FILES: Sprites ressources

When I use Sprite Creator, just got a limit Width*Height=475*692, other testing~
Width=5000,Height limit 74,
Width=8000,Height limit 46,
Width=30000,Height limit 12,
Seems Height is limit to 692, then the Width under 475.
Width can not high then 30000 in photoshop~
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Thank you for the information its extremely useful to me, I will see what I can do to make the limits larger.
Good work man :clap:

Also I will use this information on a Sprite FAQ.
Just a little test ~ Is not very stable ~ Some times I put 4 into a sprite good but when the 5 put in Sprite Creator, it crashes~ I had not find the the exact limit yet~
test biggest
No luck with finding the Max values to a sprite by HeX editing, lol I can change buttons, colors, names and other values but can't find what I'm looking for.

Also the Ship sprite spins really fast a lot to fast, your going to make the crew vomit!!
I believe it is not easy to do~
The ship is just for a test~If need I can make it slow down~
Interesting, I have not looked at this for a while.
Increasing the sprite size? Your mad! Lol! I like the idea yet don't you think the sprite size is for a reason?

Don't quote me on this but I have experienced problems when increasing the size of tiles and how it effects the game. I mean, Fallout Tactics has a very small viewing window for loading visuals in game, and when you exeed the maximum I have found objects to disappear when scrolling off-screen. It is as though the viewing window itself is pretty much your area of loading graphics and objects that are attempting to show while centered way off screen simply cease to exist. Like I say, I'm not sure. But this may be a logical explanation for large objects disappearing when off screen.
Not trying to burst your bubble, it may be possible, but so could a moving tileset?

Nice sprites by the way diablo, today my task is to HARVEST THEM ALL!!! MUWAHAHAHA!!!!
I see the bigger sprite size will slow computer, but today our pc not solw like 10 years ago, bigger boss take more exciting.
And if possible, I realy hope character screen can support bigger portraits like Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale.
And I think this will increase the fun of the game.
Just an idea, If someone can make it~
And if possible, I realy hope character screen can support bigger portraits like Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale.
And I think this will increase the fun of the game.
Just an idea, If someone can make it~

Yeah a good plan, if we could completely change the GUI and add bigger portraits, disable the green lines, etc... I would definitely be interested. But where would we start? Is it all hex coded?

Your sprites are amazing and I hope you can build more, I guess it is possible for you to make vehicles too?
Can I research some animated sprites for you to take a look at?
Vehicles are easy than character, need less pic and sequences~
A sprite must have pic and the pic's positions, and the sequences decide when and how to use this pic.
All kind sprites need sequence Default~ Misc most only need sequence Default.
Items Misc Vehicles Turrets Characters needs their corresponding sequences.
I had upload the fist sprite, is hard to upload~
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Yeah I've figured out the sequence image thing years ago, kindof scares me knowing how much work goes into one sprite. Never attempted it, but maybe someday.
Would you be happy to have a go at some vehicles then?
I've been meaning to ask this;

How does a floating vehicle act in game? can it float over objects or is there still a collision underneath?