Tough before a female ventures in to this penis ridden place, we might as well expect Ahmadinejad to make peace with Israel or something.

As soon as an issue concerns one sex it concerns the other. So the issue of feminism isn't exclusively a female one.

I don't see anyone here calling for genital mutilation of any kind.

And there are no women on the internet.

By Gregory Peck, com on, you know what I mean. Feminism as a group is not made by men nor does it consist mainly of men.

No one, not even the most die hard fem-lover and hater can denny that there are gender specific issues.

If you want a fair discussion than you can't get that without hearing both sides. That simple. You say it by your self, it concerns BOTH sexes, so BOTH sexes should be a part of the discussion. If it isn't? How can it be fair. Can you talk about what it feels like to be a female? Heck, I sure can't. I can only talk about this from a males perspective, my individual experience. And that's the point. Some perspective is missing. That simple. And I don't think that is really rocket science. let us be clear, there are also females that don't agree with feminism. So this isn't about if Feminism is good or bad. It is simply about a balanced discussion. And I don't think you will ever get there here because there are simply to many penises around.
Where does it say in the definition of feminism that a feminist is necessarily a woman?

Balanced discussions only exist in debate TV shows (and even then they are not necessarily all that balanced). A lot of other issues affect all of humanity are being discussed on NMA despite the membership not being "balanced". How can we discuss the war in Ukraine when we don't have a balanced number of pro-Kiev or pro-Donbass Ukrainians on the forum? How can we discuss the morality of hunting without having a balanced number of hunters, non-hunters and anti-hunters? How can we discuss any economic issue without there being a balanced number of members from every single human group on the planet present? Yet we do all of these things. I don't see why feminism should be any different.
Where does it say in the definition of feminism that a feminist is necessarily a woman?

Balanced discussions only exist in debate TV shows (and even then they are not necessarily all that balanced). A lot of other issues affect all of humanity are being discussed on NMA despite the membership not being "balanced". How can we discuss the war in Ukraine when we don't have a balanced number of pro-Kiev or pro-Donbass Ukrainians on the forum? How can we discuss the morality of hunting without having a balanced number of hunters, non-hunters and anti-hunters? How can we discuss any economic issue without there being a balanced number of members from every single human group on the planet present? Yet we do all of these things. I don't see why feminism should be any different.

Hear, hear. I discuss politics a lot yet I don't have any political experience. Hell maybe everything we know that's happening in the Ukraine is a lie because no one lives there that we know?
Yeah, and even with the Ukraine or any other political topic it really does not hurt to listen to the arguments of THE OTHER SIDE. If only to get a complete picture. You know? Really. THis is not rocket science. Com on guys. Don't be more obtuse than usual.

Where does it say in the definition of feminism that a feminist is necessarily a woman?

Answer these 3 questions.

1. Who started the movement.

2. What are the biggest groups in the movement.

3. What is the history of the movement.

Most of the answer will be. Females.

I never said you can't discuss it. But looking at most of the answers here it is pretty evident what the main problem of this community is as far as feminism goes.

To many penises.

Penises talking about Vagina-Problems will get you the same results like Vaginas talking about Penis-Problems.
I got my reasons. Mainly to consider that most modern day feminists want superiority rather than equality and tend to blame everything on men these days and abandon self responsibility for their actions. And then there are the idiots who pretty much hate themselves and their sex and want to be pussy whipped morons who advocate for the hate of other men. That and they make such myths like the pay gap which has been proven to not exist. This is not to say I'm against equality because I'm all for it. But I don't like feminisms idea of equality because it isn't equality. If anything I think they just need to die off because enough has been done since the 1980's
Feminism would be okay if there were no Marxists involved and it took on Nietzschean MASTER MORALITY as its basis of ideology instead. Nobody in my political clique is actually opposed to the idea that women are capable of being patricians.
Feminism would be okay if there were no Marxists involved and it took on Nietzschean MASTER MORALITY as its basis of ideology instead. Nobody in my political clique is actually opposed to the idea that women are capable of being patricians.


Oh schools of thought, how you think you're all so special.
Maybe it would be much easier if the people criticizing feminism here actually explained about what kind of feminism they are talking about.
Maybe it would be much easier if the people criticizing feminism here actually explained about what kind of feminism they are talking about.

Whaddayamean, "kind of feminism"? The one that involves women!