The French gaming mag Joystick got up close and personal with Fallout 3...and can't talk about it, damn. Here's what a French gaming reporter that saw a room filled with Fallout 3 art on Bethesda headquarters had to say:<blockquote> J'ai vu un mur d'artwork, devant le mec qui bossait dessus.
J'ai vu... de belles choses.
Par contre j'ai vu ce que donnait oblivion aussi et j'espere que Bethesda saura developper un Fallout sans faire n'importe quoi.</blockquote>Here's a rough translation:<blockquote>I saw a wall of artwork, in front of the dude that was working on it [a wall with game art all over it].
I saw... pretty [or beautifull] things.
On the other side, I saw what Oblivion was too, and I hope Bethesda will know how to make a Fallout game without botching the job [literally, "without doing it carelessly"]</blockquote>Oh well, thanks for help with the translation Wooz.
J'ai vu... de belles choses.
Par contre j'ai vu ce que donnait oblivion aussi et j'espere que Bethesda saura developper un Fallout sans faire n'importe quoi.</blockquote>Here's a rough translation:<blockquote>I saw a wall of artwork, in front of the dude that was working on it [a wall with game art all over it].
I saw... pretty [or beautifull] things.
On the other side, I saw what Oblivion was too, and I hope Bethesda will know how to make a Fallout game without botching the job [literally, "without doing it carelessly"]</blockquote>Oh well, thanks for help with the translation Wooz.