Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

OK, I got this running with Win98SE with Directx9 installed, but on the main menu I see only the change from Fallout II 1.00 to 1.02 not the extra Rpu string. And the rock doesn't show up confirming the install. I just barely recently got this started and maybe I need to tweak something? Using DDraw 7. I also get the screen adjustment menu on main menu...Sorry just realized Im speaking about RPU in sfall forum, but maybe somebody could help.
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OK, I got this running with Win98SE with Directx9 installed, but on the main menu I see only the change from Fallout II 1.00 to 1.02 not the extra Rpu string. And the rock doesn't show up confirming the install. I just barely recently got this started and maybe I need to tweak something? Using DDraw 7. I also get the screen adjustment menu on main menu...Sorry just realized Im speaking about RPU in sfall forum, but maybe somebody could help.
What hardware are you running this on? Some emulator? Or a real PC?
Yes, its an emulator. Dosbox-Pure running Windows98SE with Dx9. I see now that only XP and later is compatable. Rats!
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If you're aiming at Pentium MMX, at least you need to replace those CMOVcc instructions in sfall, as they are only available starting from Pentium Pro/II.
But even with them replaced, you might still be caught off guard by VS codegen.
Yeah, I had the CMOVs and MMX replaced and I could get it working on pentium i586 on PCem/86box, but dosbox was still not working. I think it's mostly a HW emulation problem. Not necessarily CPU. Sfall4.x in terms of HW requirements is almost an XP-tier application and dosbox was designed for humble 80486 games :). But I would have to consult the HW emulation with the dosbox guy, hence my laziness.
Just to be clear I have vanilla Fallout 2 running full speed using Dosbox-Pure with RetroArch on my iPhone 8 Plus using Vulkan. I typically use Auto (not a specific cpu model) and never see slowdown. I’ll try some of these other options above. Thnx for reply. I realize this is niche, but with mobile getting more powerful maybe it’s getting less niche. I’m only able to find December Dx9 not October. http://falconfly.3dfx.pl/directx.htm
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December 2006 is good too.

Vanilla FO2 is not very heavy, I played it on pentium 120Mhz, sfall with all the RPU scripts is heavier. If I were you, I'd look into https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.af.fo2ve

Author claims compatibility with ettu/sfall/rp etc... and it has custom control scheme for phones.

edit: crap, I forgot you're on iphone... well check if fo2.exe exists also on iphone? :)

It does seem like there's no ios version, maybe you also have an Android phone?
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@kokeeby I did and used to use exagear, which was easy and great to use. The trouble I run into though is win98se has trouble using the modified ddraw.

Edit: Nevermind All Good
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sfall 4.4.1 and 3.8.41 are released on SourceForge, along with their respective modders packs.
Changelog said:
>HRP: Fixed the clickability issue of the file list for save/load and 'print to file' options in the character screen
>Fixed a bug introduced in 4.4 that broke the interoperability of saved arrays with older versions
>Fixed a crash when calling start_gdialog outside the talk_p_proc procedure for talking heads
>Fixed create_object_sid script function to allow creating an object with no script correctly when passing 0 as the script index number
>Changed the calculation of the 'best armor' score to exclude the EMP stats (gameplay mod friendly)
>Tweaked the position of the ammo bar on the interface bar
>Removed AdditionalWeaponAnims from ddraw.ini. Now additional weapon animation codes are always available
>Updated NPC combat control mod to make the player's Jinxed trait/perk affect all controlled critters
heya ppl,does sfall hr-res have the zoom feature?if yes what key is it?if no can it be added?
I tried InventoryFilter 2.0.2 and the hotkeys on sfall 4.4.0/4.4.1 are broken. (maybe broken .ini parsing?). The hotkeys are all scrambled.

Tried it on vanilla fo2 + ifilter202 + (sfall 438/440/441/5023)

4.3.8 and work correctly. I can cycle between the different categories with Q/1/2/3/4/5.

on 4.4 however I have to cycle on my character with the hotkeys reserved for NPCs (W/6/7/8/9/0) AND the subcategories in it are also scrambled (the default hotkeys are laid out so the different item types follow one after another, but here it's all mixed up).

edit: I tried to bisect it, the behaviour begins with https://github.com/sfall-team/sfall/commit/14f6de0329337d56b5be858f4ccf1835f0bd530b
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sfall 4.4.2 and 3.8.42 are released on SourceForge, along with their respective modders packs.
Changelog said:
>Fixed a bug in XPTable that could cause a hang when leveling up in some cases
>Fixed the messages of critical hits to the right arm for some critter types
>Changed add_mult_objs_to_inven script function to allow adding more than 99999 instances of an object in one go
>Added a fix to use 'English' as the fallback language directory for loading credits.txt/quotes.txt
>Added a fix for gaining two levels at once when leveling up from level 97
>Added a fix for the modulo operator treating negative integers as unsigned
>Added a fix to prevent integer overflow for the number of items in a stack in the inventory
>Added a fix to COMBATDAMAGE hook to prevent instadeath critical hits for no damage
>New script function: reg_anim_animate_and_move

A note about add_mult_objs_to_inven script function:
obj := create_object(PID_STIMPAK, 0, 0);
add_mult_objs_to_inven(dude_obj, obj, 1000000);
When you try to add more than 99999:
  • Vanilla or sfall pre-4.0.3: Player gets only 500 Stimpaks.
  • sfall 4.0.3-4.4.1: Player gets 99999 Stimpaks.
  • sfall 4.4.2+: Player gets one million Stimpaks as intended.
There's also a trick to increase the number of an item with rm_mult_objs_from_inven:
obj := obj_carrying_pid_obj(dude_obj, PID_NUKA_COLA);
tmp := rm_mult_objs_from_inven(dude_obj, obj, -1000000); // remove negative == add
Player will receive one million more Nuka-Cola. This works even in vanilla.
sfall 4.4.3 and 3.8.43 are released on SourceForge, along with their respective modders packs.
Changelog said:
>Fixed a bug introduced in 4.2.9 that caused critters with crippled arms to be unable to attack in certain cases
>Fixed the critical hit messages of the right arm and left leg for super mutants
>Fixed add_extra_msg_file script function to prevent it from loading the same msg file more than once
>Removed DisplaySwiftLearnerExp from ddraw.ini because there is little reason to turn it off
>Removed SpeedInterfaceCounterAnims=3. Now the AC counter is always instantly updated when switching to other controlled critters in combat
>Added a fix for the game disappearing from the taskbar after using Alt+Tab
>Added a fix for the clickability issue of the 'Use Inventory Item On' action when the selected item overlaps an object
>Added a fix for the xp exploit from canceling Here and Now perk when the player has Swift Learner perk
>Added support for loading an external DirectDraw wrapper (ddraw.dll) from the <GameRoot>\wrapper\ directory for rendering
>Added a static books mod and a molotov fire damage mod to the example mods in the modders pack
Note: the fix for the 'Use Inventory Item On' action might not work on every system.
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