Will there be a full list of changes somewhere when the final test begins?
We have a "Features"-list in the works, but it shows only our added content and not the content from vanilla FOnline.
Are all two-handed weapons affected in the same way or there's a difference between heavy weaponry and lighter weaponry (rifles, shotguns, big SMGs)?
It works the same way as in the original games right now. That means rifles, big guns, big energy guns, etc. need two hands to use it. In general I think you can say, as soon as your player uses two hands for holding the weapon, it is a two handed weapon by the statistic too (I am not sure about the cattle prod or crowbar tho'). So if you have a crippled arm, you can't use two handed stuff anymore.
The problem with the supply drop system was it reinforced success and meant you had to be part of the group to benefit.
We deactivated the supply drops in our version of the game. It's was ok in the beginning, but as soon as a group becomes bigger and stronger, it is starting to get very unfair. Loners or other weaker groups don't get a chance to get their hands on the supplys.
Also the system doesn't work anymore with our story and timeline. In last open test it was practically Enclave vs. Brotherhood.