Feminism and why it's bad.

It can't be just me, but do most of those anthems from Muslim states sound like a song from a Disney movie?

Who would you say was the strong female of Max 1? Or Max 2? Or do you mean that Tina Turners performance was so strong that it punched it's way back in to the Max franchise? - Honestly I would not mind to see a Sequel about her character!

Mad Max 1... Uh, the old lady with the shotgun? The Road Warrior had the Warrior Woman, and Humungus' marauders were rather androgynous for the most part.

Ah, Mad Max 2 ... maaaybeee ...even though I would say that was not the most important point of her role. But max 1? Com on ... an old hag with a shotgun beeing the choice to represent strong woman? What if it was an two year old girl with a shotgun just sitting on the street? It just happend that she was there ... and that's it. I could be wrong, but I doubt that she was there just to show that a woman can use a gun too. I think a character be it male or female should do a bit more than just shooting a gun at the badies.
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It can't be just me, but do most of those anthems from Muslim states sound like a song from a Disney movie?

Who would you say was the strong female of Max 1? Or Max 2? Or do you mean that Tina Turners performance was so strong that it punched it's way back in to the Max franchise? - Honestly I would not mind to see a Sequel about her character!

Mad Max 1... Uh, the old lady with the shotgun? The Road Warrior had the Warrior Woman, and Humungus' marauders were rather androgynous for the most part.

Ah, Mad Max 2 ... maaaybeee ...even though I would say that was not the most important point of her role. But max 1? Com on ... an old hag with a shotgun beeing the choice to represent strong woman? What if it was an two year old girl with a shotgun just sitting on the street? It just happend that she was there ... and that's it. I could be wrong, but I doubt that she was there just to show that a woman can use a gun too. I think a character be it male or female should do a bit more than just shooting a gun at the badies.

Well, the point is, now that idiots complain about Fury Road having a proper female lead who even is more important and badass than Max, to say that strong women were always important in the series, because I dunno, apparently it's important to note that Mad Max has always been super progressive. Well, it has, actually, with men getting raped almost as often as women, and depicting the gangs and marauders as degenerate, androgynous scum that forgot what it meant to be human, just like Tumblrites today.
Wasn't the primary criticism of the Mad Max video game was that it's mostly a bland, generic open-world collect-a-thon that provides little reason to complete its various activities beyond "there's a map marker, and I've got to complete the checklist"? You know, the Ubisoft school of game design.

The thing about female characters was more of an aside, from everything I've read. The movie Fury Road did well as concerns representation, and the video game was just like almost every other video game in that regard.
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Wasn't the primary criticism of the Mad Max video game was that it's mostly a bland, generic open-world collect-a-thon that provides little reason to complete its various activities than "there's a map marker, and I've got to complete the checklist"? You know, the Ubisoft school of game design.

This. My god the game is bland, and boring.

As far as female depictions in this or any other movie/game or anything else, can't say they offend/bother me, I just don't pay attention to it.
Well, the point is, now that idiots complain about Fury Road having a proper female lead who even is more important and badass than Max, to say that strong women were always important in the series, because I dunno, apparently it's important to note that Mad Max has always been super progressive. Well, it has, actually, with men getting raped almost as often as women, and depicting the gangs and marauders as degenerate, androgynous scum that forgot what it meant to be human, just like Tumblrites today.

Fair enough, however I would say the first time where the Mad Max franchise actually really bothered with a female character that has actually some ROLE in the movie was with Beyond Thunderdome. And Tina Turner was if you ask me a really good choice. And not a typical villain either. Just one of many survivors with believable motivation. Something I am missing in many movies and a lot of games actually.

Yes. It took me a while to make this happen but I did it!

I was laughing my ass off and close to passing out from laughter.

My room mate while watching it? He shrugs and walks away. :ugly:
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Mad Max is a game that, in terms of design, visual narrative, exploration and driving is exceptional (I speak of such relative to the Mad Max canon). The only thing I took issue with in regards to using the Magnum Opus was a lack of mirrors, a weird preset system, and Chumbucket having sniping abilities from beyond this Earthly dimension. Oh, and a rather questionable gravity mechanic. It's just incredibly bland on the melee combat and base-clearing front. Plus Max is inconsistent and there's a canonical question mark over how much of an asshole he is to Chumbucket. I wrote a review of it a while back. It's a bit shit and has poor grammar, but it's my shit.

Concerning women in the game, I found that Pinkeye was - though overly optimistic - strong, unyielding, and with a decent amount of planning. I rate her folks going out on the boat as having higher
a chance than the deluded folks in that boat.
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Mad Max would be the best game ever made IMO if the on-ground aspect was a FPS brawler like Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay.
I've heard good things about that, but have never gotten around to actually playing it. I favour Condemned where melee combat is concerned. But I value exponential disorientation and decay in strength, speed etc according to how many hits the player character takes; all of which is considered pure unmitigated evil to the gaming industry, so...
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We can still try to bring it back on course. But it seems as if the majority of people think that derailing even vaguely political threads is a great virtue.

But why not try?

Being a woman in western civilization is far easier than being a man, and has been so for quite a while.
We can still try to bring it back on course. But it seems as if the majority of people think that derailing even vaguely political threads is a great virtue.

But why not try?

Being a woman in western civilization is far easier than being a man, and has been so for quite a while.

Hey, someone who find this a serious topic!

Agreed, however my main gripe is how feminists pick and choose which topics they want equality and others not. For example they're all for equal wages but any mention of equal punishments (in theory there are equal punishments... but do I have to give examples where they don't apply?) and they're all for women getting it easier.
There are simply to many penises here to have a serious discussion.

Since when does a serious discussion require vaginae?

And who is Sander? Or do you mean the tool used for smoothing surfaces?

Hmm? I don't know? When this discussion is about the Vaginae? For example.

Males talking about if feminism is bad or not feels like talking over someones head. Don't get me wrong, I am not giving my 5 cents on feminism here, because that would lead to nowhere.

But IF you want to SERIOUSLY have a discussion about it than I think it doesnt hurt to actually have different view points. As much as I respect the intellect of men, but ... when it comes to females, it would be nice to have female opinions. Just as ballance. They are humans too. Just as I wouldn't expect anything fruitfull to come out from females talking about male problems you know. I mean take NMA and do a gender swap, would you honestly expect that any topic about male issues would not end up in "No matter what, but we have to chop of their dicks! AND THEY DESERVE IT!". Just saying.

Tough before a female ventures in to this penis ridden place, we might as well expect Ahmadinejad to make peace with Israel or something.
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