FOnline second open test started

Just for fun and maybe also because you looked like a english speaker.

What was the name of the guy? Maybe we can find him... then we can shoot him too.
Have they said if they were going to create their own original world after the betas are over, or still use the same maps of Fallout 2 ?

I can't read russian, so I don't know what they have planned for later.
The first target is the Fallout 2 world. Then maybe the Fallout 1 world will be added and then maybe....

It will still need a lot work to finish the Fallout 2 world. There is a lot empty space in the towns, not enough quests, many npcs without dialogs and so on, and so on.
I'm just curious why they just didn't bother making it all in English from the beginning if they were planning on releasing it online...assuming of course that they only wanted Russians playing it to begin with.
There seems to be some sort of Russian clan known as "Mad Clan Arankar" on the 213 server. I encountered one of them at New Reno, known as NiLit. She was camping inside New Reno Arms with a pulse weapon, there were already a body near the place, then she just blasted me with it for no apparent reason.

This clan kills all players, according to her. She also didn't seem interested in my loot, but I didn't bother going back.
Skyrage said:
I'm just curious why they just didn't bother making it all in English from the beginning if they were planning on releasing it online...assuming of course that they only wanted Russians playing it to begin with.

Because the most people who are working on FOnline only speak russia. Before the first beta test, nearly nobody here was interested in FOnline.
Obviously no one would be interested in a non-English game before actually trying it out. That speaks for itself.
Maybe with a few more english speaking people, there would be more stuff available in english. Not necessarily translated, but you know a updated manual and such things.
Oh yesterday I noticed:
While most npcs aren't translated, the dialogues of prostitutes are. :lol:
Though you know I can imagine that the communication between the devs can get problematic if different languages are present within the team.

I must also admit that I am astonished what the devs could get to work. Code and technical wise, I mean. I am no expert in these fields, but I can tell that it must have been some huge pile of work.

Does anyone know how many people are involved with the Fonline project? Must be quite a few.

So Lexx, I gather you are involved in the project? If so, tell the team to keep up the good work. ;) :clap:
I'm probably just done with this game. First few seconds upon entering the game at Modoc, I end up getting powerfisted by a random Russian.

Also, if any pros ever see cocloca, Ellie, or Madurke, give them a great big hello with a blast to the face.
"The devs" is only cvet. He made a lot stuff by himself and is the only one who is programming on FOnline at the moment. There are also other contributors of course. Some made new maps (like the new huge Den), some made new graphics for interface, etc.

I don't know who exactly made what, but yes, It was a lot work that has been done. :) I mean, even in first open test, it was very good playable.

The most of the base is already done. Now there is a need for quest writers and dialog writers and so on.
Naminator5 said:
There seems to be some sort of Russian clan known as "Mad Clan Arankar" on the 213 server. I encountered one of them at New Reno, known as NiLit. She was camping inside New Reno Arms with a pulse weapon, there were already a body near the place, then she just blasted me with it for no apparent reason.

This clan kills all players, according to her. She also didn't seem interested in my loot, but I didn't bother going back.

Okay, THAT is the craziest band of PKers I've heard off. Mad Clan Arankar indeed. I've fought Shaitan, Oleg, BUMP's Gang and the Army of The North, but ominiscidal psycho clan? WTF that's just batshit insane!
Lexx said:
"The devs" is only cvet. He made a lot stuff by himself and is the only one who is programming on FOnline at the moment.
:shock: :crazy:

Lexx said:
I don't know who exactly made what, but yes, It was a lot work that has been done. Smile I mean, even in first open test, it was very good playable.
Yes, the Client is very very stable and so far I have noticed most mechanics do work. Would be a real blast if jinxed was working, though. :ugly:
Can you get addicted to chems? I've just stolen some jet.

edit: Yes, you can get addicted. :D
Yes, Jet addiction is pretty bad. The long time effect like in the original is not finished at the moment and antidote also don't work, but you get the negative effects later for some time. I was more than 3 hours totally down with my stats because some stupid dude gave me some Jet.
Lexx said:
Yes, Jet addiction is pretty bad. The long time effect like in the original is not finished at the moment and antidote also don't work, but you get the negative effects later for some time. I was more than 3 hours totally down with my stats because some stupid dude gave me some Jet.

My strength and percenption are down to 1. :D
I just traded nearly all the stuff I had for more Jet. Then I stole some Jet from a player. Oh... and I took some psycho. So my Int is now 3.
But now the server seems to be down.
Oh and I died once. But it is okay, I stole myself a new radio.

That character has only got 138 exp so far. But that's okay since I must admit: It's been a long time since I had so much fun in a game.

Does beer change anything in that game? Drank one so far. Maybe I should drink the other 15, too. Or sell it for more jet, hard decision. :D
Skyrage said:
I'm just curious why they just didn't bother making it all in English from the beginning if they were planning on releasing it online...assuming of course that they only wanted Russians playing it to begin with.

they don't want english speakers who have
quests with NPCs and who collect informations understanding
what NPCs say.....
that's simple....

all the game seems to me a big bad
shooting range for russians retards who think this is a isometric clone
of Postal 1 with plasma guns....

and this game has nothing to do with Fallout...
swampcat said:
Skyrage said:
I'm just curious why they just didn't bother making it all in English from the beginning if they were planning on releasing it online...assuming of course that they only wanted Russians playing it to begin with.

they don't want english speakers who have
quests with NPCs and who collect informations understanding
what NPCs say.....
that's simple....

all the game seems to me a big bad
shooting range for russians retards who think this is a isometric clone
of Postal 1 with plasma guns....

and this game has nothing to do with Fallout...

I don't like your attitude, but from what I've read your previous post, you had hard start, and you haven't even really start to play. Calm down a bit man.
Does anyone have any idea how I can sell my car? When I ask the guy to buy it, he says I should park it in his garage ... but I have no idea how to do that :(
scypior said:
swampcat said:
Skyrage said:
I'm just curious why they just didn't bother making it all in English from the beginning if they were planning on releasing it online...assuming of course that they only wanted Russians playing it to begin with.

they don't want english speakers who have
quests with NPCs and who collect informations understanding
what NPCs say.....
that's simple....

all the game seems to me a big bad
shooting range for russians retards who think this is a isometric clone
of Postal 1 with plasma guns....

and this game has nothing to do with Fallout...

I don't like your attitude, but from what I've read your previous post, you had hard start, and you haven't even really start to play. Calm down a bit man.

i'm calm....

but you know
opinions are like a**holes...

everbody got one and they all stink

(a quote from the game )