FO3 or FO: NV?

Which 'un?

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Oppen said:
The Outcasts I consider a faction (not a greatly developed one, but still), I just forgot about them, but all the others are as much a faction as the rats outside Vault 13 on the first game are a faction.

That's exactly why I used the term "they could have been factions." Fallout 3 is a game filled with "could have been's." Sometimes I wonder how different that game would be if Obsidian had developed it. I bet that even if you kept the same main plot and characters it would still be a better game and we would have seen these groups like Talon Company fleshed out into actual factions that mean something.
Alesia said:
Oppen said:
The Outcasts I consider a faction (not a greatly developed one, but still), I just forgot about them, but all the others are as much a faction as the rats outside Vault 13 on the first game are a faction.

That's exactly why I used the term "they could have been factions." Fallout 3 is a game filled with "could have been's." Sometimes I wonder how different that game would be if Obsidian had developed it. I bet that even if you kept the same main plot and characters it would still be a better game and we would have seen these groups like Talon Company fleshed out into actual factions that mean something.
That's the problem with Bethesda - every once in a while they have a good idea, and once you're immersed into it, it ends. Just look how short the DLCs were, and not only to FO3, but Skyrim as well. Not to mention Dishonored - great idea, cool concept, but a pretty short game.
Mameluk said:
Walpknut said:
Dishonored was only published by Bethesda.
Oh, I thought they developed it too, my bad. :look:
Why else do you think it was so rich, creative, and good, length aside?

I spotted this little gem in one of the lil things I enjoy following, which I found delightful to read:
On a positive note, the rise of kickstarter and the long-overdue acceptance of non-photo realistic 3D graphics means we might just see a resurgence in RPGs that sacrifice impressive presentation for actual depth. I'm not talking about Bethesda's efforts, which are more or less sub-par action games which try to compensate for their lack of substance with sheer size; A pool that's 8 miles wide and 3 inches deep is a shitty pool. Instead, I'm hoping to see games which take which take the spirit and mechanics of games like Baldur's Gate and its ilk and run with them. Character-driven WRPGs are long overdue their Legend of Grimrock. Shadowrun Returns looks promising, but I admit I'm somewhat disappointed by the lack of multiplayer. It's difficult to set up tabletop games of Shadowrun when my friends are an ocean or two away.
Considering the place I found it is rather bustling with activity, as far as I'm concerned, the more publicity comments like "not Bethesda, they aren't a source of good ideas that I'm talking about" can get and be put into circulation, the better. I like to hold out hope that the stagnation currently afflicting gaming can be beaten, but it can't be done without sweeping change, and that demands widespread sharing of ideas and information, and the status quo of "I like Bethesda titles, they make great RPGs!" will not facilitate that anytime soon.
-Read only 1st and last page of thread-

F3 and NV are completely different games. I love them both. That moment when you leave Vault 101 and hear that long loud noise of the vault door shutting behind gave me chills. Slavery is rampant. I enter some random house, and there are two skeletons on a dusty bed... or a skeleton with a toaster in a bathtub. Picking up audio tapes, trying to piece together what happened. Or those creepy "Preservation shelters" that resemble Futurama's Suicide booths? F3 just feels more devastated. All this while trying to find your only living family member. Looking back, I thought that the main quest could have been better and the ending was seriously stupid: I have to die or make Sentinel Lyons die. Also Little Lamplight was a tumor.

I can understand why F3 gets alot of hate. For me though, it has sentimental value. Before I played F3, I was going through a pretty bad depression. I wasn't even a gamer really, I usually read/watch stuff.. But if I could make it through this sh*tty world where things like bigotry, slavery, poverty, Deathclaws and Behemoths existed, then I could make it through this one.
Yeah, bethsoft made a pretty world to explore. Honestly a better world than Obsidian did with NV- even if it does feel cramped. I would enjoy it *so* much more if it were on a more reasonable time scale: 200 years after the war just doesn't make sense, and i just can't suspend that disbelief.

Fallout 1 & 2 never went into depth on pre-war life. Old goofy posters for sci-fi television shows, radio shows, people's clothes... it put the retro into retrofuturistic.
Perhaps the yellow filter is more ugly than the green, but get rid of that and the variety of vegas, the legion, the vaults etc. for me are far better than the generic post apocalypse with the repetetive 50's stuff stuck on.
Oh, sure. Totally agree. But when it comes to sheer retro-futurism, bethesda hit the nail on the head. It may be repetitive- at the same time, it was background material, not core to the game. Saying it's repetitive (as a bad thing) is like saying the cowboy theme of New Vegas is repetitive.

That being said, they did it well. You can't deny Bethsoft are full of excellent designers.
Well I would agree that Bethesda is great at art. But only some are, apparantly. I mean, they fucked it up with the green filter and most weapons and the (power) armor looks bad, especially the enclave power armor. That's among the worst sci-fi armor I've ever seen.

I would never say or agree that Betheda is full of excellent designers.

I don't know much about the publisher bethsoft, so I can't judge them on that. What are they designing over there? :P
For art design, beth did really great job on Morrowind.
it's not just for visual art but for story, world design, weapons etc. it's really epic job.

after that? nah...
but imperial city was great. there aren't many games which has big city like that. fo3? nah... looking same background for hours makes me sick. when I used a mod that connects fo3 and NV, I played some hour at fo3's place but really bored so I came back to Mojave..hell... I really refreshed. redrock canyon is awesome, super mutant's haven looks cool every night you can see Vegas' 38 tower and it is really fascinating.
You know, I never thought the T-45d looks bad. It looks like the T-51b's junky younger brother, because that's what it is.
It also still has that retro-futuristic vibe to it, mainly in the helmet and chest. Imagine one all shiny and new- that'd be excellent.

As for Enclave Power Armor, yeah, it's trash. I love the weapon design, personally. Though their appearance in-game is almost all inconsistent with older weapons, they look nice.

The plasma rifle looks like an urban death dealer- I prefer it over the box-and-barrel design of the Plasma Caster, which looks awkward. In fact, it only makes sense the Enclave would try to make the design more ergonomic.

Now, granted, most of the weapons waver between "overpowered" and "useless" when it comes to gameplay (the Chinese Rifle and Assault Rifle being salient examples, or any energy weapon and it's pistol variant- mainly on account of the lack of skill/strength requirements) but they look NICE, dammit. Well- most of them. The combat shotgun and .45 magnum were hideous, but that was about it.

That being said, I would have liked the old Fallout weapons to make an appearance, but, alas.