Unless the method you use for checking for broken limbs only works in critter_p_proc for some reason, that's nothing that can't be done from a global script instead. (Loop over all critters, check each one for the appropriate flags, etc.)MIB88 said:If you have already included a feature which does that, I'm sorry for asking again... I am definitely no wiz at using sfall.
A better place to do it though might be hs_combatdamage. Check arg5 (the special effect flags for the target,) for the flag that indicates a crippled arm, and if found add the flag for a dropped weapon. (Sorry, I don't seem to have made a note of which flag indicates what effect. You'll have to trail and error it to find the appropriate two.) That would have the advantage that the weapons would drop naturally in the combat round, and be indicated in the combat message, rather than just appearing on the floor the next frame. Of course it would have the disadvantage that only crippled limbs resulting directly from combat would count. You could always add a global script too, but only run it every few seconds instead of every frame.