FOnline third test dated

Will there be a full list of changes somewhere when the final test begins?

We have a "Features"-list in the works, but it shows only our added content and not the content from vanilla FOnline.

Are all two-handed weapons affected in the same way or there's a difference between heavy weaponry and lighter weaponry (rifles, shotguns, big SMGs)?

It works the same way as in the original games right now. That means rifles, big guns, big energy guns, etc. need two hands to use it. In general I think you can say, as soon as your player uses two hands for holding the weapon, it is a two handed weapon by the statistic too (I am not sure about the cattle prod or crowbar tho'). So if you have a crippled arm, you can't use two handed stuff anymore.

The problem with the supply drop system was it reinforced success and meant you had to be part of the group to benefit.

We deactivated the supply drops in our version of the game. It's was ok in the beginning, but as soon as a group becomes bigger and stronger, it is starting to get very unfair. Loners or other weaker groups don't get a chance to get their hands on the supplys.

Also the system doesn't work anymore with our story and timeline. In last open test it was practically Enclave vs. Brotherhood.
Slaughter Manslaught said:
ralexand said:
Slaughter Manslaught said:
Germans? Aren't they Lexx's pals from FalloutNow? If they are, that's good, Lexx can act as a intermediator between us and the other Krauts, which means that its less people with a big "UNITY" on their "shoot-on-sight list."

Yepp, we from FalloutNow were Unity Member too. :) My nick was Ralex. :D Great times ... I can remember when I had to take the supplies at the cathedral and everyone was shouting "hurry!!!" And yeah, Jack Daniels was great, he gave me money and a APA .. can't wait for the 3. test and the new english FOnline.

Relex! I remember you!
I think the supplies were a great element to the game. I liked how the supplies forced people to form groups that would secure the area, and then share between themselves. I remember we patrolled the outer Cathedral area, armed and on constant radio communication. Anyone unknown was stopped and had to identify itself. People know to us would be allowed, while unkown people would usually be sent away. Or shot, if we were in a bad mood. The paranoia was almost palpable.

Yo Lexx, can you share something about the combat changes? I've heard its very tactical now.

Hehe yes, it was amazing to see the line and everyone was watching, so that no one could steal anything. At the end, I gave everyone like 100 bucks, because there was some money in the supplies. =)
ralexand said:
Hehe yes, it was amazing to see the line and everyone was watching, so that no one could steal anything. At the end, I gave everyone like 100 bucks, because there was some money in the supplies. =)
According to your morning face, I clearly doubt that! :P

Eve` said:
I was mostly thinking of finding out about the changes to combat that were mentioned earlier, but if theres been any advancements in the crafting of items, that would be interesting too.
Combat changes are currently being reverse-engineered by our expert, you will be notified about it in a few weeks (end of June, I think).

The crafting system has been seriously updated. You will be able to craft pretty much anything right now, considering you got the right tools and the knowledge. The spice are the factions and "professions" which allow you to craft some advanced or specific, rare things... Also, advancing in your profession allows you to craft more for the same amount of resources.
Just ask the others, I was so generous... :P Oh and I got my first CA from the supplies. A bit stupid that they are not more.
lisac2k said:
Combat changes are currently being reverse-engineered by our expert, you will be notified about it in a few weeks (end of June, I think).

The crafting system has been seriously updated. You will be able to craft pretty much anything right now, considering you got the right tools and the knowledge. The spice are the factions and "professions" which allow you to craft some advanced or specific, rare things... Also, advancing in your profession allows you to craft more for the same amount of resources.

'Tis the end of June... any news on this stuff yet? :wink:
Yep. Crafting system has been updated (finishing it right now, actually, but most of the stuff is ready and our server is updated).

The combat algorithms will take some more time, a week or two, but the combat will be revamped till 15. August, that's for sure. If you're really eager to try it out, you can become tester in no time and start discovering the wasteland and its features right away.
...or you wait a bit longer and can really test with a lot other players and don't need to run around all alone. :>
Don't let this discourage you :)

Running all alone around has no impact on testing crafting system. You can do it all by yourself or with dozen of your friends, no difference.

Lexx was probably trying to warn you about testing combat - this is where we need more people for such task, but, as I already stated, the new combat system is currently not possible to test. If you're interested in that, you should drop by later, when the 3rd open beta test (OBT3) starts.
But I have to say, knockback is pretty funny if you hit someone with approx 120.000 hp and he is flying over the map.
I thought I read on their forum that no more testers were needed, obviously I've misunderstood something :oops:

How exactly does one go about becoming a tester?
You have been PMd.

Generally, we're always looking for testers, so anyone interested can visit the FOnline forums, register and ask for the tester account.
I must be really blind, but I couldn't find anything on their forum either. :(
I'm pretty sure I've read that Cvet said the project doesn't need new testers anymore. If it's not true, I'd be happy to check out the progress of the game and maybe be lucky to find some bugs too.
Hey guys I played in the first test a while back.
I was Sin Loc/lou4612 I remember Lexx and a couple others.

Gosh the world seemed so dangerous then, hanging around in The Den was just asking to be robbed or shot.

The tension against the Russian players grew high when the one Russian gangs(forgot their leaders name) kept accusing everyone of stealing their vehicle keys.

Also around that time they were very frustrated and pissed because some guy (forgot his name) was going around and wiping out their whole gang with a high power sniper rifle.

So Im scrolling through the Den and about 3 of them approach me and ask me if I stole the key...I immediately start running and little did I know they had the whole area lurking with stealthed members and I was killed.

Those were some great times.

To the Devs...

I just hope that you all will keep the feeling of danger and risk and fear of dying in the game.

I liked how when you were killed it took you off the battlefield for a while before you had to travel all the way back. That's the way it should be If I I take you out I shouldn't have to worry about you coming right back to hop in combat.

Also please remove talking after death...the dead don't speak!
Power Armor and weapons need to be really rare expensive and hard to come by. Ammo also that way a player would really give some though into thinking about killing someone If your gonna use your 2 magazines of 10mm it better be worth it.
RenoNut said:
Also please remove talking after death...the dead don't speak!
There is nothing better than "cyka!" in the morning, mate!
And I believe everyone who tested Fonline for some time know what I mean.
Yea I cant wait to see what gang/faction drama unfolds!
BTW Im in Southern Iraq right now on a 1MB connection so I hope my ping isn't as bad!
ok i have some questions, when you die do you lose your stuff?

are all the items in the game (fallout 2) in the same places?

Can towns be wiped out?

can you get cars other than the highwaymen?

can you trade with other players?

what is the best armor you can get?