Melee-Unarmed IS better on FOnline because they changed the melee damage calculation. Now each extra point of strength above 5 gives you another melee damage point. That makes more sense. Still, Melee-Unarmed needs new things. There are a lot of guns, and only a few melee-unarmed weapons. We need more make-shift melee weapons, for one thing.
What traits did you guys never bother with in the old Fallouts?
Bruiser: The bonus is marginal (its slightly better in FOnline) and the penalty is staggering. AP is too important to sacrifice for punching strength.
Kamikaze: Totally useless. So I get some sequence... but sequence was never useful to begin with. Specially not in a CTB game. Kamikaze would make more sense if you got more AP.
Heavy Handed: The opposite of finesse, except it only helps meleers. Its better in FOnline because punching is generally stronger, but it gets useless higher levels because other meleers will be making many more critical hits. And melee usually depends a lot on critical hits and aimed attacks (Shaitan, anyone?), or else you get gunned down. My suggestion would be to change this into doing more damage, give it a benefit to gunners and change the name to something like "Overkiller." Maybe meelers should get increased knockdown chance on their attacks. Maybe give more range to throwers, too?
Fast Metabolism: I usually use this when the one trait I sellect is enough. So I get Fast Metabolism. Its handy, but not that much. Now, if poison was more lethal (and player-usable) and the healing stronger, this could be useful.
Bloody Mess: People die in more violent ways I was going to see anyway. Boring.
Good Natured: Has potential but it requires more use for non-combat skills. I could see a non-combat character using this if the bonus was better and non-combat skill more developed.
Chem Reliant: In theory good, but drugs should be more useful, and by more useful I mean "can get stats above 10." That would make it a lot more useful. I would like to be able to do a "druggie character."
Chem Resistant: Boring. You get half the benefit of drugs but get addicted -50% less. Theorically cool, but boring. Chem Reliant seems more fun to me.
Sex Appeal: Too marginal.
Skilled: One of the worse. Some skill points and then you gain perks each 4 levels? You can't be serious. The penalty is unbearable.
Gifted was replaced with night person.
Night Person was damn useless. It was just a moronic -2 PE -2 IN penalty for half a day. It would've made much more sense if it gave you inherent extra sneak, extra to-hit chance and range detection at night and reversed the aiming tables for day and night. It would enable you to make something similar to Night Combat characters in Jagged Alliance 2.