Shidentora said:
OK, so i guess that the best it would be to just change the contents of the files by translating them and save, right?
This is likely my last question before I actually get to work.
Yes, open the .msg files with Notepad++ (I recommend it wholeheartedly) and replace the Russian text with the translation. All you have to watch out for is the syntax of the files. The syntax is not complicated:
{100}{}{You see the bartender.}
As you can see, there are three sets of curly brackets.
The first pair of brackets contains the line's
unique number. There may not be two lines with identical numbers in one .msg file, or the game will crash.
The second pair of brackets should be left
empty. These brackets are only for voiced characters (to type in VO filenames) and if you see something written here, just leave it be.
The third pair of brackets contains
the text that will appear on screen. This text may either appear as screen messages, floats or text in the dialogue window. This is the only translatable part of the file.
Take good care
NOT TO MESS UP THE CURLY BRACKETS. Any mistake, like a missing bracket or a surplus bracket in a line will cause problems with the game and may even cause it to crash.
Once you translate something, you can simply save the file and run the mod to see the translation in-game. It's as simple as that.
Some more notes on the contents of the data/text folder:
cuts - subtitles for movies and ending screens. This folder contains .txt files and .svn files. You can open the latter with Notepad++ without problems. They contain time codes and the subs. Preferably, you should only edit the subs, leaving the time codes alone.
game - text for in-game descriptions of items, interface buttons, character sheet, town names, etc. There are plenty of various .msg files that are used everywhere in the game. I suppose most of it could be found in the original English F2 files and replaced, but AFAIK, the FON team replaced a lot of original art and assets with their own, so special care must be taken to translate these files well. This will no doubt be the most meticulous, tedious and annoying part of the translation.
dialog - dialogue files used by the Player Character and NPCs in the game, as well as scripted scenery objects, items and animals/monsters. This will be the biggest part of the translation.
Final piece of advice, I'm not sure if you did any games localization in your translating career, so sorry if this will be obvious to you, but just in case - sometimes the Player Character's name is introduced in the middle of a line of dialogue. In the .msg files this line will be split in two, and most likely there will be trailing spaces in the line. These must be preserved. See the example:
{200}{}{Hello, }
{201}{}{! What can I do for you today?}
The line is split in two where the Player's name is supposed to appear. The script will combine these two lines and add a name in between them, which in game will look like this:
Hello, Ardent! What can I do for you today?
Note the trailing space in line 200, if it were lost in translation, the text
would be displayed as follows:
Hello,Ardent! What can I do for you today?
That's it. Hope it helps. Good luck with the translation, I'd love to play this mod and understand more than Zdrastvuj