Finally someone that saw FO3 up close and personal.

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The French gaming mag Joystick got up close and personal with Fallout 3...and can't talk about it, damn. Here's what a French gaming reporter that saw a room filled with Fallout 3 art on Bethesda headquarters had to say:<blockquote> J'ai vu un mur d'artwork, devant le mec qui bossait dessus.

J'ai vu... de belles choses.

Par contre j'ai vu ce que donnait oblivion aussi et j'espere que Bethesda saura developper un Fallout sans faire n'importe quoi.</blockquote>Here's a rough translation:<blockquote>I saw a wall of artwork, in front of the dude that was working on it [a wall with game art all over it].

I saw... pretty [or beautifull] things.

On the other side, I saw what Oblivion was too, and I hope Bethesda will know how to make a Fallout game without botching the job [literally, "without doing it carelessly"]</blockquote>Oh well, thanks for help with the translation Wooz.
A French reporter saw some posters and refuses to elaborate?

Sorry Kharn. But that is the worst example news I’ve seen here in a long time, but I guess it is also the closest thing to F3 news since the last poster and the poster before that.
A French reporter for a game mag has the balls to think Fallout 3 should be made much better than Oblivion was?

God save the French!

The Vault Dweller
Jabbapop said:
dude, wasn't this not news like, 3 months ago?

This time i talked to him, we had already quoted the mag a couple of months ago, now he added the post-Oblivion doubts...

Still just the thought that we finally found someone that got a glimpse of the work beeing is a matter of celebration, except for a couple of hints in places that don't have a thing to do with Beth or Fallout and are hard to confirm, they are keeping things really tight and hidden from us, congrats to them, and we might aswell enjoy the peace and quietness.

For now.
Jesus Christ said:
A French reporter saw some posters and refuses to elaborate?

Sorry Kharn. But that is the worst example news I’ve seen here in a long time, but I guess it is also the closest thing to F3 news since the last poster and the poster before that.

I hate you guys!

*runs off crying*
Just here to say that yes, that article is a little bit old. But the traduction is nice, it's more or less what the writer says. Actually, Joystick is still considered in France as a serious mag made by good journalists (but the quality is decreasing since few years) so the feeling of the journalist about the artworks he saw is a good omen.
SuAside said:
the artwork on obli was good too, bewaltz. doesnt mean much, does it? ^^

hey!! the french journalist never says that the artworks were the reason to think the game good!
neither Bewaltz!

the journalist just saw beautiful artworks, nothing more
and Oblivion isn't really a good example, do you really think oblivion bad??

au fait coucou Bewaltz ^^
putain, une invasion de français...

atomicJo said:
hey!! the french journalist never says that the artworks were the reason to think the game good!
neither Bewaltz!

Bewaltz calls it an omen, nuf said.

but ok, it's still better than bad artwork

atomicJo said:
do you really think oblivion bad??


look up The Empty Scrolls: Oblivious threads on the forum to find out why...
Par contre j'ai vu ce que donnait oblivion aussi et j'espere que Bethesda saura developper un Fallout sans faire n'importe quoi.

Actualy the literal translation is "on the other side, I saw what Oblivion was too, and I hope Bethesda will know how to make a Fallout game doing no matter what".

The message is a little different and much more to the real point.

I think "doing no matter what" would be going against what the publisher hive mind wants their sluts to do. And the publisher owns Fallout 3 devs asses and pays their salaries.

A couple of questions will hopefully make everyone see the real point.

Will F3 be team turnbase or just turnbase? No.

Will F3 use the SPECIAL character system? Probably but what's the point if the game isn't turn-base.

Will F3 support role-playing trough dialog? It will support storytelling trough dialog and have a compass to tell the player every step of what he needs to do to finish a quest. That is, no ambiguous info you have to use your brains to interpret and lucky shot dialog answers.

Will quests have several possible solutions? Probably but with no consequences that force you to roleplay the game with another character to experience them properly.

Will you be able to finish the game and do every single quest with just one character? Of course you will and has a consequence F3 will be a joke. But we don't want those noobes crying on the forums because they can't finish the game with just one character.

Will Fallout 3 be replayable with different characters and offer new playing material and life experiences? Of course not. We don't wan't players to spend too much time playing the same game. Let's just allow the player to customize it's cloths and faces or add a useless race tag and do an action-adventure game.

Edit: Forgot the signature
elander_ said:
Par contre j'ai vu ce que donnait oblivion aussi et j'espere que Bethesda saura developper un Fallout sans faire n'importe quoi.
Actualy the literal translation is "on the other side, I saw what Oblivion was too, and I hope Bethesda will know how to make a Fallout game doing no matter what".
euhm, no.

either your french or english is rusty, because thats not it...

"faire n'importe quoi" = "doing whatever" literally. doesnt have a thing to do with "no matter what", which has a whole different meaning altogether (it's more like "à tout prix").

in this context it's meant that he hopes they'll stay true to the legacy of FO. if you rephrase that, he hopes they dont fuck it up...