Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

Guest said:
it's more a suggestion than request for the Timeslip, Haenlomat, Mash - could you look for the explosives crash roots in FO2? Darek points out, that crash can be prevented by entering into combat mode before planting explosives.
Saving and loading the game also prevents it.
Basically my guess is that something is loaded into memory when you enter a map, something that is not saved to your saveslot or otherwise read back into memory when loading the save again. That something is also cleared from memory if you enter combat mode.
It could possibly be something in a map_enter_procedure or something, but I did some test of that a while back without any luck (can't remember what I did so it may have been my bad).

I did try to fix it by force entering combat and exit upon every map entry, but that got annoying real fast. Then I tried to only enter/exit combat mode once you armed a dynamite. That worked fairly well, but didn't cover arming it from an active item slot so that fix was no good either as I lacked the possibility to check for an armed explosive on the ground.
Is the issue that an explosive going off when exiting a map crashes the game or is it the death from the explosion that causes the crash?
killap said:
Is the issue that an explosive going off when exiting a map crashes the game or is it the death from the explosion that causes the crash?
Oh yeah, forgot about that. I think someone had to die for it to crash. At least that's what I thought. Can't remember if I confirmed that theory or not. I guess someone should do some tests...
Oh and btw, the sixth level up for NPCs is as bugged as it was for the past 10 years. ;)

Guess it's totally unfixable, huh? ;)
DForge said:
Oh and btw, the sixth level up for NPCs is as bugged as it was for the past 10 years. ;)

Guess it's totally unfixable, huh? ;)
Do we even know it's a bug? Maybe they decided to cut of leveling after stage six (base plus 5).
Also, is it really desirable to fix it? I'm a bit uncomfortable with the idea of fat-ass Vic having 12 APs, two more than Cassidy.
I'm sure it's a bug. The fallout bible mentions 6 level ups. The party.txt has 6th levelup pid included. We have level 6 protos for a reason too. I'm really tired of switching level 5 protos for level 6 ones each time I reinstall fallout (but I have to since I'm a sucker for big, powerful parties in this game - and with manual NPC control, no less.)

Cassidy never seemed as "agile" to me anyway with his heart problems :) (And I'm not thinking about agility stat here). I'd say even Vic would surpass him on that matter given enough training.
Darek said:
killap said:
Is the issue that an explosive going off when exiting a map crashes the game or is it the death from the explosion that causes the crash?
Oh yeah, forgot about that. I think someone had to die for it to crash
Hmm, interesting. Killing critters on map enter isn't a problem as many scripts do this. I wonder what is different on map exit...

I still might be able to write a hack to stop the crashing from occurring when assassinating bishop at his safe.
Firstly, yes I understand that my infamy on this forum doesn't help make any sort of case that I might be serious about things as specific as SFALL.

However, as I indicated in my last post, before it was magically vatted, i just took x3 my ADHD medicine.

So let's begin. I am Prosper, and I was also known as NillaCakester on the Bethesda Gamestudio forums.

Yes I dabbled in that abomination known as Fallout 3 but typically for a good cause. At one time I had a multiplayer synch working , although i only got the capacity up to 3 and a working chatbox, before people started being glitched in their movement and such, though that wasn't the reason why I gave up. What happened is I finally realized how pointless it is after several attempts to gather interest in such a project, and because of the time Dude101 pointed out that I should just return to Fallout General Modding.

Quickly before I list the rest of what I have to offer, I will also comment on the fact that at one point or possibly even now SFALL ships with some sort of primitive multiplayer client. I believe I heard later on from Timeslip that development on that end, has stopped. Knowing that, I am curious as to WHY, and under what circumstances would it be appropriate for me to kick-start work on that muliplayer client again.

Ok so, other than multiplayer, I have some basic skills in coding, C++ mostly, but I don't have any sort of proper training. The good news is, most or all of the interesting things I have done for games is because I have huge sums of time on my hands. College is close, but i doubt i will be as busy as Timeslip. Ok so with my knowledge, i have also played with most of D3D9s functions (Direct 3D 9). Probably the #1 reason I have worked with any Graphics related APIs is because the games I inject my code into are not open source, and without an SDK, i have to find ways of displaying new graphical content, whether it be text for debugging purpose, or actual textures drawn ontop of the game. I have gone as far as to draw real video (like .avi files) ontop of 3d game objects.

So yeah I will stop there and just link to some videos of work I did on Fallout 3, because it mostly occupied my time. But I plan to do equivalent awesome things for Fallout 2.

Rocks that glow:

Plants that grow:

Ok so Fallout 3 is the past.
Fallout 2, and 1 HOWEVER are not shitty singleplayer games.

So for my endeavors, i think i will focus on adding new script functions to SFall, or just like the topic says, Game Engine tweaks.

I tried to look through the topic, but i must be overlooking where SFALL's manual can be found. I would like a manual to familiarize myself with the program in general, the total list of new script functions, and any etiquette I should follow while designing addons.

I promise one last thing, do any of you have a summary of what tools the Reverse Engineers of the community are using, and which ones you feel are inadequate for hacking Fallout 2?
killap said:
Hmm, interesting. Killing critters on map enter isn't a problem as many scripts do this. I wonder what is different on map exit...
I don't think map exit has anything to do with it more than setting off the explosive. The bug is the same if you leave the map or not.
But you know, don't take my word for any of it, really. I can't remember much of my test with this issue.

killap said:
I still might be able to write a hack to stop the crashing from occurring when assassinating bishop at his safe.
Didn't Endocore have some idea how to go about fixing this?
Um, this is what he said...
I have an idea to resolve an old vanilla FO2 bug. I always (no matter the FO2 version or mod I'm playing) have trouble with game crashes while trying to assassinate John Bishop by trapping his safe as the map change/explosives issue is a long-standing problem. However in my playthough of the RP 2 I was having a particularly hard time with this, and as I crashed/reloaded the game 12 times in a row before giving up and taking out Bishop and his men in a more direct way (through combat), it occurred to me that these Bishop/safe problems could be resolved once and for all by actively scripting Bishop's death rather than relying on the way things currently work (the explosion is scripted, and Bishop may or may not take damage possibly or not resulting in his death). No actual explosion need be used (since this is what can cause the crash); all that's really needed is an explosion sound effect and Bishop's death. If no one else fixes this before I get around to it I'll write some code and make a post about it eventually.
Darek said:
killap said:
Hmm, interesting. Killing critters on map enter isn't a problem as many scripts do this. I wonder what is different on map exit...
I don't think map exit has anything to do with it more than setting off the explosive. The bug is the same if you leave the map or not.
But you know, don't take my word for any of it, really. I can't remember much of my test with this issue.
Wait, so if you put an explosive on a critter and just sit around waiting for it to die, then you can still get a crash? So, this crash has nothing to do with map transitions then.

Darek said:
killap said:
I still might be able to write a hack to stop the crashing from occurring when assassinating bishop at his safe.
Didn't Endocore have some idea how to go about fixing this?
Um, this is what he said...
Yes, yes. That is basically the approach I am taking, but I just want to verify that the crash is the result of death by explosion, not death on map transition.
killap said:
Wait, so if you put an explosive on a critter and just sit around waiting for it to die, then you can still get a crash?
Most definitely. I was blowing up hookers in New Reno before to test this.
Timeslip, will you release Sfall for Fallout 1? Is it possible to remove timelimit in Fallout 1 like in F2 version of Sfall?
Nobody really hits the 13 years limit. Never if they play 'normal'.
What are you doing all the 13 ingame years? Running from one side of the worldmap to the other?
But time limit is pretty much already bypassed in sfall since... a few versions. You even have different ways to bypass the time limit.
Josan12 said:
Darek said:
Timeslip, have you done something to the jinxed trait, or something that may have an effect on it?

I also have noticed this issue Darek describes with the jinxed trait.

so, jinxed trait is broken? Its a pity really because ive waited so much on RP 2.1 with jinxed build in the mind and i think its the only build that i havent used in my numerous playthroughs.

:eagerly waiting for Timeslips reply:
Yes there is an option in Sfall:

;Time limit in years. Must be between -3 and 13
;Set to 0 if you want to die the instant you leave arroyo
;Set to -1 to remove the time limit, and automatically reset the date back to 2241 each time you would have reached it
;Set to -2 to remove the time limit without resetting the date. The game will lock up on 8th of March 2255
;Set to -3 to remove the time limit, automatically reset the date, but override fallouts GetDate function to return the correct year

But it's not working for Fallout 1, that why I post a question here about Sfall for F1. Maybe there is a way to make it work for F1. Looks like we have to wait for Timeslips reply.

There are many posts about timelimit in Fallout 1, but noone solve it yet. So Timeslip is the last hope :) I'm sure he's able to hax this stuff.