First time out of the vault

-Stimpacks aside- (or even with the stimpacks), radiation in Fallout 1/2 is just sortof...there. Aside from the Glow, its /never/ an issue in fallout 1, and I can't remember a single time I ever had too much radiation in Fallout 2 at all, ever.
But not only is radiation an important factor in Fallout 3, but you actually need to /scavenge for food and water/ - Mad Max style, picking through the remains of burnt-out buildings. And there /are/ burnt out buildings...not just a few settlements with people in them (or other plot-areas) - but honest exploration.
While your in Vault 101, you are relatively safe and secure. Healing comes via drinking pure, free water from fountains. But when you leave 101, and your health runs down, and those stimpacks run out...what do you do? You have to ponder eating roach meat, or drinking radioactive toilet water. You can actually walk down burnt-out streets (not just fast-travel, or use some overhead map - though that is availiable too) - to your next destination.
Fallout 3 has a lot of little touches that Fallout 2, and even Fallout 1, lacked. I mean, there was food in those games as well, wasn't important. Fallout 3 makes significant improvements over the earlier fallout games. Is it perfect? No, of course not. But no game is.
But not only is radiation an important factor in Fallout 3, but you actually need to /scavenge for food and water/ - Mad Max style, picking through the remains of burnt-out buildings. And there /are/ burnt out buildings...not just a few settlements with people in them (or other plot-areas) - but honest exploration.
While your in Vault 101, you are relatively safe and secure. Healing comes via drinking pure, free water from fountains. But when you leave 101, and your health runs down, and those stimpacks run out...what do you do? You have to ponder eating roach meat, or drinking radioactive toilet water. You can actually walk down burnt-out streets (not just fast-travel, or use some overhead map - though that is availiable too) - to your next destination.
Fallout 3 has a lot of little touches that Fallout 2, and even Fallout 1, lacked. I mean, there was food in those games as well, wasn't important. Fallout 3 makes significant improvements over the earlier fallout games. Is it perfect? No, of course not. But no game is.