Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

Hey, hey! Slow down! Lexx, I have your scripts and no one else from TeamX doesn't even know about them! I haven't send them to anyone and I haven't speak about your "know-how" with anyone.

Ray (Alray) here is talking about different thing. Not about scripted (with "interface mode") button, but about engine button. Try this and you will see the difference.
Mr.Wolna said:

@Ray, iswenji menja paschalustja ja slischkam bistraj na4jal sudjit! Mne nada bilo sna4jala pasmatret na sorce a patom buschuwat i panekawat, ja nadejus ti durakju mne iswenisch, moj post ja editiruwal!

@All the others, i am very sorry it was my fault ITS RAYS WORK and by the way very nice! I was to fast with my post and i am very sorry for that!

@Ray again , i know you from the russian board and i am very sorry cause you was one of the guys i liked! Meaby you know me , from team x or fallout.ru , too.

So sorry for that, i wast jsut oissed on cause i do not understand some of our member! I thouth some one was in our Chanel and use the Files for public.. BUT THAT IS NOT SO!!!

SO i was not right, its all Work from RAY!

Again, iam very sorry! The other Psot is deletet by me!
It was just a bit depressing, because we have had the idea with a button for a few months and worked hard on this for some weeks, also added Hotkey and so on. Yes, we used the interface mode for this and the hole button + everything else was realised with normal scripts and later global scripts from Sfall.
@LExx sit more than yoiu think, today Helios send me an aplha pre version, with some secret (wounerfull and amazing) stuff! But he said i shoiuld not show something to others, i will still not share this without his OK, but now.. i do not really know what will happened after his request on you at the FON Forums.

So sorry again, for this big mistake, Alray!
Lexx, do you know distinction with interface mode and REAL button from engine? Try my work, and you'll see. And yes, that button also has hotkey ("/" for now). And as I allrady say, I can add button everywhere. To Options for example. Can you? ;)
Alray ist not nesssery, i said alredy that was a big mistkae by me, and ist all your woudnerfull work!


WHY I MADE THEN AN GUI FOR RESOLUTION PATCH^^ You will , work on extra option menü for sfall and RSP? Because when yes, i can stop my project!
Alray said:
Lexx, do you know distinction with interface mode and REAL button from engine? Try my work, and you'll see. And yes, that button also has hotkey ("/" for now). And as I allrady say, I can add button everywhere. To Options for example. Can you? ;)

Lexx, can you give your variant to community? Lets we all look at differences.

I looked at your files before I posted. I saw the changes in the ddraw.ini and I saw the obj_dude.int. Our scripts are compiled also only the obj_dude.int and we also made changes to sfall, so it could have been possible, that you've used something from us also just only for inspiration or what so ever because.. well, the idea was not new, like I already pointed out. But I never said that you have done this, because I could not prove this.

So cool down. I am NOT incriminate you to steel code from us.
Oh, wait! I insist that you said sorry!

Do you blind? use int2ssl and look at my obj_dude.int! What do you see in it?

procedure critter_p_proc begin
   if (global_var( (630) ) != 0) then begin
      if (game_time > global_var( (630) ) and not  (((global_var((429)) bwand (2)) != 0))  and cur_map_index !=  (40) ) then begin
          set_global_var((582), global_var((582)) bwor ((1))) ;
         set_global_var( (630) , 0);
   if (global_var( (695) ) == 1) then begin
        if (not(combat_is_initialized)) then begin
	  set_global_var( (695) , 0);          
	  call batch_init;

Just ONE new string!

if (global_var( (695) ) == 1) then begin

And everything else in the ddraw.dll. Thats all. Where do you see interface functions???

I wait for apologys!
you do not nned to
quarre it was my fault, and i have already said sorry, so i say again IT SI ALL RAYS WORK, nothing sit from other eoles , we use a difrend logiv even!
Lexx, and who you are, that i should steal code from you? I never heared about your team.

Open sfall description file and you'll see my nick in the end. I didn't see yours. ;)

Understand difference between

Our scripts are compiled also only the obj_dude.int and we also made changes to sfall
Yes, we used the interface mode
I work with engine, this is addon to sfall
Alray said:
No! Lexx said that I thief. To the whole forum.
Lexx, and who you are, that i should steal code from you? I never heared about your team.

lol. Wolna said, that you have stolen the code. Also I've never wrote, that you have stolen my code, because Helios wrote 99% of the code.

Also I've never denyed any differences between the interface mode and sfall addons.

Also² I am not interesed in hearing my name over the hole world because I am THAT HUGE MAN OH YEAH BAB I NEED DRAMA to prove my big penis and Fallout modding skills. Besides this, I am working alone on mostly everything.

So, to nail it again: I was just curious and depressed, because we have had the button-idea a few months ago and worked hard on this for weeks and then someone other is coming with exactly the same idea.

I will NOT say "sorry" or shit, because to me you act like you need a hard one.

Drama baby, drama.

- my two cents. Again.
Who the hell is that fucking Alray, guys? Why are you even flaming with him? A gooooddamn newcomer, right?

Just ignore him.

Anyway, have you ever pick your teeths with your broken fingers, Alray? Might exactly happen to you here, seriously. I personally want to have a first shot. Lexx and Wolna are too human, and that's good for nothing... :D

Look at my avatar. My army of lizards is already regrouping. :lol: