Kikuchad said:Lazlo said:Plus, the gifted trait is gone
Why is that so ?
Charisma normally stands for the appealing of your character. Not his way of speaking, wich was determined by Speech and Intelligence.
Plus, too much technically way to make things RP will dispense player to do it.
And that sucks.
Well, gifted was removed because it was basically a mandatory choice if you wanted to survive in the wasteland against other players. Having seven extra character points outweighs losing five skill points per level. Undeniably. Even if you didn't take it, everyone else in FOnline did, and they were invariably more useful in combat. You may have had more skill points, but they had more hit points and action points, and by level 3 or so everyone is skilled enough to hit most of their attacks, gifted or not.
As for charisma, I'd argue that if charisma represents your charm and appeal, then being the least charismatic a human being can be should invoke negative consequences. I mean, what do people imagine when they imagine a guy with 1/2 charisma? 1 charisma to me is the John Merrick, the Elephant Man. Look him up. It doesn't matter what they say, or how they say it, or how well founded their arguments are, he is too hideous for most people to listen to. It doesn't matter how good your speech skill is if you're so hideous most people can't bear to look at you.
Charisma, to me, represents a character's most basic ability to interact with human beings - 'a combination of appearance and charm'. To me, if your charisma is absolutely terrible then the whole world of social interaction is something that confuses and frustrates you. You can't relate to people and you make them uncomfortable. You don't know how to interact with people. You can have high intelligence, but without charisma the whole world of other human beings is closed off to you. A character with high intelligence and awful charisma would be a very severe autistic, not just an ugly man who is still perfectly eloquent. The line where you're no longer unpleasant but actually totally alienated from social interaction is in the 1/2 charisma points area. Most humans, in my opinion, are somewhere between 4-8.
The charisma word-change hasn't been implemented, but I see it as a way of reminding people of the consequences of picking a character with huge weaknesses. And, to be frank, gameplay considerations come before RP considerations. If the points that are in charisma are essentially 'free character points', because charisma does nothing, then most people will choose more combat effective stats over the currently useless charisma. Meaning characters are less balanced, and punishing people who don't necessarily want to make a combat build.