FOnline open test

I know. Mainly Den was really annoying, because all new guys spawned there, so they are easy targets.

/Edit: because fonline forum is still down, I ask here: Maybe we should translate the googleish-english to more better english?
OK, so basically we need to wait now for the forums to be opened? Cause I wanted to know more about the tests, and about the progress, and maybe make some suggestion and help if I can.
a message from our admin:

"Thank you all for participating. The next open test will be in fall 2008.

We apologize for our forums not working - it happened because of the reasons we can't be responsible for. The site has moved to another hoster, the functionality will be recovered within next few days."
Okay...doesn't work for me...:/

But the thing is - I had to browse the page through some proxy because it didn't work, but the forum doesn't work even through proxy and so on....
THE message from cvet :-)

The test is over, it's time to summarize everything.

I want to thank everyone who participated, searched for bugs, made suggestions or just played. Who wanted to participate but couldn't for some reasons - don't be upset, the next open test is not far away - fall 2008.

Many people were interested in this project and offered their help in creation of the plot and further testing.

The stress test that should have been the final step of the first open test was upset because of the tough position of our (now ex) hoster.

A very serious bug resulting in server shutdown was found. Numerous bugs and defects that weren't detected during the closed tests were also found. Different people were playing resulting in a vast amount of questions and problems regarding balancing, player/NPC interacton, gameplay and other aspects that we will definitely solve.

I'd also like to thank the english-speaking community that, to my surprise, not only didn't ignore the open test but are willing to collaborate.

This board will be closed for new messages after some time.

A couple of words regarding screenshots and videos. If anyone can work with FTP - post your works here:
user: first
password: opentest
Part of them will be posted in "Screens и Video".

Once again thank you all for participation. Best regards.
Burillo said:
A couple of words regarding screenshots and videos. If anyone can work with FTP - post your works here:
user: first
password: opentest
Part of them will be posted in "Screens и Video".

I uploaded some from me. :)
Burillo said:
I'd also like to thank the english-speaking community that, to my surprise, not only didn't ignore the open test but are willing to collaborate.

I, too, was pleasantly surprised by the massive response. I told binyan there would likely be no response, but hell was I wrong.

So, anyone up for doing a Let's Play travelogue?
Brother None said:
I, too, was pleasantly surprised by the massive response. I told binyan there would likely be no response, but hell was I wrong.

I have had the same in mind too, because of the screens and videos I saw before. It looked all like only combat and so on. But then... if you play it on your own, you see that it is not just combat. Ok, now later in the open test it was but that is not all the fault of the game itself. The most players wanted to level up, get more ammo and shoot other and the easyest way for this was to kill NPCs and other players.

I think, the response is so massive, because this feels like Fallout, but different. You are there, in the center of Klamath or Den or Redding, it is all like in Fallout 2, but... there are other human players too. They run around and talk. This feels so new, but also like Fallout.

I personaly like the Fallout 1 world more but it is much smaller then the Fallout 2 world. :/
So... I am waiting for the real big release of Fonline and hope, that someone will then do the Fallout 1 world. :)

For the killing in towns, I have had an idea for a while. You all remember NCR and the no-Weapons-in-Hand policy? This could become a rule in some other towns too - because, if you have no weapon in the hand, it is not that easy to kill other. If someone takes out a weapon, the chance is high, that he will use it, so other players/ NPCs can react.
Wasn't the consensus that Fallout Online would not work?

If the response to this was so positive, I wonder how Interplay's FOOL will be received if/when it's done.
Ausir said:
If the response to this was so positive, I wonder how Interplay's FOOL will be received if/when it's done.

I, personaly, think, that there is a big difference. This Fallout Online uses original graphics from Fallout, so you have nearly the exact look and feel of the original Fallout and it gives a touche of Ultima Online. For this it gets a big + from me. Interplay's FOOL might be very different in look and feel. It will have 3D/ different Graphic (I don't say, that 3D is bad, it only looks different) and I bet, it will have more bloom and action so it can be more attractive to the mass of players.
I think, it will be more like WoW and Co. and not like a realy roleplay game.
Well, Interplay's FOOL will likely be good in terms of art direction and keeping with the canon, since they have Jason Anderson as the head of the project, even if all other aspects of it suck. And who knows, maybe other Fallout devs? Tim Cain, Leon Boyarsky and Scott Campbell are busy at Carbine, Blizzard and WhiteMoon Dreams, but maybe Chris Taylor or Jason Taylor?
Brother None: So, anyone up for doing a Let's Play travelogue?

So, anyone up for doing a Let's Play travelogue?
For the killing in towns, I have had an idea for a while.

Wouldn't it be more important to make the NPCs unkillable? What is with this thing making them killable in the first place anyway? Are they respawned later? It's stupid anyway... this is not a singleplayer game it's a goddamn online game. I don't want the NPC I talk to to die in the middle of the conversation, whether it causes the dialog box to remain open or not.
Oh, yeah, and from the little else I saw... hopefully the BOS won't be the goody two-shoes helping orphans like they were now. This isn't supposed to be Fallout 3 I believe.
FeelTheRads said:
Oh, yeah, and from the little else I saw... hopefully the BOS won't be the goody two-shoes helping orphans like they were now.

Are they?

Yes, the NPCs respawn after a while.