Idiotfool said:
Sounded more like Exo Squad, to me. They even had "Neosapiens". (P.S. "Proto" means "first", so I can't see augmented humans being called "first humans")
Sounds actually a lot like what I have been thinking (even the comparison of Neosapiens leader to Hitler). Well, I never said my idea would be that original.
Also I know the meaning of Proto, I just had some stupid idea that those would had been like "we are pure humans" and they would call themselves "Protos", although it really doesnt make any sense
Well anyway, to put it short, my idea is that part of humanity has relocated into a new planet. Here some people started experimenting with human genes which lead to the birth of two new species, one through natural changes after small experiment and one which was fully human built. The naturally evolved are "nice" and mostly harmless while the human builts are genius, but very angry and they are the starters of Humanoid War.
Mix the war with natural disaster and you've got a nice post-apoc game IMO (basically it'd be a war between species in a ruined world, kinda like Supermutants vs. Humans). The only reason why it's in new planet is that this gives you so much more freedom when building cities and towns and landscapes.
Like I said, I wouldn't include laser weapons and such, but I'd put some crashed airships in the world and 4 legged battlewalkers (not so sci-fi, there are "spider-forest machines" in Sweden so I cannot see why it couldn't be changed into a killing machine). Also if I'd make it an FPS-RPG, I'd propably do the shooting mechanics like this:
-Gun control is affected by gun skill and strength. The stronger you are the bigger weapons you can use and smaller weapons don't shake that much. Higher gun skill also reduces the shaking and the recoil. Kinda like ArmA with skills affecting only your gun handling skills, not your weapon spread or accuracy. Actually I think FNV does it exactly like this, but aiming in this game is so awful that being a sniper is almost useless unless you play with small sensitivity.
Also I'd make the cities around the spaceships of the original settlers. These ships would be underground and they'd have some tech inside them which makes them a desirable for scavengers and treasure hunters. The fact that they're underground makes them hard to locate without any info found from some old databases.
I think it's a very "normal" sci-fi setting, but I'd like it. Just as long it isn't super-high-tech mixed with superpowers and levitating houses :p
Well, hope you understand what I'm saying, it's hard to put pictures into words and I can't even draw for shit

I'd love to make some illustrations to show you the style I'm thinking of and how the world would look.
But like many here have said, I'd also love to see historical setting. Also the 1920's gangster setting and Ancient techno-societies sound like nice ideas.