FOnline: 2238 Developers Video #1

Lazlo said:
I agree dying should be brutal, but you do have to take into account just how easy dying is in Fallout. Even with reasonable endurance, all it takes is one lucky 10mm burst to get blown to shreds.

I agree here. There is a fine line between hardcore and TOO hardcore.

I've played my fair share of full loot PvP games. Never heard of any though, however that not only allowed players that killed you to take everything you had, but also sometimes meant you needed to remake a character because of it.

-ONE- exception, and that was diablo, in hardcore mode. And in that game, a player had to be in town, declare PvP on you, (which showed up on your screen in big flashing lights) and then find you. And if you didn't want any of that action, you could leave the game right there.

From the full loot games I have played, you get plenty of that adrenaline rush from the risk of simply losing your stuff. But if you died, you bit your lip, counted your losses, and went on with that same character (usually with a healthy amount of backup gear from a bank). You never had to say, well, I'm screwed, time to remake my character and start from scratch.

Just my 2 cents there.
armagetiton said:
Lazlo said:
I agree dying should be brutal, but you do have to take into account just how easy dying is in Fallout. Even with reasonable endurance, all it takes is one lucky 10mm burst to get blown to shreds.

I agree here. There is a fine line between hardcore and TOO hardcore.

I've played my fair share of full loot PvP games. Never heard of any though, however that not only allowed players that killed you to take everything you had, but also sometimes meant you needed to remake a character because of it.

-ONE- exception, and that was diablo, in hardcore mode. And in that game, a player had to be in town, declare PvP on you, (which showed up on your screen in big flashing lights) and then find you. And if you didn't want any of that action, you could leave the game right there.

From the full loot games I have played, you get plenty of that adrenaline rush from the risk of simply losing your stuff. But if you died, you bit your lip, counted your losses, and went on with that same character (usually with a healthy amount of backup gear from a bank). You never had to say, well, I'm screwed, time to remake my character and start from scratch.

Just my 2 cents there.

I have to agree with you. Maybe this time there will be quests that will allow us to get some equipment and get a few levels so we don't die in random encounters by Geckos. But If after I die I lose the ability to chat with other players because I don't have a radio, that will be a major disappointment for me :( Everything else I can tolerate. I can tolerate dying 27 times in a row, but I could not tolerate making characters like: Cold Zer0, Cold Zer0_01.....Cold Zer0_23. That was my last character in OB2 :) That was a bit too much :)
Haha yeah, I remember Cektop, and I remember creating lots of characters, Ralexand, Ralex, Ralexand., Ralex., (with dot, yeah) etc. Great Times. :D We should really keep the radio or get it for free, if we die.
armagetiton said:
-ONE- exception, and that was diablo, in hardcore mode. And in that game, a player had to be in town, declare PvP on you, (which showed up on your screen in big flashing lights) and then find you. And if you didn't want any of that action, you could leave the game right there.

i liked diablo 1 and after your description i gonna get diablo 2
to see how good is the online feature....

if you really liked Diablo 1 you probably will love Diablo 2. Its in my eyes on almost anything a improvement compared to the first game. (Sad Fallout 3 is not a improvement compared to Fallout 1 -.- !).

actualy I am even thinking again to start playing Diablo 2 online again since a friend which is playing it all the time said that most of the kidz left the game I mean its pretty old by today standarts. And one of the reasons I stoped playing was all this people runing out screeming how bad your character and the items are. Well some of us have a "real" life as well which they spend their most time in and think its a bit dull to hunt 4-5 hours for items only.
Actually most of the uber-itemed up people in either Diablo just cheated their items into existence. Game had a huge issue with that.
Nice, but let's get back to the subject.

I wouldn't say there will be great need of creating multiple characters just because the last one stuck up in the encounters with geckos. Now, it will be pretty easy to team up with other players or simply join a bigger faction and enjoy a certain degree of protection and security there.

The lone wolfs can always start the game by forming a loose group of similar individuals. Once your character is stronger, you can leave the group, the same applies to factions (you can leave them whenever you want).

There will be more secure places, I can confirm that, but none of them will be 100% secure from other faction's attacks or raids. We currently test town guards and work on their AI to improve the reaction to any of those events, but you won't feel yourself 100% safe anywhere. This is kind of thrilling, keeps the adrenaline and caution on a certain level. I can also confirm that in more secure areas there will be fights, but occasionally. New players will have the chance to run away while the guards try to fend off attackers, so nothing to worry about. Just keep your eyes open, everything should be fine.
lisac2k said:
I wouldn't say there will be great need of creating multiple characters just because the last one stuck up in the encounters with geckos. Now, it will be pretty easy to team up with other players or simply join a bigger faction and enjoy a certain degree of protection and security there.

There will be more secure places, I can confirm that, but none of them will be 100% secure from other faction's attacks or raids. We currently test town guards and work on their AI to improve the reaction to any of those events, but you won't feel yourself 100% safe anywhere. This is kind of thrilling, keeps the adrenaline and caution on a certain level. I can also confirm that in more secure areas there will be fights, but occasionally. New players will have the chance to run away while the guards try to fend off attackers, so nothing to worry about. Just keep your eyes open, everything should be fine.

Thank you for the info. I'm looking forward to OB3 more and more with every new info you give us :) But somehow I can never get the answer I want :) Here's the question: Do I loose the ability to chat with other players when I die and do I need to pay a fee when I die or is it simply a time penalty? I know I loose all my equipment. There, that's the question
Cold Zer0 said:
Thank you for the info. I'm looking forward to OB3 more and more with every new info you give us :) But somehow I can never get the answer I want :) Here's the question: Do I loose the ability to chat with other players when I die and do I need to pay a fee when I die or is it simply a time penalty? I know I loose all my equipment. There, that's the question

the radio loss i think must be fixed IMHO
and i agree with you also about the fee to exit " the hell "


Crni Vuk said:
if you really liked Diablo 1 you probably will love Diablo 2. Its in my eyes on almost anything a improvement compared to the first game. (Sad Fallout 3 is not a improvement compared to Fallout 1 -.- !).

actualy I am even thinking again to start playing Diablo 2 online again since a friend which is playing it all the time said that most of the kidz left the game I mean its pretty old by today standarts. And one of the reasons I stoped playing was all this people runing out screeming how bad your character and the items are. Well some of us have a "real" life as well which they spend their most time in and think its a bit dull to hunt 4-5 hours for items only.

as soon as i get it i will let you know
The replication fees system is gone, so you will no longer run up any debts just for dying. That should help new players out quite a bit.

As for radios, the current plan is that they are still lost upon death. However, as has been mentioned earlier, factions are a key part of the game dynamic.

If you manage to get into a gang then you should be able to return to your gangs HQ and get yourself another radio. Either that or simply withdraw some money from the bank and buy yourself a new one (radios will be cheaper than the last test too).
lisac2k said:
There will be more secure places, I can confirm that, but none of them will be 100% secure from other faction's attacks or raids. We currently test town guards and work on their AI to improve the reaction to any of those events, but you won't feel yourself 100% safe anywhere. This is kind of thrilling, keeps the adrenaline and caution on a certain level. I can also confirm that in more secure areas there will be fights, but occasionally. New players will have the chance to run away while the guards try to fend off attackers, so nothing to worry about. Just keep your eyes open, everything should be fine.

I like the sound of this. You saying that large raids on the big city "safe zones" are possible? Like possible for a large amount of players to take out guards as they go?

Cause that would be great - past games like this I've played have made safe zones that a bit too safe... Ultima Online, with their one shotting guards, and most recently, Darkfall, with their unavoidable, unattackable lightning towers.

Darkfall was ok in this section, with ways around killing enemy clan members - lightning towers dont attack you if you attack people you are at war with, but other players would jump in front of your swings on purpose to get you killed by towers, or other naked players would just surround and kamakazi crafters, getting killed by the towers, but killing the crafter. Then a "clean" player would scoop up the loot. Besides all that - if you wanted to attack an opposing faction NPC city, forget it. It was impossible. All this was done by players in their own faction cities.

Anyway, better than either of those in darkfall would be just guards that are killable by a raid, but enough to enforce law against a small group, or trouble making players.

One suggestion. As mentioned above, one player attacks and kills someone and takes the wrath of guards shortly after, while his friend loots the corpses - it could be a problem. Maybe looting corpses would get guards on you as well?

I mean, think of it this way - there's a shootout on the streets in real life. Cops end up killing the people shooting at each other. Some random guy runs up and begins taking wallets off the corpses. How's the cops going to act? Just watch them?

I'm guessing it could be easy to implement if you think it's a good idea, if you could add a stealing script to corpses in cities.
Well, regarding starter gear, before I left the dev team I submitted a 'starter town' area. The dialogue was mostly done, the map was actually poached from the now defunct FMF. The intention behind it was that you could get yourself a leather jacket, a 10mm pistol, a knife, brass knuckles, a couple rounds and a bit of experience. The items themselves could probably be 'rusty' versions of the originals, meaning they had the same stats but were financially worthless, so people couldn't farm them for easy cash.

I was hoping they could be instanced, in that this starter town only contained the player and some NPCs so that new players could familiarise themself with the game before they had to deal with other players. There was enough xp if you did all the quests to bring you to at least level 2, so you could feel a little more confident when you entered the real game. There were people that explained the basic tenets of the game - don't trust anyone, be prepared to run like hell, and so on. Once you left, you couldn't go back, meaning that there wouldn't be an issue of high level players coming back and griefing newbies.

I also threw in a trainer who increased your melee/unarmed/throwing skills, much like the tribals in Fallout 2 who increased your melee and unarmed, to help give players a more reliable backup if they ran out of ammunition.

I always thought that that throwing/melee/unarmed were useless in Fallout (particularly throwing), and more so in FOnline's real time combat. The skill increase won't give you much of an edge against other players, but it will mean that you won't have to try and punch a rat ten times before you actually get a hit. I would rather everyone is more capable at punching/stabbing/throwing rather than those skills lie totally useless.
I think it should remain the same and players should start off with nothing but a radio.

Do you know what the feeling was of getting your hands on your first 10mm pistol in OB1???
Lazlo said:
I always thought that that throwing/melee/unarmed were useless in Fallout (particularly throwing), and more so in FOnline's real time combat.

Oh dear.

Are you forgetting Shaitan? And the rest of those stealth-sledge guys?

They were terrifying. Terrifying enough that we had the entire Rotators+accomplices launch a joint assault on the SAD just so we can get the guy when he was alone by himself. Good times.
Yes, he was more deadly with his sharped spear than we with our big guns and laser guns and so on. Also he never needed ammo and never needed to care about it.

The SAD-event was great, by the way. He nearly could flee but by accident I saw him and started combat with shoting on him. After this he was a dead man. :lol: Still, he could kill a lot from us, if I remember correctly.
I remember he killed two people, not so much for him :mrgreen: .

But well he was really efficient with his "i sneak behind you back and stick my spear up in your ass" way of playing.

I was wondering, in a start zone, could we be already with other player and group ?
coliphorbs said:
Are you forgetting Shaitan? And the rest of those stealth-sledge guys?

I'm sure there are a few examples, but combat's changed a lot since OBT2. You can now run in combat mode and combat timeout is a lot shorter. Combat is now more fluid, you don't have to shoot at something and impotently stand there for four seconds as your opponent walks up to you point blank and unloads 10mm burst into your hapless face.

You can't use an example from a year ago, the whole system is pretty much overhauled. And even if that were true, character builds that don't focus on raw strength wouldn't be an enormous threat. The only way a character would be able to make good use of the extra skill points in melee/unarmed is if they were making a character built for that anyway. I was trying to make it so players aren't needlessly frustrated every time they respawn without a gun.

Plus, the gifted trait is gone, so you'll be a lot less likely to see 10 strength 10 agility 10 endurance builds. And if you do, there'll probably be staring at you mouth slightly open, from their distorted grimace of a face.

Having low charisma sadly isn't still too big a burden, although now you can hire bodyguards and the maximum number you can hire is limited by your charisma. Frankly, I wouldn't mind that if you had charisma below 3 you're simply too repulsive to even lead one mercenary into battle. Having 1-2 of any other stat is crippling, it should be the same for charisma. I'd like it that if you had 1/2 charisma most NPCs that weren't ghouls would refuse to speak to you. But I'm a hardliner for well rounded character builds, as well as someone who wishes charisma was a bit more useful.

Maybe FOnline's intelligence/chat system, whereby if your intelligence was low certain words were replaced, 'I' became 'me' in chat, could be transplanted onto charisma. With low charisma, you're so socially maladjusted you can't communicate verbally. With 1-2 charisma half of your words are replaced by inocherent mumbling. Think a kind of Rain Man figure.
Lazlo said:
Plus, the gifted trait is gone

Why is that so ?

Lazlo said:
With low charisma, you're so socially maladjusted you can't communicate verbally. With 1-2 charisma half of your words are replaced by inocherent mumbling. Think a kind of Rain Man figure.

Charisma normally stands for the appealing of your character. Not his way of speaking, wich was determined by Speech and Intelligence.

Plus, too much technically way to make things RP will dispense player to do it.

And that sucks.