FOnline second open test started

We also took over Sierra.. repelled some AON attacks... developed a suicide bombing techniques... got 4 cars in one day.. And a lot of money. Yeah.

Things definitely started looking up for the english speaking folk in server 1 today.
I wish that you could set up your own outpost or something. A sort of guild type system. Might make it easier to organize and have a safe-ish haven.

Probably wishful thinking though, probably a little difficult to implement.
I think there's a hacker camping at one of the replicator bases, and making the turrets hostile.

Also, once again, Unity members attacked and killed me for no apparent reason, mainly by the guy with big guns.
Wilven said:
so I try to login to either server and it tells me to update the client.

what do I do now?

correction, now it's telling me that my password and login don't match?

I assume I enter it during registration yes?
I'm on server 2.

name is Wilven.

where the heck do I find english speakers? or anyone for that matter?

from what I read on this forum, the radio channel for english is 2....right?
One thing I can never figure out is how do you all earn money so fast?

I currently have like 15k just by sheer luck by finding a random 20k money sack on the ground at the Cathedral.
We are "farming" the wasteland. Near Broken Hills and Reno are lots of Raiders and Robbers and Mobsters with Tommy Guns, CAWS, Assault Rifles, etc. We take and sell this stuff.
BloodyPuppy said:
I wish that you could set up your own outpost or something. A sort of guild type system. Might make it easier to organize and have a safe-ish haven.

Probably wishful thinking though, probably a little difficult to implement.

Well, I thought Cathedral could be such place for Unity. But then I realized it is one of the supplies place...oh well.

If you do quest with warehouse, you get unique warehouse location for a team that did this quest. Only the leader who is performing this quest sees this location.
I still have the quest active but nobody wanted to finish the quest and it isn't worth to do it alone. :> Also we need someone with very high Science skill for this...
Lexx said:
I still have the quest active but nobody wanted to finish the quest and it isn't worth to do it alone. :> Also we need someone with very high Science skill for this...

I helped some polish friends finish this quest, and they've helped me to destroy turrets (cause I by myself could only got this far).

Basically one need high science to turn turrets down, but they can be quite easily taken down as well.

Reward is very weak for that, items are the same for every instance, but the location is unique. It could be quite useful.
What was the reward for you? In the closed test we got a shitload of 5mm ammo, rockets and grenades, when I remember correctly.

We should do the quest. I need a place where I can park my car. :P
Lexx said:
What was the reward for you? In the closed test we got a shitload of 5mm ammo, rockets and grenades, when I remember correctly.

We should do the quest. I need a place where I can park my car. :P

Well, reward is kinda the same. Rather useless stuff.
I could use every AP-rocket. I love my rocket launcher now. I don't make that high damage, but it is constant. So with one or two Laser/ Plasma/ Pulse rifles and a rocket launcher, we can take down very fast every PA and APA.