FOnline second open test started

ralexand said:
Fiftyseven, maybe you just should organize like the english people? There is a nice Line if the Car arrives at the cathedral, and the english people who are strong will protect the car. So there is no stealing etc, because the english people take care. So do the same, organize your well equipped friends and try to control the crowd. And if someone shoots without warning, shoot him. :)
You are free to not believe me, but its fully random. We have crap supplies sometimes, sometimes we have power armors. You can ask cvet ofcourse.

Fiftyseven, maybe you just should organize like the english people? There is a nice Line if the Car arrives at the cathedral, and the english people who are strong will protect the car. So there is no stealing etc, because the english people take care. So do the same, organize your well equipped friends and try to control the crowd. And if someone shoots without warning, shoot him. Smile
You see, my friends (or should i call it 'my gang') will hardly approve of this. We are always in the state of war with someone, so we cannot allow supplies to anyone else.

scypior said:
HEh, I just saw organized group of RU speaking people waiting for supplies at Cathedral, saw text in RED, and moved away without any questions ;p
Can guarantee it wasn't me or anyone from sierra gang.
Fiftyseven said:
You are free to not believe me, but its fully random. We have crap supplies sometimes, sometimes we have power armors. You can ask cvet ofcourse.

Yes, I thought the same but wasn't sure. :)
SSteve said:
Russians at the Cathedral? :shock:

wtf, which server are you fifthyseven and scypior? So you are fighting each other? seems that the english people have improved.
ralexand said:
wtf, which server are you fifthyseven and scypior? So you are fighting each other? seems that the english people have improved.

I'm on 2nd, and I'm not fighting with anyone.
scypior said:
ralexand said:
wtf, which server are you fifthyseven and scypior? So you are fighting each other? seems that the english people have improved.

I'm on 2nd, and I'm not fighting with anyone.

Yes I'm on second also ( dethshot :P ). I noticed that ruskies keep coming to the cathedral for the supplies lately. Didn't happen just that one time. We might have to fight with them sooner or later for the supply line.

Second server down again. They seem to be doing alot of upgrades( if that's why they are down). Which is very good.
Is there any list of what you can "fix" together? Just wondering if its worth pumping repair past 101%
Ok two quick questions:

-can you direct me to the place where i can store cash/items? I fail to find any terminals or banks i could access.

-is there any way to quit the dialougue without randomly clicking on russian text or "text not found"? Last time i have been clickign randomly i lost all my cash (1000+ coins)
- Look for a hole in the ground (ladder,..)

- Press "0"
Do armor piercing bullets work like they should against people?

Is there any other type of bank system besides the computer in the locker areas underground? I put most of my money in the locker box because I am down 10 k on the replication system. Although I have to get enough money to put in this sooner or later. 1 resurrection costs about 1 k now for me and that's NOT good. I may have to start a new character later on just for this. Fucked up royally.

And also what traders do you guys use that give better prices. Most of the traders I saw that give ok prices ( around 300 for an smg instead of 50 ) have very few items and gold on them.

I'm lvl 5 now( not long till lvl 6 ), got there relatively easy, can't say I grinded , had some good gear, and leveled up fast, worked the wasteland in a group of 2 for a bit. Also defeated a few players that attacked me or while I was defending the cathedral and a few of em gave xp like around 300-400. 20-30% stealing might be worth it. Just try to steal from some npc's that have good gear on them and don't have guns. If you fail start running and maybe try again later or another npc. Also use first aid on yourself once in a while when you're hurt, gives xp also, aswell as any other skills.

Don't know how to get power armor yet. Prolly just from the shipments.

Am really liking it so far. For a beta I like it, and it has potential.

Praise the Unity!
Lexx said:
- Look for a hole in the ground (ladder,..)

Well, when i go to places marked on the world map as replication centers and enter a ladder there i end on the world map again...
Cathedral is now russian territory too. They killed me and others.

"Melee" and his friends are on my killing list now.
Yes. But I will take payback. We need to regroup and wait at cathedral. They will 100% come back because they are too weak for the guys at Sierra and Mariposa. I will gear up as soon as possible and then they get my hole anger with a shoot in the groin. (I killed 4 of them with shoots in the groin btw.)
Well I can help I suppose, but I have no equipment save my radio. Need to get some damn guns...

Which server are you on? The one ending in .25 or .111?

Edit: Oh what the hell, a dog just hit me critically for 20 god damn hit points...
Lexx said:
Yes. But I will take payback. We need to regroup and wait at cathedral. They will 100% come back because they are too weak for the guys at Sierra and Mariposa. I will gear up as soon as possible and then they get my hole anger with a shoot in the groin. (I killed 4 of them with shoots in the groin btw.)

There's a group of around 10 russians at the Cathedral right now, two of them have power armor and they're packing both miniguns and flamers. They killed me as soon as I stepped in through the door.