FOnline third test dated

Yes, 21 at the moment.

The other cars we have ingame are out of Fallout Tactics (Humvee, Scout, etc).

Lexx, there has been a level cap instated? that's a bummer man.....
I hit level 39 at the end of obt2.
Yes, the level cap is because of the balance. Everything above 21 is - at least at the moment - bad for the character development. You will get jack of all trades characters every 10 meters if we don't limit it by levels. We want the players to think about what character they want to play. The "first I put some skillpoints in small weapons, then big weapons, then energy weapons and then points into the other skills"-tactic will not work anymore.

We already saw it in last open test... some players hit level 20 after two days and 40 after a week.

Also leveling up should be slower now in general. We don't want to make a MMO where your only target is to grind for level up. We are roleplaying fans and so comes grinding and leveling up for us only on the second position.

Also I personally hate grinding. It is imo really bad gamedesign-bullshit.
My personal wish is to change FOT cars with something more credible, regarding the setting.

Maybe in a month or two, wish me luck! :D
As long as it doesn't look out of place. The cars SmartCheetah is talking about, where mostly not very good too.
Lexx said:
Also I personally hate grinding. It is imo really bad gamedesign-bullshit.

I agree, it's just another way for people to pay for others to grind their character to max level. Also, it wouldn't work so well on FOnline because they would have to know exactly where you want your skill points. So I guess that's a way to avoid that kinda thing. :clap:

I think the level cap is a good idea but 21 does seem a bit low right now. I think as time progresses you should heighten it a bit more with patches and whatnot. :?
21 is fine. You can still get very capable characters without them having the ability to be amazing at everything.
We can always change the level cap if needed, so this is not a problem.
I have a question though :

Don't you guys fear that someday Cvet might receive a cease and desist from Bethesda/Interplay for creating and running FOnline ?

Well, we just use graphic and sound assets from the original games. You need to buy the games and I don't think, Bethesda has a shit to say there. To the online thing... I am not really sure but I am also not scared in any way. Beside this, Cvet is located in Belarus and the server are mostly in russia too so, who gives a fuck. : p

I don't think that he would get something from Interplay. :)
I assume with a limit of 21 perks like sniper and slayer are out (lvl24 perks).

Im curious about what other perks will be in and what, if any, changes have been made for them.

I suppose I should really wait for the release with a question like this, but I just wanted to know if changes/perks will be thoroughly documented come the time for the release. Because like you say, the player will have to carefully consider his perks/stats. There would be no point, say, deciding to go for 'Silent Death' (Double h2h dmg from behind while sneaking) if by the time he got to the required level to get it (18) it wasnt in the game, or working in the same way.

edit - forgot to mention this question was aimed at lexx, doh.

also, awesome work you guys are doing :clap:
Even if we would decide to rise up the level cap, we would cut out the slayer perk. They are way too strong and in the end everybody would run around with it, etc.

Just like with the gifted trait... everyone used it and if you didn't used it, your character was a lot weaker than all other and this was deadly.