Fine, I'll post it: ZeniMax buys id Software

Zenimax wont have any decisive power over Id tech V, Rage and everything relalted to it. Also, the SDK for id tech V should be released along with the game. They announced it some time ago. Id and Carmack know exactly what keeps the game and community alive. Mods are free promotion for the game, company and engine.
This is very sad news for gaming indeed.

I wonder how much this will change id's policy to release their engines as open-source.
Quake 2 might be the latest game I've bought developed by them. Jedi Academy is the latest which use their engine. The demo of Doom 3 sucked. So on that part it's not a loss for me.

On nostalgic factors this is a end of an era. It's sickening some leech company full of uncreative circle jerking console twitchers can profit from a developer which created games out of love, defined mods and made solid games which will stand the test of time.
Games are now made to sell good, not be good(gameplay wise). I guess we're left with indie games.

Didnt see this one coming, though honestly, i havent really been paying attention either as far as it comes to this sort of stuff.
MapMan said:
Zenimax wont have any decisive power over Id tech V, Rage and everything relalted to it.

What? Of course they will, they own the company. They can't change existing publishing rights and probably don't see any benefit in messing around with existing processes, but how would they lack the power to do so?
I'm sad to say, coyote_sprit, that this could well be the end of id software as a pro-open source company. I remember id software pledged that they would always make their games and software open source after a certain period of time - Now that Zenimax, a company that is fiercely pro-copyright, owns id, I think this signifies the end of that era.

Also, from id software about id tech 5:

d Tech 5 is not a shooter-only technology. The engine will also work outside the shooter genre; Steve Nix from id Software said that "Not only do we think people can make games outside the action-shooter space with our technology, we encourage it. We'd actually like to see those games made."

Also Carmack commented recently on id possibly helping out Bethesda:

"The teams are very much separate," Carmack said. "There is a lot of mutual respect there. There's going to be a lot of communication and cross-pollination. I doubt there's going to be any technology shifts between the two companies, but there's certainly going to be cooperation. And I wouldn't be shocked to see some hints of different things crossing over in different ways. That's just the kind of stuff when you have lots of people who think everybody is working on cool stuff together."
Meh said:
On nostalgic factors this is a end of an era. It's sickening some leech company full of uncreative circle jerking console twitchers can profit from a developer which created games out of love, defined mods and made solid games which will stand the test of time.
Is it better to have Activision or EA "leech" off of them? Bethesda Softworks has a mixed track record as a publisher, but if they take care of Id like they take care of BGS, then Id will be better off with them. Bethesda really did a helluva job in selling FO3 and Oblivion.

Yazman said:
I'm sad to say, coyote_sprit, that this could well be the end of id software as a pro-open source company.
I don't think that is a safe bet. Bethesda has been using licensed tech in their recent games, so they have to be protective of the source code, from what I understand, because some of it technically doesn't belong to them. Id tends to make their own stuff.

So, what will happen to Splash Damage?
Perhaps if Doom hadn't already turned to shit I'd give a damn. It might as well "cross-pollinate" retarded features from TES if it'll keep going down the "survival-horror is hip now, let's turn it into a pitch-black spawn-enemies-behind-you-fest with duct-tapeless flashlight". One can only wonder what could that possibly mean, though; wiki-dialogue in Doom? Near-meaningless stats for our marine to gain by constantly strafe-jumping? Quest compass pointing to the next keycard?

ZombieSupaStar said:
John Romero is not pleased

No worries, he already backpedalled there. Guess Pete must have made him his bitch.
I was just thinking that if id Software was bought with Zenimax stock then this could turn out to be a good thing because now JC and others will have a say in the corporate structure of things. Shit just won't be rolled out the door. If it was bought with cash however, well let's just hope this still turns out to be a good thing.

Yazman said:
I don't think that is a safe bet. Bethesda has been using licensed tech in their recent games, so they have to be protective of the source code, from what I understand, because some of it technically doesn't belong to them. Id tends to make their own stuff.

So, what will happen to Splash Damage?

Gamebryo is the engine that Bethesda has been licensing for the past 8+ years. It was good at the time it was first released and okay(as in a little rusty but not completely outdated) when they released the second version of it but now it is starting show it's age(has been for a while actually). It's a resource hog and costs quite a lot for every title released I'd assume(they don't disclose the cost on their site(I've heard it's in the 150k range for a license including the source though)). id Software on the other hand has a family of engines going back to Quake and is now at id Tech 5. So not only does Bethesda have a free to use engine for unlimited games and dlc(which knowing them they will probably surpass) but Zenimax stands to make a killing from licensing it.
well it was what I expected from a shooter frankly. So yeah I think was really good.

I hope though that ID will not change anything cause of Bethesda they really dont have a lucky hand when it comes to the work of "others" to speak so (see Star Trek for example ... or now Fallout).

The best thing for Bethesda would be to let them work somewhat independ at their supervision.

How do they say in sport, never ever change a wining team