FOnline second open test started

Unity is not broken you fool. Its getting stronger with each day.


Well, it's not helping that you're all acting like a bunch of Russians and killing everyone on sight. Your group's growth and power is going to be limited if you keep that up.

Yes, you can't consider yourself part of the Unity when you go on the rampage like that. Besides, none of your actions were known to Morpheus, me or Maniac, so your group (Korgoth and Deth/Killshot) is kinda freelance group now, not affiliated with Unity.

Naminator5 said:
Then there's Unity, the group with itchy trigger fingers, they always seem to kill anyone on sight by the looks of it.

Like I said above, it's not Unity. They're just old friends. Unity on server2 is dying slowly too, due to the lack of roleplaying...
dhomochevsky said:
After a week of gameplay I can think of this as the biggest problem:

Dificulty curve.

Blah blah blah

Better post your feedback on the FOnline forum, dude. I don't think cvet reads this.
scypior said:
Unity is not broken you fool. Its getting stronger with each day.


Well, it's not helping that you're all acting like a bunch of Russians and killing everyone on sight. Your group's growth and power is going to be limited if you keep that up.

Yes, you can't consider yourself part of the Unity when you go on the rampage like that. Besides, none of your actions were known to Morpheus, me or Maniac, so your group (Korgoth and Deth/Killshot) is kinda freelance group now, not affiliated with Unity.

Naminator5 said:
Then there's Unity, the group with itchy trigger fingers, they always seem to kill anyone on sight by the looks of it.

Like I said above, it's not Unity. They're just old friends. Unity on server2 is dying slowly too, due to the lack of roleplaying...

We didn't go on a rampage and when I first joined Unity I made my intentions clear to Morpheus, and he agreed and said those are the intentions of Unity aswell. Yes, we pked what we didn't recognize because everyone seemed either hostile or really untrustworthy. We mostly wanted to take some of the russians down a notch. Sorry for killing anyone who didn't deserve it and hope we make it up to em in game sometime. We always tried to give out good stuff to Unity and friends.

But they it's a dog eat dog world. It's the wasteland and shit is rough. It's Fallout baby. Sorry again for killing any non-russian guys who didn't deserve it and were new, those weren't our intentions. We just feel the need to take some PA's out of them russian hands :P

Anyways I take it we are no longer in Unity. I'm sorry for that, but to be honest Unity shouldn't be a peacefull organization in terms of roleplaying, and that is how I assumed we should roll.

Btw I am Killshot in game.
Well Role-Play....I would love to see Falloutish RP without only shooting and killing (well...PKing...its impossible to RP because of PKing). And don't say Fallout RP only contains that! :D And nice post, dhomochevsky. But maybe it's intended to be a hardcore game for hardcore gamers. :D
I actually like the fact that it is a hardcore world - it reflects the harshness of the wilderness perfectly fine.

But there are nevertheless quite a lot of issues that needs to be ironed out. Newbies really ought to have an easier time cause it's way too hard as it is right now - and with the death penalty system it just makes it way harsher. Many people will give up playing, no doubt about it.

The respawning time seems IMO very pointless as well. Why do you have to wait several minutes before you respawn anyway? 10-30 seconds at most is way more than enough. It's not like you'll reach the place where you were killed instantly anyway due to the travel speed.
slaytanic said:
Anyways I take it we are no longer in Unity. I'm sorry for that, but to be honest Unity shouldn't be a peacefull organization in terms of roleplaying, and that is how I assumed we should roll.

Well, this assumption comes not only from what I said, but you didn't contact with us lately too, you were doing stuff on your own, so I didn't have even slightest idea what you are up to:).

If we can regain contact, so that we all will know what each other is doing now and why, we can get back together. And the fact is, we NEED to get back together, or we will perish. So we kinda have to figure out your role in our organization (elite squadron of Nightkins or something;), and all will be good and fun:) )
dhomochevsky said:
Also, you need to set up a bounty system. I seen it's been mentioned above. Put some cash on somebody's head, make use of the terminals or something. However, I'm not talking about NPC's hunting the guy with the bounty. I'm talking about other players being able to hunt the guy. Once they kill him, the money is automatically transferred to the killer's account. It would also be nice if more people can pool money at any time to raise the bounty. A high level guy with some nice and shiny equipment will think twice about pissing other people off when he knows he can get 40 - 50 k in bounty on his head, and other high level players on his back.

The problem I see: It will not take much time until two high leveled friends will put away their stuff and kill each other. They get the money and buy even more good stuff.

Also I totally see a problem in the balancing. You can see that most weapons have been rebalanced since the last test. For now it seems like the only good BIG weapons are flamer and rocket launcher. Both are one-hit weapons. Bozar has become utterly useless. In first open test it was the weapon. Now I even couldn't kill a damn golden gecko with it (95% hit chance and 20hp damage). At close range I managed to make 50hp damage at one guy with combat armor. It isn't worth the ammo now.
The uber-weapons are still laser and plasma rifle. You can take down a APA dude with 4 plasma shoots. Avenger minigun works only against all that doesn't carry a combat or power armor and every other weapon... well... waste of ammo.
Small weapons.. the .223 pistol. With this you rock all. Even gauss pistol and gauss rifle sucks now. So, got your hands on a .223 pistol and you make critical hits with approx 40hp damage in the groin and up to 100hp damage at the head. All other small weapons are junk... ok, the Tommy Gun at close range is good too, but well...

Then we have had a small... power armor problem. It was too easy to get one. Nearly everyone could got one pretty fast. Now it has been changed and they are very rar now - and every player that carrys one is now a primary target for everyone. So in my opinion it is more saver to not carry a power armor. This brings up the next problem: If you carry a power armor, everyone will try to get it from you. If you don't carry a power armor... again, everyone wants to kill you, because you are a easy target.

It will become a bit tricky to balance this all well and I think, it will still need lots of testing.
Yes, I saw it yesterday. Combat Armor is the next better armor and the first 10-people-in-combat-armor-battalion is already farming the wasteland.
scypior said:
Well, this assumption comes not only from what I said, but you didn't contact with us lately too, you were doing stuff on your own.

If we can regain contact, so that we all will know what each other is doing now and why, we can get back together. And the fact is, we NEED to get back together, or we will perish. So we kinda have to figure out your role in our organization (elite squadron of Nightkins or something;), and all will be good and fun:) )

Well we didn't really have time to use the radios as both hands had weapons. That's why we been trying to communicate in irc. We talk there now :P
scypior said:
Lexx said:
Then we have had a small... power armor problem. (...)

Now we have small...combat armor problem:) CA wearing players slowly become targets too...

Oh Fuck...I was killed yesterday because of my PA. (The PA was at 65% and serviced passed, hrhr). And now I will be a target because of Combat Armor? lloooll. Wonder if I can survive with the Mark II Leather Armor xD
ralexand said:
scypior said:
Lexx said:
Then we have had a small... power armor problem. (...)

Now we have small...combat armor problem:) CA wearing players slowly become targets too...

Oh Fuck...I was killed yesterday because of my PA. (The PA was at 65% and serviced passed, hrhr). And now I will be a target because of Combat Armor? lloooll. Wonder if I can survive with the Mark II Leather Armor xD

To be honest I've been surviving in it and even killed others while wearing it and got their CA and PA. Got ALOT of PA's so far, and I've lost each one. It's hard to stay alive in the wasteland.
Dhomochevsky said:
After a week of gameplay I can think of this as the biggest problem:

Dificulty curve.

Seriously guys, the dificulty curve can be MURDER on this game. I know that you tried to balance the game by making it more difficult, but you only managed to make it more frustrating. Especially to new people. And this will only leave you with people that are really old at this and start accumulating strength, creating a vicious circle. And this difficulty curve can be broken down into the following:

Equipment. Really, it's RIDICULOUSLY HARD to obtain equipment, if you're not lucky enough to have someone help you. That wouldn't be a problem, but you see, it's also RIDICULOUSLY EASY to lose your hard earned stuff. you spend a few hours "farming" in the wastelands, you get some OK stuff, and you get savagely beaten by a gecko or you receive a stupid critical from a robber. To make matters worse, there's always a chance for you to encounter a PKer. Speaking of which...

PK. PK is rampant, it seems. I understand the thing with PvP everywhere, but in the name of all that's holy, you guys have to realize, there are people that get a kick out of being assholes. The moment they start camping near an entrance just so they can kill anyone coming in to town you have to realize something's wrong. I'm not talking about removing the PvP everywhere thing. But you need to insert some dire consequences for PK-ing in towns (or in SOME towns at least, so they can be considered safe havens). Dunno, some tough guards that pile up on whoever shoots or throws a punch, or something. I have encountered this problem and I'm sure a lot of others have. I swear, i didn't kill a single player since I started playing this, but I've been killed more than a dozen times by other characters (all of them were russian).
Also, you need to set up a bounty system. I seen it's been mentioned above. Put some cash on somebody's head, make use of the terminals or something. However, I'm not talking about NPC's hunting the guy with the bounty. I'm talking about other players being able to hunt the guy. Once they kill him, the money is automatically transferred to the killer's account. It would also be nice if more people can pool money at any time to raise the bounty. A high level guy with some nice and shiny equipment will think twice about pissing other people off when he knows he can get 40 - 50 k in bounty on his head, and other high level players on his back.

Random encounters. Srsly. Travel is slow as fucking hell. I have been told previously that it was even slower. But it doesn't change the fact that it still is slow. To make matters worse, random encounters are too damn scarce. I wandered the wastes FOR A FUCKING HOUR to level up and I got about 12 or 11 encounters. You need to make some special area where you can kill stuff according to the level. This would help more people level up faster. You can create incentives for high level players during the course of the game, just make getting started a little easier.
Speaking of random encounters, they're not quite that balanced. On one hand you get easy encounters, like mantis, or dogs or spore plants. On the other you get RELATIVELY easy encounters, like geckos, robbers and brahmin. The latter are the most likely to get you killed, especially if you're unarmoured. I'm having trouble putting a brahmin down, and I'm level 3, specialised on unarmed and with high agility. Also, robbers can always nail you a critical, sending you back to the replication vats. Paradoxally, robbers are the most likely to land you some ok equipment in the early stages of the game. But if you just started you have absolutely no chance of taking them down unless you're highly specialised in unarmed combat.
And this imposes a development path on you. The game is unplayable for diplomatic or thief characters. If you decide to start with ranged, hell, even melee weapons, you'll have enourmous trouble until you get some decent weapons. And the catch 22 is that you can't get decent weapons most of the time. And even if you do, you can lose them at any time. And that a great game does not make.

I would say that quests are mostly unaccessible to English players, but that's an old problem.

Anyway, that was it. Looking forward to my second week of gameplay.

How much longer will the test take?

Also, I don't speak russian (I can barely read Kyrillic), but I can help you with spellchecking and corrections during these holidays if you wish.

The only point I agree with you is the travel speed, it must be optimized to reduce waste of time in the game, also that timeout in random encounters has no sense. Random encounters are fine, robbers dont attack you on sight, so if u cant put up a fight, dont do. The great problem is that outdoorsman is not working yet, and u dont have the feature to skip the encounter you dont like, a waste of time again.

About the PK, well... it is Fallout, I cant imagine Fallout limiting Pking, u could have some heavily armed guards in Vault City or NCR indeed, but dont make sense in other towns. Also, there is a way to avoid them. As a matter of fact, the community does not like guys that shoot begginers, and there is even a force growing to figth that, the Army of North.

About starting, as i said before, its better to group with a friend, and one u get the nice spots, you will see that the game is not that hard, its easy :)

If u want some tips come to talk to me on irc (Knolan), or send me a PM.

Good luck all.
Outdoorsman is working since the first open test and longer. It influenced at least your travel speed on the worldmap.

The travel speed itself is good too. I would hate it if you could jump in one minute from town to town. I think, only "newbies" are thinking that it is too slow. Thats my personal impression of this because I thought the same when I started playing the first time. Also it would be shitty if you kill some dude and one minute later his friends are coming to you.
You still have your PA? :)

My char is sleeping for the next time. Maybe Shaitan, Masel and co. get bored later, then I can play again. It becomes already more quiet in the towns, imo.
Nope, he killed me for the PA. Left everything else, heh. He didn't even want the truck supplies.

Then he overheard that Hulk3 (whom he killed 5 minutes earlier) was heading to Modoc, so he radio'ed his guys to go kill him again. Cause he speaks english and we just can't have that on FOnline!

Anyway, this would have been a great game if the language barrier didn't cause so much of a power gap. And if the morons who took it upon themselves to "purge" FOnline from the "english speaking foreigners" were banned. Hopefully cvet takes these things to his attention. I'll be moving to server 2 because I'm tired of having this Shaitan guy with 300% sneak pop out of nowhere and kill me for no reason - which I guess is just what these guys want, but eh.
cvet already banned some guy as far as I know. But I can not remembar the name. I just saw how some blues attacked him in _off mode and killed him. You could really feel the hate. :)

I would move to server 2 too but the leveling up will need much time again and I don't think, that I can bring this up now.

/Edit: I also would love to get some explosives now. Then I would play suicide bomber on them. :P