FOnline second open test started

Hope you're taking notes and screenshots for a second travellog ! It sounds great :twisted: Server 2 isn't quite as epic for now but I prefer it that way ( can't play as much as I wish to so I prefer a calmer server ).
MrBumble said:
Hope you're taking notes and screenshots for a second travellog ! It sounds great :twisted: Server 2 isn't quite as epic for now but I prefer it that way ( can't play as much as I wish to so I prefer a calmer server ).

Crap, I am making screenshots, but not as many as I wanted...I am always forgetting...
Arg, I wish there was a bank at the respawn areas and a vendor that sold radios beside it, would make things a lot easier.
I'm playing on the second server and can't get out of hell. They moved the turret a bit so i detects pretty much 95% of all people that try to pass through. Looks like i'll have to make a new character.
Hug the wall next to the turret and walk don't run around the corner. Russains have invaded the cathedral.
Fellow brothers, I want to tell you about the victory of the Unity today. It was a great victory.

As you might remember, we life in fear and we life in anger with our russian friends. We are less in numbers and we are not as strong and cruel. But today everything changed. The Unity is becoming to rise up again and shine - we lost our homes, we lost our supply, we couldn't do anything against that. But we have one strength! We are well organized. Better than anyone else. We have the mass of us against many smaller groups of our enemys. And with this we can rise up again and shine.

Now I want to tell you our story. How we rised up again and how we want to shine again and forever.

It was tragic days- our enemys attacked and we couldn't do anything against it. We died. We got screwed up, they robbed us and leaved us left for dead. For a long time.

So we decided to regroup at Modoc. We gave armors and weapons to our new children and blessed them. We got more and more follower, it was a fantastic moment. This was also the moment where the anger at our enemys got bigger and bigger. It wasn't possible to hold this, so some of us went out to attack every not-so-much-english-speaking person. Of course this sounds cruel now too, I agree on this. But it was needed. We needed to show that we are NOT only a bunch of people running around for getting killed just because of fun. After we gave armors and weapons, we decided to make groups and go to Gecko to check for traders and to hunt down more of our enemys. And so we got pleased and killed more of them who treated us like shit the hole time. We regrouped and thought about getting our home back. Our base. Our cathedral.

We created a perfect plan and started the journey back to our cathedral.

It was better to send out a spy first who could check the place for our enemys. So our three groups waited at the worldmap and our brave brother Jack was going out to see if everything was clear. It was a chaotic moment full of fear and tension. The radio was silence - no voice from Jack. Was he dead? Someone got him? The last we heard was "Advanced Powerarmor" - we thought about the worst but decidet to enter anyway - all or nothing!

And the Master pleased us with luck.

It was save. For now. We went to the entrance of the cathedral to check the situation.

And again: Our brave brother Jack was the first who entered to check the situation for the rest of us. We are many but if the enemy would be too strong, it would not make sense to die just for nothing.

Silence at the radio.


It was unclear what we will see but we stormed the cathedral.

Just in the next moment we saw the first of our enemys. They seemed to be feared because of our mass in follower. They run away and we slayed them. It was a hard battle and four of us didn't made it. We will never forget them, they are heroes.

After a hard fights we got it. We managed to get the cathedral back. (A shame that you can not see the dead bodys of our enemys - it was great.) We looted them, we took their weapons and armors and equipped our new brothers with them.

And we got even more follower. Later we counted 18.

We. Are. The. Unity.

Our first mission was a great success. We got our cathedral back and we got our base back. The next step was to wait for the supply. Three hours left. A long time. But it all went good, the supply reached us and we could restock our items a little bit. This feels good.

To celebrate our newest victory, we started our next informal meeting in the cathedral. Brother Nikopol was the first who talked to his brave Unity followers and told that the Unity will rise from this moment on again up to the old strength. Then brother Nails talked about our actual position in the world and that we need to train more to become even stronger because still we couldn't rest on our victory.

After that, preacher Grizzly talked to us and told us his gripping story about life and the wasteland. We applaud and praised the holy flame, the master and praised.

This, my fellow brothers was our first big victory as the Unity in the wasteland that is called everywhere "77", the first.

I hope you enjoyed the read and I hope you will not die because of my not all so good english. :salute:

This is brother Nikopol.
Yes and it makes no sense. They even don't get exp for this. This are just some stupid children who got bored or pissed off because someone killed them.
Thank you for the battle report Lexx! 8-) Too bad I slept and I cannot help. But I'm going to the Cathedral at this moment! 8-)
Went to the cathederal, took note of our awesome presence and tried to join the unity. I guess I need to go through some sort of process first, but they can't do it yet. Not sure what the deal is.