THE message from cvet
The test is over, it's time to summarize everything.
I want to thank everyone who participated, searched for bugs, made suggestions or just played. Who wanted to participate but couldn't for some reasons - don't be upset, the next open test is not far away - fall 2008.
Many people were interested in this project and offered their help in creation of the plot and further testing.
The stress test that should have been the final step of the first open test was upset because of the tough position of our (now ex) hoster.
A very serious bug resulting in server shutdown was found. Numerous bugs and defects that weren't detected during the closed tests were also found. Different people were playing resulting in a vast amount of questions and problems regarding balancing, player/NPC interacton, gameplay and other aspects that we will definitely solve.
I'd also like to thank the english-speaking community that, to my surprise, not only didn't ignore the open test but are willing to collaborate.
This board will be closed for new messages after some time.
A couple of words regarding screenshots and videos. If anyone can work with FTP - post your works here:
user: first
password: opentest
Part of them will be posted in "Screens и Video".
Once again thank you all for participation. Best regards.