FOnline second open test started

You hold left click on a person and find the party icon. click the icon and their should be an arrow above their head. Sometimes it doesn't show.
What happened to the Crazy Redding Shooter? Hell was filled with people pissed at him, I didn't saw him die while I was there, otherwise I think the angry people he killed would gang-bang and go medieval on his now-unarmed ass. :twisted:

Also, yesterday I saw two cassino guards using 10mm pistols with AP bullets and wearing metal armor shooting each other in broad daylight in The Den. They barely did any damage to each other :lol: Does anyone know who won?

I made a new character, strong like a bear, fast like the wind, and killed by a woman and a bum. Like a ladybug...

I mean uh... Come on! How can a weak homeless kill me with 1 b*tchslap? Seriously. And this is happened twice.

People are superhumanly strong, probrably to prevent NPC killing. I could't kill NPCs at level 1, but at level 3 and 125% Unarmed (Did I mentium 9 ST and 10 AG?), I know how to "bait" someone away, punch him to death, rob his stuff and then go away. It seems most people can take one hell of a beatdown to kill. On the other side, I can beat Golden Geckos, Big Radscorpions, Mole Rats and Dogs to death. With my bare hands. But I can't defeat those goddamn Random Encounter Brahmin that appear with the Bootleggers for some reason. They are just too many and too strong. Also, watch out for those super-rats in Redding, they can take a super-human beating and not die at all.

Sebbeman said:
Just waited at the Sierra Army Depot for about 7-8 ingame hours, contacted the BoS to make sure they would send their supply caravan and ten minutes before they arrive the goddamn russians arrive to rain on my parade.

"base is closed. go avay"

Sigh. I guess the only thing one can do is to join the Unity.

It seems to me that south of Redding is russian-dominated. Due to the large concentration of English-speakers in the Cathedral, they usually hang out in Sierra and bellow. Unity is the best bet. It seems most english-speakers are joining the Unity, interesting...

And why didn't you fight them?
K, looks like I'm getting stronger. I just killed a dog and a gekko. 8-) Thanks for the "kill animals" advice. I hope the PETA doesn't show up on the server. :lol:
Ah, finally made it to the Cathedral. Time to lay low.

Edit: Jesus, I really just need a small gun. A pistol or something. I have crap unarmed so I can't do a damn thing...
I was at the Catedral, I got a combat shotgun for free, with 17 ammos.

Nice English speaking people there.
SSteve said:
And how that is possible, I watch a bum's pocket, he has nothing, just some money. I kick in his face, but he pull out a rifle and shoot me? Same with a woman on the street. I watched her with the "steal". Nothing, just some money. Ok, then I hit her. Yeah right. He pulled out a huge stick and he beat me to death.

Because he is carrying it in his hands. It is like in Fallout 1 and 2.

Also there is at least one quest in english. In closed test we solved it and I give a tipp: You need at least 110% science for this. If you don't have a high science skill (or somebody else in the group), you can still start the quest and get exp, etc. but not end it (or it will be really fucking hard). Go to Redding to the mine guys (enter town and go to top map). On the right side in the building is a guy - you can talk to him and accept the quest. If you do this quest in a group (what I recommend) then you need to stand as close as possible at the NPC (best is, the hex fields around him). Then everybody get the quest marked in the PipBoy.

Btw. you guys have to be happy. One hour before open test started I told them that the encounters are to heavy so they dumped them down. :P

Btw.² seems like the Unity need a own forum soon. We grow and grow and it becomes harder every day to manage all our new children. :lol:
Lexx said:
Btw.² seems like the Unity need a own forum soon. We grow and grow and it becomes harder every day to manage all our new children. :lol:

Yes, and since there are plenty of us now, I can't imagine that many here can't find some poeple to team up and hunt for geckos or something to lvl a bit...
I got it to organize lots of 10mm SMGs, Combat Shotguns and so on, but couldn't carry everything... so I sold the most. The trader in Broken Hells makes good prices even for me with my lousy 6% barter skill.
Lexx said:
I got it to organize lots of 10mm SMGs, Combat Shotguns and so on, but couldn't carry everything... so I sold the most. The trader in Broken Hells makes good prices even for me with my lousy 6% barter skill.

Where is that trader anyway? Couldn't find him... Found only human trader, and she got high prices..