FOnline second open test started

scypior said:
cccino said:
You've met me - I'm the guy that was given a PA at level 1 by a Russian a few days ago. Today I was PK'd by two English speakers without warning, and I've got a hunch they were Unity.

Who were they?

As for freq, we have our secret freq, but I will try to listen the 2nd channel as often I can so we can contact.
KorgotH and Killshot, if I recall correctly. It was one of those random encounters with other travellers, and I was walking away from them peacefully.
cccino said:
KorgotH and Killshot, if I recall correctly. It was one of those random encounters with other travellers, and I was walking away from them peacefully.

Yes, I remember you. I was 100% sure you were some russian whom I've seen around. I was sure you were him when I saw you in power armor. Sorry, hope you don't bear a grudge but shit happens. Will try to make it up to you in the future.

This is on second server btw
Have to disagree, travelling is slow but for different reasons. The travel speed is alright, the problem i have is meeting useless encounters for my level (especially around catha)... aprox 1 per 5 squares ... With outdoorsman you should be able to avoid those annyoing encounters and maybe find better ones than people without good outdoorsman. The sucky part is that everyone else will feel pissed about it. The admins should be like gamemaster throwing deathclaws in a city or showing up in the FrankHorrigan armor etc.. I want to be surprised by events.
I want to play on my old laptop but I can't run the FOnline. I checked the "FOnline.log":

Starting FOnline...

FEngine Initialization...
DInput init...
DInput init success.
SpriteManager Initialization...
CSpriteManager::CreateNewSurf - CreateTexture fail, error<D3DERR_INVALIDCALL>.
Create egg texture fail.
FEngine not init

what's the problem?
I'll post on the other feedback forum. I thought we could give feedback here too.

If armours are such a big incentive for PK-ing, why not remove the armour drops altogether? It worked well in the original game, I don't see why it wouldn't work here. Besides, it's realistic. Once you and your armour are blown to smithereens, there's no way in hell you would recover a perfectly unscathed armour from your bits and pieces, it gets blown too. I mean, you lose your armor anyway. Yeah, sure, the other guy might kill you just because you look strong, but it won't be such an incentive.

On the bounty thing - shit Lexx, you're right.

About removal of PK - if you guys read closely, I said in SOME TOWNS, not everywhere. Sure, the wasteland is tough and if you meet up a bunch of brutes you get killed. Also, if you're going to the den or New Reno you'll be sure to have trouble. That's life for ya. But I find it ridiculous when i go in "civilized " cities like Vault City or NCR, with guards on all sides, and find myself in the middle of a damn war, with guards just staring blankly at each other. Hell, civilised cities should have a "no weapons drawn" policy.

About the travel speed: I didn't quite complain about it being slow. I complained about too few encounters. We need MOAR action, less shuffling about. [edit] yeah, and what Apocalypse said.

I play Killy in case some of you don't know. You might've met me.
You made a good point. It makes no sense that you can use the armor if you melted it with a plasma rifle or bursted pretty holes in it.

Two possibilities:
- Armor will not drop if you explode or melt, etc.
- Armor is heavy damaged if you splatter the person.

I like it, I talk to cvet.
That would make "bloody mess" a pretty negative trait!
Other than that, i love it.

And the town guards are essential as well i think.
Hell, in NCR you shouldnt be able to draw your weapon without having to fight the whole town, like in the original fallout 2. Then you would be forced to roleplay without violence, PKing and no RPing problem solved. What do you think?

Also, i'm thinking of playing a jinxed junky. Is Jinxed and Chem reliant implemented? In the manual they're greyed out.
Lets organize ourselves on Server 1, we are already outnumbered and hunted for being englishpeakers, let us not slit up in many smaller groups.

Lest establish a base city, work for Brotherhood armor and try to kill PA/APA guys in packs too. Only like this they will respect us...

Use irc people.

About removal of PK - if you guys read closely, I said in SOME TOWNS, not everywhere. Sure, the wasteland is tough and if you meet up a bunch of brutes you get killed. Also, if you're going to the den or New Reno you'll be sure to have trouble. That's life for ya. But I find it ridiculous when i go in "civilized " cities like Vault City or NCR, with guards on all sides, and find myself in the middle of a damn war, with guards just staring blankly at each other. Hell, civilised cities should have a "no weapons drawn" policy.

I completely agree with this. It makes no sense to go the NCR freakin' congress and start a shootout with a bunch of players while the guards stare at themselves like retarded children. They should at least open dialogue with all players and threaten them to go to jail (which could be not only a annoying thing, but a oportunity for criminal quests, I think) and if they refuse, shoot the players involved with maximum prejudice. This should also happen in places like family cassinos or Becky's bar. I'm sure they don't like when their costumers are in the middle of a plasma crossfire.

If armours are such a big incentive for PK-ing, why not remove the armour drops altogether? It worked well in the original game, I don't see why it wouldn't work here. Besides, it's realistic. Once you and your armour are blown to smithereens, there's no way in hell you would recover a perfectly unscathed armour from your bits and pieces, it gets blown too. I mean, you lose your armor anyway. Yeah, sure, the other guy might kill you just because you look strong, but it won't be such an incentive.

I agree, but it should not be removed totally. I think that, when someone dies, the armor should be damaged. Weapons like plasma or explosives should pretty much destroy the armor, while a few bullets may allow it to survive, kinda broken, but it's still there. But it makes no sense to have your power armor remain after a rocket launcher turns you into chunky salsa. Also, this would make the number of Power Armor-freaks smaller.
The better armor you have when you die, the more base materials are created upon death whilst the armor is for a basic leather armor maybe (not always) 1 gecko skin can be recovered or something...
If you are on server 2 and need some small arms/melee weapons, leave a time and place, i've got some to give away. I can also make you leather jackets if you bring me a rope (wtf), i have enough mats to craft 3 of them. If you are unarmed, bring me brass knuckles and flintstone and i can make spiked knuckles.
dhomochevsky said:
After a week of gameplay I can think of this as the biggest problem:

Dificulty curve......... etc etc etc

i quote everything of your post and i add that russian players
think this is a "Doom" clone with "isometric view "....

And this means they are NOT interested in RolePlaying

I just found out about this and registerd here, though the mirror the OP posted is bogus. So please if anyone got a working dl post it or pm me. Thanks.

Also I got the impression that you guys stick together ingame, since there is ALOT of ruskies around. Couldn't find any IRC information here on the forums. What's NMA irc channel, assuming there is one.,and on what network?
some fucking french killed me while logging in and took my solar scorcher, crap :(
will offer a gatling laser or flamer/anything else i have for kills of kali and celestin
Lexx said:
You made a good point. It makes no sense that you can use the armor if you melted it with a plasma rifle or bursted pretty holes in it.

Two possibilities:
- Armor will not drop if you explode or melt, etc.
- Armor is heavy damaged if you splatter the person.

I like it, I talk to cvet.

Yes, I've been talking about this on IRC some time ago, it's very good idea. I think disability to loot armor in original games served the same purpose. Think how many APAs you could get from Navarro patrols.

I agree 100% to first possibility, and the second need some balance(so it's not that easy to repair that armor, or it is lower quality than new from the shop)
What IRC channel/server are you using for server1? PM me if you want to avoid russian spys. It`s very boring to play alone and unorganized.

PS: I`m willing to share a russian radio channel i discovered for the server 2, PM me also if you want to spy them out.
We made a group today and waited at Sierra for PKer Shaiton. He wanted to flee and was running like hell - heh! But we got him and killed him. Was a good day. :)