lisac2k said:
I'm quite sure the starter town(s) won't make it till OBT3 start, but that doesn't mean we won't add them later.
Just so long as I don't have to wander the wastes looking for a 'The Absolute Darlings versus The Men Who Do Lunch' NPC gang fight in order to get a gun, I'm happy.
I mentioned this on the FO forum, but realised this thread will probably be a better place to get opinions:
Make it so all new characters start with both a zip gun and a pipe rifle, with the two weapons being slightly modified from the original. The pipe rifle can only hold, say, three shots, with a range of 10. While the zip gun can hold about six, with a range of about 5. This way, they're still the worst small guns in the game, but still useful if you're not an unarmed build.
The weapons themselves can be built out of junk, with whatever the untagged repair score is for 5 intelligence. You get 1-3 exp for building it.
As for ammo, to prevent 10mm becoming worthless, they could probably do with firing a new, easily craftable ammo type. I recommend once again just buildable from 'junk', just named 'Crude bullets' or something, probably using a slightly modified 9mm or 9mm ball ammo icon, due to how little used those ammo types are. I'm not sure how easy it is to introduce a new ammo type into the game, maybe replace one of the types of Needler ammo, considering how little used they are.
That way, the problem of new characters getting gear is solved, as well as recently deceased characters without any kind of stash getting back on their feet is solved. Junk is pretty much everywhere, and it encourages people to use crafting as a means to get gear. That and two previously useless weapons are given a purpose, without making the trusty 10mm pistol worthless.