FOnline second open test started

Killshot, KordotH, Anathema...add those to KoS list, Lexx...yet another bunch that kills anything on sight...
Skyrage said:
Killshot, KordotH, Anathema...add those to KoS list, Lexx...yet another bunch that kills anything on sight...

Error1 is also a dirty PKer, too. He almost killed me with a point blank burst from a Pancor. I don't like the world "almost" when it's my turn to shoot, however.
Skyrage said:
Killshot, KordotH, Anathema...add those to KoS list, Lexx...yet another bunch that kills anything on sight...

On server 2 there aren't that many english people and I thought we knew most of them. And we shoot alot of people we don't know since the russians were pretty aggresive towards us. We've gotten in our reflexes to shoot first ask questions later since pvp is based mostly on who fires first.

Sides it's just a game and it's a tough wasteland. Fallout is fuckin Fallout and it's a tough game . If you post here make your name known, or come on in irc and let me know who you are and you will prolly be unharmed by us and even helped since we want to supply and equip the decent english players.
I have just discovered, and installed this game. However I cannot connect to either server.

What current events are going on with this game at the moment?
Tytus on server 2 ps this game is really strange i've beaten hubologist on first level without any eq and earlier i could'n beat up a gecko ;/ strange but now i have new power fist and i like it ;]. Ps can you sell me some armor aroud 1000$ and what would be this.
Lol...this wasn't a matter of reflexes - I just happened to end up in an encounter with them and before I could react I was dead. It wasn't about shooting first, it was about simple griefing, nothing else.

Doesn't matter though...after the idiots mocked me for being too weak, apparently an APA player ended up fragging the whole lot in Modoc.
swampcat said:
slaytanic said:
Fallout is fuckin Fallout and it's a tough game .

there's a game called counter-strike
You should try that :roll:

There's a game called Hello Kitty Online. You need to play that because it's obviously custom fucking made to your desires. Here is a link so you don't have to use your fragile little fingers googlin it: .

Doesn't matter though...after the idiots mocked me for being too weak, apparently an APA player ended up fragging the whole lot in Modoc.

Yea you obviously know jack shit about what happened there yet you still like talking about it. I was the only one killed by the APA dude. I hesitated to fire first and it cost me. I was low on hp because we had just been in another fight with 3-4 people in CA and PA, and we made off with one of their cars. I stayed behind and should have fired first.
does anyone know if you can view the item degradation of weapons/armor that you buy from npcs? seems like i always get broken solar scorchers from npcs and that sucks :evil:
Here's a way on how to kill a KoS player, especially at low level, but it will require sacrifice. I don't know if this will work on those that wear powered armor.

Create a character that has good throwing, sneak, and has great luck and finesse. Buy at least 1 plasma grenade and 1 plastic explosive. Set the explosive timer to a short amount of time.

Then approach the character at close range, throw the plasma grenade at them. If the grenade does critical damage, it will likely kill them. If it fails to kill them, but still damages them, then the explosive if your only hope.

The thing is, that you have to hope they aren't expecting you, or if they don't kill everything they see.
slaytanic said:
swampcat said:
slaytanic said:
Fallout is fuckin Fallout and it's a tough game .

there's a game called counter-strike
You should try that :roll:

There's a game called Hello Kitty Online.

i just said they think it's a FPS
but it is a roleplay ..... if people cannot see the difference
well that's their lack.....

The name says all : a post nuclear role playing game
(not a isometric shooter or FPS )
swampcat said:
The name says all : a post nuclear role playing game
(not a isometric shooter or FPS )

The thing is, current mechanics are making game experience like this. I was hoping for more role-play, and in the end, I was kinda dissapointed by this test due to the lack of RP....
But this is more a problem of the players. The most don't want to roleplay, they want to collect items and be the strongest, to kill others.
There is a server app.

Game masters, ingame roleplay events and rules are needed. But then again, if some of the youngster russians hear the word "rules", they start screaming "this is fallout! no rules!! wasteland!!" - but this is bullshit. Even in the wasteland there are social rules. They just don't get it.
I meaned with this, that there is a server app of course... but not for public. A released server app will not change anything. What could change anything is what I've wrote above.
The vast language barrier (russian vs english) of different players
The vast difference in gamestyle (MMO vs Roleplay) of different players


Your proposed solution becomes completely impractical