Firstly, yes I understand that my infamy on this forum doesn't help make any sort of case that I might be serious about things as specific as SFALL.
However, as I indicated in my last post, before it was magically vatted, i just took x3 my ADHD medicine.
So let's begin. I am Prosper, and I was also known as NillaCakester on the Bethesda Gamestudio forums.
Yes I dabbled in that abomination known as Fallout 3 but typically for a good cause. At one time I had a multiplayer synch working , although i only got the capacity up to 3 and a working chatbox, before people started being glitched in their movement and such, though that wasn't the reason why I gave up. What happened is I finally realized how pointless it is after several attempts to gather interest in such a project, and because of the time Dude101 pointed out that I should just return to Fallout General Modding.
Quickly before I list the rest of what I have to offer, I will also comment on the fact that at one point or possibly even now SFALL ships with some sort of primitive multiplayer client. I believe I heard later on from Timeslip that development on that end, has stopped. Knowing that, I am curious as to WHY, and under what circumstances would it be appropriate for me to kick-start work on that muliplayer client again.
Ok so, other than multiplayer, I have some basic skills in coding, C++ mostly, but I don't have any sort of proper training. The good news is, most or all of the interesting things I have done for games is because I have huge sums of time on my hands. College is close, but i doubt i will be as busy as Timeslip. Ok so with my knowledge, i have also played with most of D3D9s functions (Direct 3D 9). Probably the #1 reason I have worked with any Graphics related APIs is because the games I inject my code into are not open source, and without an SDK, i have to find ways of displaying new graphical content, whether it be text for debugging purpose, or actual textures drawn ontop of the game. I have gone as far as to draw real video (like .avi files) ontop of 3d game objects.
So yeah I will stop there and just link to some videos of work I did on Fallout 3, because it mostly occupied my time. But I plan to do equivalent awesome things for Fallout 2.
Rocks that glow:
Plants that grow:
Ok so Fallout 3 is the past.
Fallout 2, and 1 HOWEVER are not shitty singleplayer games.
So for my endeavors, i think i will focus on adding new script functions to SFall, or just like the topic says, Game Engine tweaks.
I tried to look through the topic, but i must be overlooking where SFALL's manual can be found. I would like a manual to familiarize myself with the program in general, the total list of new script functions, and any etiquette I should follow while designing addons.
I promise one last thing, do any of you have a summary of what tools the Reverse Engineers of the community are using, and which ones you feel are inadequate for hacking Fallout 2?