This ghoul has seen it all

Jim Sterling is a buzzword spewing jack off who acts like he is some transgressive counter stablishment gonzo journalist. It's like Hannity pretending to be Hunter S Thompson.
So I'm reading through this fine piece of writing by Jim Fucking Sterling-San
And here's a quote of what I think speaks volumes about the way he looks at games:
"The phrase “dumbed down” is coming up a lot in these. Some of us prefer the term “streamlined” but, y’know, different strokes!"
Yeah it doesn't fucking matter what term you prefer Jimmy-o, dumbed down and streamlined are two completely different things and trying to negate any criticism of a game being dumbed down by saying it was "streamlined" just goes to show you don't have any arguments to counter the criticism with.
Played a bit more, and after one quest (which I mostly spent hiding behind him and his immensely tough Power Armored behind while he gunned down hordes of robots) the BoS Paladin I mentionned ealier gives me his unique laser rifle and offers that I join the BoS. I am level 9 and my best weapon is a hunting rifle. Jeez, recruitment standards have fallen that low already?
I also already possess 3 suits of Power Armor myself, one off the very first quest, one just found in the wilds close to a fusion core, and a third looted off a Raider that died way too easily and also had a Fat Man, because why the hell not.
And I'm already the uncontested General of the Minutemen. Which I am promptly going to ignore because the job that comes with the title apparently means building freaking beds for everyone and their mother in the Wasteland, and fuck that noise.
I'm not sure if whoever designed this game knows the meaning of the words ''pacing'' and ''progression''.
Played a bit more, and after one quest (which I mostly spent hiding behind him and his immensely tough Power Armored behind while he gunned down hordes of robots) the BoS Paladin I mentionned ealier gives me his unique laser rifle and offers that I join the BoS. I am level 9 and my best weapon is a hunting rifle. Jeez, recruitment standards have fallen that low already?
I also already possess 3 suits of Power Armor myself, one off the very first quest, one just found in the wilds close to a fusion core, and a third looted off a Raider that died way too easily and also had a Fat Man, because why the hell not.
And I'm already the uncontested General of the Minutemen. Which I am promptly going to ignore because the job that comes with the title apparently means building freaking beds for everyone and their mother in the Wasteland, and fuck that noise.
I'm not sure if whoever designed this game knows the meaning of the words ''pacing'' and ''progression''.
Are you playing on Easy? That particular Raider which I'm guessing is the same that I fought, took forever to defeat. Before I knew he was there I got nuked. Reloaded and tried sneaking, destroyed me. Third time used Codsworth to distract the 6 or so raiders and it took half of my ammo to down the big guy.
Also the pacing is up to the player, and the first power armor is just a straight up tutorial for it basically.
AngryDweller is angry (obviously) about the game’s lack of emotions. Bethesda needs David Cage on board, stat!
I've read that the difficulty on the game is really over the top? Like Rad Away is priced too high and too scarce etc. Any fallout veterans finding the game is too hard even on normal?
I've read that the difficulty on the game is really over the top? Like Rad Away is priced too high and too scarce etc. Any fallout veterans finding the game is too hard even on normal?
Maybe you are just bad at the bad game![]()
I must be ranging way too far then. I'm constantly low on stims, radaway, and ammo. Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough. I kind of like that though, being low on supplies. It makes every encounter a bit more interesting. The only thing I have an abundance of is fusion cores...