FOnline open test

hawk eye im in charge of the french translation with the creator of the mod. i will get the real dialogs once its human-translated in english.

je m'occupe officiellement de la traduction en francais pour les prochaines versions, les dialogues de cette version sont traduits avec google donc il faut attendre que ca soit traduit par un humain en anglais sinon on perd beaucoup du sens reel des phrases. important pour un RPG. de toutes facons le test s'arrête demain.
Great that's just i wanted to hear !

Ok if you need help in translating Lt_Gable just let me know.

sah => i think the translation in client-side only, so there will be a client for each language, like english client, russian client, french client etc...

Am i wrong Lt_Gable ? :)
i think those are the msg files in the data/text/language (engl/russ/...)
the language can be set in the foconfig.exe or in the fonline.cfg so it doesnt depends on your client, theres no separate client for english or russian its the same just not configured the same way.
Yes of course, like in original games. So, the final version of the client will have all the dialog files for all languages. That sounds good. Do we got an early date of release ?
There will be a server stress-test on sunday, before the end of open testing. Everyone who has a chance is encouraged to participate. You're needed to enter the game and be there.

Time boundaries: 16.00 - 17.00 GMT
Our admin kindly asked you to make a role-playing video (and accompany it with a story))) he said if you need some ingame stuff he'll give everything you need)))

PS he did ask our guys but... maybe you'll be more responsible)))
I need people for an RP video we're doing for Fonline. We're doing it tonight so we need folks now. Come to the IRC channel at forestnet #fonline.
Ok, just wait a bit, I think I died before logging off.

Yes, I did. And when I tried to get out, some PKer Russian killed me. I'm going there in some minutes, wait for me.

Mother****** killed me again. They're blocking the door, I'll kick his ass.

Ok, problem resolved. I'm in the curch already. Where's everyone? Only MaNiaC is there, and he's mute.
So yeah.. I'm not a big fan of Sotik and his crew..
Yeah he and Dan xalc killed us too, I kinda think he attack everyone with an english name, or in a remote place. Or maybe they just kill everybody.
I have to say this, but everyone who has a Power Armor become a complete sucker (exept the enclave guys, of course). Great power must come with great responsabilities said the wise guy.
Well he was true.
I mean, I am not a bad laser shooter myself. But against a man with a Powerarmor as good as me? I dont stand a chance.

Our admin kindly asked you to make a role-playing video (and accompany it with a story))) he said if you need some ingame stuff he'll give everything you need)))

PS he did ask our guys but... maybe you'll be more responsible)))

Maybe the Unity could do this. We already introduce our new members the RP way in Unity Village... We could do something like this. That would need a little preparation, and the participation of enought of our members at the same time (at least 4,5 regular to build a circle + 1,2 applicants).
We would need a bunch of purple robes, some flowers, but some PA and holy grenade wouldn't be superfluous. (so woulndt a cathedral :D )
A probable scenario would be first the preaching in the den. Then the Ceremony of trial for a newcomer in Unity village. (can end with the death of the applicant, if he answer the question wrong. We already did it.).
Then to go on a holy mission.( like killing some of the guys in PA who killed us). Then Return in Unity village. That would require the presence AND the seriousness :P of many of our members at the same time. (that isn't easy to make happen + the participation of 1,2 newcomers).
Oh and I dont have any fucking Idea how to make video. We would need 2 guys to do it. To be sure.

If the Unity members are interested in participating, let me know, and tell me when you will be connected. Same if you want to be the newcomers.

Tell me if you are interested Burillo.
Yeah I filmed isn't that great. I sent it to one of the guys in the video for editing. We'll probably do another one sometime, and hopefully it'll turn out better. We had our fellow russian in the game help too. A russian girl named Methaline (hope I spelt it right) came up with the plot. Also it helps to be online early in the guys coulda picked up all the loot we left in San Fransisco. I mean tons of it.
Dude, I think it's hilarious how if you have any kind of armor at all and a gun people run away from you like you're a serial killer. In the den there are these women junkies that have really REALLY good guns on them and I got the solar scorcher from one of them (unlimited ammo)! Plus I tagged energy weapons, and I was planning to pump all of my points into energy weapons when I leveled up but I forgot that my guy had an intelligence of one so I only got like 7 skill points. Bummer! I saw that the 'random' encounters aren't random because whenever you go to the world map and enter any area of the wasteland there will always be an 'encounter'.
insanepipe said:
Yeah I filmed isn't that great. I sent it to one of the guys in the video for editing. We'll probably do another one sometime, and hopefully it'll turn out better. We had our fellow russian in the game help too. A russian girl named Methaline (hope I spelt it right) came up with the plot. Also it helps to be online early in the guys coulda picked up all the loot we left in San Fransisco. I mean tons of it.

Yep, it also took us approx 5 hours. I wanted to go to bed at the latest 1 o'clock in the night... well... then it turned out to 6 o'clock in the morgine. :aiee:

I made some screenshots and will post them later.
It's great. So I get to talk to some Becky or whatever... and some fucking ruskie in Power Armor comes and kills everyone around including the person I was talking to so I can't close the dialog box anymore and I have to exit the game. Really, awesome.

At least the so called translation are hilarious. "Commands for intercourse" Ahahaha...
Well, it is google english and yes, there are many playerkillers at the moment.
our forums are down, works are in progress. a possibility to change hoster is considered. stay tuned
Lexx said:
Well, it is google english and yes, there are many playerkillers at the moment.
it would be cool if the towns militia/guards/NPCs would attack the PKers in tows as they are now defending other NPCs (might decrease the PvP in towns without artificial "no PvP zone", face it, it's not fun nor fair to be killed when chatting/bartering with NPCs)