Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

Josan12 said:
Even stranger, if i go into targeted attack, it has 95% chance of hitting any body part except the torso, which it has 17% chance!? this makes no sense to me
Again I ask, which version of sfall are you using?

>Fixed issues with negative hit chances wrapping around to 95%
Josan12 said:
Lexx said:
When you edit a weapon in the official mapper, there is a "Flags-Ext" button. If you click on it, you can choose the fire modes (single, burst, etc.) and after that the programm asks if this is a big weapon or not. I think, if you use energy attacking modes, the engine knows from itself, that this is a energy weapon or when you choose the "fist-attack" then it is unarmed and so on.

Hmmm. Yeah, that would be my guess also. But if you set a weapon to, say, primary burst and secondary single, how would the game know if it was a small gun or energy weapon?

In F2wedit there are all needed options to set those EXT-FLAGS!
The game know that the weapon is 1- or 2-handed and is small or big gun or Melee etc by setting Hold Frame and those bellowed options and the game know if it is Normal or Energy Weapon etc by setting Damage Type.

Look at those screenshots from F2wedit:

small gun 1-handed

big gun 2-handed

Energy gun 1-handed

Energy gun 2-handed (look that this is not big gun and has not checked this option as big gun!)

Timeslip said:
Again I ask, which version of sfall are you using?

Josan, check your sfall version, please, as Timeslip suggests.
Timeslip said:
Josan12 said:
Even stranger, if i go into targeted attack, it has 95% chance of hitting any body part except the torso, which it has 17% chance!? this makes no sense to me
Again I ask, which version of sfall are you using?

>Fixed issues with negative hit chances wrapping around to 95%

Oooops. :oops: It appears i've been using 1.35b, which is pre thrown and wrap around fixes. You know i would never doubt you, don't you Timestamp .... i mean Timeslip? :wink:

I'll get the latest version and confirm my problems are solved.

@ Cubik: thanks for the screenies and explanation on the presumptions the engine makes about weapon types. I understand it much better now.

But unfortunately my problem remains. Let me explain: ever noticed how none of the melee weapons cause death animations, even if they cause non-normal damage? (such as the cattleprod which causes electrical damage)

I figured out this is set by the swing/thrust attack type that all melee weapons use. If you set a weapon to swing or thrust, it appears it will never cause death animations. So, in my quest to create a melee weapon that causes death animations, i created a weapon that uses the 'single' (shot) attack, laser damage, but has range 1, no ammo and has no projectile. It works. I have a 'melee' weapon that causes death animations (though of course, it's really just an ultra short-ranged gun) But the problem is the laser damage makes the engine think it's an energy weapon. Now, that's not the end of the world, but it's not ideal.

@ Timeslip: is this something you could remedy? It would also sort out the cattleprod, which i was always very dissapointed with as i wanted to see the Brahmin go ZAAP! and fry when i hit them with it. :)

EDIT: confirmed: the newest version of Sfall (1.37 i think) solves the thrown weapon crash problem. it seems to solve the hit-chance wrap-around problem (according to the numbers anyway) but my range 1 gun still has to-hit-chance-issues. The % displays correctly (about 20% for a lvl. 1 Narg using an energy weapon) but the attack ALWAYS hits. Even stranger, if i give the weapon range 2, it seems to hit correctly at 1 hex, but then hits 100% of the time at 2 hex's! It seems likely to me the engine screws up when giving a gun range 1. Has anyone else had this problem?
taag said:
Is it possible to add new addiction types somehow?
You could script it. Something like:
set_fake_perk("Alcohol addiction", 1, 1, "You are addicted to alcohol");
set_pc_extra_stat(4, get_pc_extra_stat(4) - 2);
when you wanted to add the addiction, and then do the reverse to remove it again later.
Thanks, but I would also like to bring up the little label where it says ADDICTED. Can I script that too?
@ Timeslip:

So what do you think about my two Sfall requests? (the Goris script and making melee weapons cause death animations)
Hello Timeslip!

You can show an example for global script, which will work on the world map?
It isnt very difficult :wink:

Global scripts have multiple modes, which can be set using the set_global_script_type function. In the default mode (i.e. mode 0) their execution is linked to the local map game loop, so the script will not run in dialogs or on the world map. In mode 1 their execution is linked to the player input, and so they will run whenever the mouse cursor is visible on screen, including the world map, character dialogs etc. In mode 2, execution is linked to the world map loop, so the script will only be executed on the world map and not on the local map or in any dialog windows. Mode 3 is a combination of modes 0 and 2, so scripts will be executed on both local maps and the world map, but not in dialog windows. Using mode 1 requires the input wrapper to be enabled. Use available_global_script_types to check what is available.


procedure start;

procedure start begin
   if (game_loaded) then begin

I have found usefull offsets, but you didnt release the last Version of Source Code, therefore I cant wrote it in sfall.
I used the read_int function. A write_int function were usefull!

I found:
display_msg("MousepositionX: " + read_int(6997908));
"The Mouse X Position"

display_msg("MousepositionY: " + read_int(6997916));
"The Mouse Y Position"

display_msg("Mouseposition on Region: " + read_int(6997909));
"A crazy value but the last Nummber mean:
Display Region: 0 left, 1 middle, 2 right

display_msg("MousePress: " + read_int(5366444));
Mouse Press: 0=No, 1=Left Button, 2=Right Button, 3=Left+Right

display_msg("MouseonIface: " + read_int(5366788));
Is Mouse on Iface: 1=no, 2=yes

The Mouse on Iface is usefull because the speed time is different, also the fps a much higher on iface. I use a gl Script as timer, when the cursor is on iface I multiply the global_script_repeat. Its a dirty way, I know. But get_uptime crash always my game. I used on the same way as GetTickCount in the microsoft SDK.


You have a second option to check where the player is btw. what the player do:
get_game_mode, it return different flags:
WORLDMAP (1<<0) //0x1//1
LOCALMAP (1<<1) //0x2//0 No point hooking this: would always be 1 at any point at which scripts are
DIALOG (1<<2) //0x4 Hex//4 Dec
ESCMENU (1<<3) //0x8//8
SAVEGAME (1<<4) //0x10//16
LOADGAME (1<<5) //0x20//32
COMBAT (1<<6) //0x40//64
OPTIONS (1<<7) //0x80//128
HELP (1<<8) //0x100//256
CHARSCREEN (1<<9) //0x200//512
PIPBOY (1<<10)//0x400//1024
PCOMBAT (1<<11)//0x800//2048
INVENTORY (1<<12)//0x1000//4096
AUTOMAP (1<<13)//0x2000//8192
SKILLDEX (1<<14)//0x4000//16384
Helios said:
I have found usefull offsets, but you didnt release the last Version of Source Code, therefore I cant wrote it in sfall.
I used the read_int function. A write_int function were usefull!
I should have done. I remember packing it up ready to upload... I must have forgotten to upload it. :(

I'll fix that as soon as I get home. Usually I only don't upload the source if I'm going to be making another update within a day or two; it's too much effort to pack it all up for such a short amount of time.
Nice, thank you :D
Is it a bug or normal that the fps different, when the mouse cursor is on map or on iface?
Uploaded the 1.37 source.

Helios said:
Is it a bug or normal that the fps different, when the mouse cursor is on map or on iface?
It's normal. The processing fallout does to handle the cursor when it's over the map seems quite slow, so as soon as you move it over the interface your fps will shoot up.
Hi, Timeslip. I don't know, maybe you already found this, but...

Now I can add new buttons to the game interface (such as pip-boy button, active-hand switch buttons, map button - on the main interface (IFACE.FRM)) and much more. Take a look:

Download "ppa_0_001_eng.rar" form:

1) Install original Fallout 2 ver.1.02d
2) Unpack patch000.dat to data folder
2) Unpack all files from rar (folder - data) to "data"-game folder and sfall as usual.

I made this for my mod, and text on button in russian, but this is not a problem :) Just one caption :) This button now call Mr.Fixit.

Do you need this? Source code?

P.S. As usual - sorry for BAD english :) I hope you forgive me :)
You are kidding me? Do you see this screenshot? We (Helios and me) made a button for fixit two months ago and besides the few screens here on NMA and moddb.com we only talked with TeamX about this and sended them prototype scripts.

/Edit: Wolna, wtf? Do you have any evidence that Helios stuff was used for this? Have you seen the scripts? Something else like this? Do you know more than me about this?
It's a joke? First of all - here my nick is Alray. On TeamX forum - Ray. Timeslip, do you know me??? Do you belive Mr.Wolna?

Go to teamx.ru and look what I alrady done with fallout engine. I can explain every line of code! Every register and functions.

I can give just one link:


There Mr.Wolna find "source code" of fallout. They decompile it with decompiler :D Yeah, source. Send to Timeslip code with comments and I'll do this. And then go to bann!!! :D
Scripts? Are you kidding? This is code for sfall. Not scripts!

By the way, i'm not TX member.

@Ray, iswenji menja paschalustja ja slischkam bistraj na4jal sudjit! Mne nada bilo sna4jala pasmatret na sorce a patom buschuwat i panekawat, ja nadejus ti durakju mne iswenisch, moj post ja editiruwal!

@All the others, i am very sorry it was my fault ITS RAYS WORK and by the way very nice! I was to fast with my post and i am very sorry for that!

@Ray again , i know you from the russian board and i am very sorry cause you was one of the guys i liked! Meaby you know me , from team x or fallout.ru , too.

So sorry for that, i wast jsut oissed on cause i do not understand some of our member! I thouth some one was in our Chanel and use the Files for public.. BUT THAT IS NOT SO!!!

SO i was not right, its all Work from RAY!
I can add ANY button, to all places. Main menu, pip-boy, worldmap, character screen. Not JUST to game screen. I work with engine, this is addon to sfall.

EDITED. DELETED some rude text :D