Surf Solar
So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

So I was, as the title says, thinking about settings in RPG games to explore. We usually see the high fantasy with elves and mages to explore (in different tones though) and then the usual sci-fi setting.
While this is cool and all, it rather bores me after a while, especially the fantasy/medieval setting is so horribly overused....
As I think I am not the only one, I opened this thread. In which setting would you like to see a good RPG? Note that each setting can be good as long as it's well fleshed out (imo)...
While this is cool and all, it rather bores me after a while, especially the fantasy/medieval setting is so horribly overused....
As I think I am not the only one, I opened this thread. In which setting would you like to see a good RPG? Note that each setting can be good as long as it's well fleshed out (imo)...