First Impression of Fallout 4

Wow! Who complains about having a lot of action at the beginning of the game!?

If "action" isn't what you're playing the game for, it's a reasonable complaint in case there exist other reasons to play the game other than "action." Like, it's not really a reasonable criticism to level at say Call of Duty or Street Fighter, but Fallout 4 is (or at least ought to be) a roleplaying game, and for a lot of people who like RPGs (myself included), the combat is just the thing you have to put up with in order to get to the good parts so "too much action" is totally a reasonable complaint.
Clearly Fallout is a Action/RPG now.
I also find the interface to be quite annoying. Going back in submenues using the tab-key is fine, but i.e. exiting from the crafting bench also requires confirmation using the Enter key, meaning I have to move one of my hands. That's just annoying, why not allow the e-key to confirm exit?
Not to mention the dialogue wheel. You either have to click on the response or use the arrow keys. Of course, using WASD couldn't work because you need to be able to walk away at any time...
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I have no idea why people keep saying this game is hard to role play in. My crazed ex military control freak is doing just fine; building settlements full of paranoid traps and defenses, suffering from savior complex and constantly low on caps because of it, and secretly lusting after a ghoul.
Larping is not the same as roleplaying. For your character you basically have to ignore hisvoice and his scripted reactions to things. The game doesn't support any real Role Playthrough mechanics or writting.
Jesus Christ this game is baffling in its stupidity. I just got to some police station that was overrun by ghouls. I never saw these people in my life yet when I tried to start a conversation my character chose to say the NPCs name to get his attention.

I have only found challenge when going into places that are too high level for me. And is just challenging because enemies are mostly bullet Sponges. I had to punch a Ghoul with no armor 8 times to down it, while I can kill a Super Mutant with 2 punches in other places. The way they implemented "difficulty" here is pretty transparent.
Although i havn't played the game myself, i've watched some Streams. The story (FO4), specially the beginning seems to be very similiar to ID's RAGE, with lots of stuff borrowed from Borderlands, some missions ideas from GTA 5 (Deathclaw mission as an example), and the Power Armor (exit and entering it) stolen from the Iron Man movies. Any NMA veteran here willing to write a review?
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I have only found challenge when going into places that are too high level for me. And is just challenging because enemies are mostly bullet Sponges. I had to punch a Ghoul with no armor 8 times to down it, while I can kill a Super Mutant with 2 punches in other places. The way they implemented "difficulty" here is pretty transparent.

It seems that the power armor, or at least some of the spawns are tied to your level as well, looking at the X-01 Power armor and it's location, a lot of people report that they only found a T-45, T-51 or T-60 when they enter the location of the X-01 witha to low level.
I have given up. Put the difficulty to Very Easy and am now just rushing through this ridiculously bad game. This is without a doubt one of the worst games I've ever played and that's no exaggeration.

Almost EVERTHING is bad. There's no fun at all. The combat is tedious. Yes shooting is improved but everything just jumps you. Some of the first raiders in the game throw molotov cocktails at you which is basically an instakill. Playing on Surival makes everything into a bulletsponge.

The dialogues are completely stupid and make no sense. People don't introduce themselves, you magically know them, because maybe another character is supposed to introduce them. It doesn't matter if you hear the name you just know it all of a sudden. There are no choices. You can either say YES in 3 different ways or NO and leave. Then the game will wait until you say YES.

The fact that it's voiced makes it even worse because it effectively ruins any role playing you might have had intended. I want to be a moronic brute who couldn't care less about any living being yet I have to look for my infant son and love my dog (who chooses to sit on his lap whining after he takes some hits. Then I have to option to heal him with a stimpack but why the fuck would I do that when I can just wait 10 seconds and he's happily jumping around again?).

Quests? Can't say because I haven't gotten anything yet. Only quest I got was go there kill the raiders. But that's out of the question because I only have like 200 bullets and there's about 30+ enemies. There's no indication where to go so you just stumble on through the wasteland but you'll come across some tough eniemies right from the bat.

The perk system is laughable. Of course it gives you some kind of indiviuality but in the end it doesn't matter. And even the oh so praised crafting system turns into hoard everything to get adhesive (because you know when you want to harden that metal armor you need some glue...).

You can't kill people that annoy which in Fallout 4 is EVERYONE. I came across two totally random characters (a woman and her Jet Junkie son) and they were killable. But the first big town and people SIT ON THE GROUND after you hit them. But of course everyone is hostile then and kills you.

There's no way I'll be able to finish this in a normal or get through the game in a serious manner.

So here are some pictures of my adventures with Bubba the bringer of pain and witty one liners.







I've played through the complete Fallout 3. Not the add-ons but the main game. I was frustrated like everyone else about what they did to our Fallout but damn I took it for what it was, and I even enjoyed it to a degree. But there's absolutely nothing redeeming about Fallout 4.

I am not even mad but rather shocked at how incompetent and uncaring Bethesda really is.
Wait, so who is this standing in front of Bubba... the one that looks like a lot lizard down at the local truck stop?

Is that supposed to be the lawyer wife?

I'll start with what I liked:
The new combat. The way enemies attack you, everyone one of them have a special way of interacting with you. Now human enemies actually take cover. Mole Rats attack in pack, radroaches climb walls. Boatflies are still retarded. VATS is way less OP. Dogmeat is really helpful, can grab enemies and pin them down. Bethesda finally solved the "what they eat?" problem, the first location I found after the tutorial was a farm. The craft system is definatevly a huge step foward from NV(which was way clunky and intimidating), pretty much every item in the game has some kind of use, unlike the last two games. The only good part about the new dialogue it's that is more...fluid? like you can have two persons talking at the same time with you, they react with unique animations and so on.

What I disliked:
The story, the characters, the dialogue, the quests. Since the very beggining the game tells me how I should feel and how my character must react. You can be the meanest sonafabitch of the wastes and you still find a holotape of your wife telling you how goodhearted you are. There's only three personalities to choose in the game, a la Mass Effect: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Which by the way, are just three ways of saying the same thing. If you try to choose the "wrong" option, the game says "why would you want to choose this? what you did is very bad, correctyour option now!". The quest are way more scripted and linear now, too. You got to figth your way trough the bad guys or...figth your way trough the bad guys. I'm mixed about the new perk system. Some ideas of it are good, but the implementaion is blergh, you can pretty much choose every perk, there's no especialization.


Conclusion: seems like a fun game, but with no depth at all. I bet i'll 30 or so hours of it and then get bored af. It may seem like a lot of hours for a common game, but for someone who has about 500 hours in New Vegas, it really isn't.
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Haha yes, that is his beautiful spouse.
What a beautiful family.

The kid is stupid alright, but at least he's not an arrogant, hateful asshole. That's something.
Yes, because judging me based on a single post that I made makes you any better, you egotisical cunt. Labeling him as a stupid fuck is justifiable because not only was he being a fucking moron, but he was also being "an arrogant, hateful asshole". Does
people who say NV is better are fucking idiots...
not ring a bell to you?
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So I'm reading through this fine piece of writing by Jim Fucking Sterling-San:
And here's a quote of what I think speaks volumes about the way he looks at games:
"The phrase “dumbed down” is coming up a lot in these. Some of us prefer the term “streamlined” but, y’know, different strokes!"

Yeah it doesn't fucking matter what term you prefer Jimmy-o, dumbed down and streamlined are two completely different things and trying to negate any criticism of a game being dumbed down by saying it was "streamlined" just goes to show you don't have any arguments to counter the criticism with.