From the director of Independence Day...2012

TwinkieStabllis said:
that's because it was actually GOOD and made by a great director, you nitwit. thus proving the point of the argument that summer blockbusters (the definition would be "big budget movie, lots of hype, comes out in summer") don't have to be retarded bullshit like Transformers or this idiotic 2012 tripe.

Thanks for summing up my post, nitwit.
SuAside said:
NFSreloaded said:
Reminds me of Noah's Ark. But this movie will probably be another attempt to slam some environmental bullshit lessons down our throats. :roll:
better that than religious bullshit, no? :)

There is no longer a difference between the two, I sometimes think...

Anyway, this movie looks like it will be typical formulaic disaster movie shit, but the effects look nice.
SuAside said:
better that than religious bullshit, no? :)

I, for one, would love a big disaster movie that's based on religious writings. It's always the freaking aliens or some environmental crap like that's all everyone is interested in. Why would you want to see another movie about that? You know it's still going to show that big tsunami wave coming at NYC, and the historic locations getting pwned all over again. Religion is very underestimated when it comes to badass stories.

It's actually surprising that there hasn't been a good high bubdget movie like that with religious subject matter. I mean, religious people would go see it and there's got to be enough of them to turn a profit. They wouldn't only find it awesome, it'd also be scary as hell because they believe it will happen. The movie doesn't have to be specific to a religion either, just a general interpretation of the apocalypse.

Tell me you wouldn't want to watch a 21st century Lord of the Rings?
Crni Vuk said:

I'm aware of the movies you listed, that's why I said there hasn't been a GOOD HIGH BUDGET movie.

Omen is more of a horror movie than what I'm talking about, and it was actually pretty decent for its time. I watched like 5 Omen movies when I was a kid and they scared the hell out of me, even though I didn't really get what was happening.

Meddigo is more the kind of movie I'm talking about but it was unwatchable. I rented it as soon as it came out because of the trailer and it was like some made for TV movie, sponsored by TBN. There really hasn't been a single decent big budget end-of-the-world movie, based on religious writings.
Double posting to bump this up. Just watched this movie today and I advise everyone to stay away.

The story and acting is extremely cheesy, the situations are ridiculous and the decisions are stupid. That is something I was prepared for though. I didn't expect to be intellectually stimulated here; I just wanted to see more of what I saw in the trailer, on the big screen.

The problem is that there is about 20 minutes of that in the whole two and a half hour movie. I don't know where the hell all the money went because there are movies that cost half as much and provide twice as much mindless entertainment. This movie is not about the disaster, it's about characters you could care less about, going through the disaster.

If you don't enjoy watching people mope, look worried, and display just how kind and caring they are via horribly cheesy acting, then walk into the theater about 35 mins late, leave in 10 mins and come back for another short portion in 15 more mins.

Better yet, rent the movie so you can skip directly to the fun parts. The several second long cutscenes of tsunamis sprinkled in between the "emotional" bits are literally as long as they are in the trailer.

I'd give this movie 3/10 for the two awesome (though dumb) sequences but they really aren't worth the admission price. If you never listened to online reviews, listen to this one, you will regret wasting the money. The movie was simply unbearable.
Rufus Luccarelli said:
So, it's more about "wow, look at them special effects!" I'm guessing? Thought as much, the moment I saw the trailer.

I wish it was. That's what I went to see. The special effect moments weren't as many as the trailer would lead you to believe. That's the problem.
maximaz said:
The story and acting is extremely cheesy, the situations are ridiculous and the decisions are stupid.
Sounds like Independence Day 2. The fact that the guy who did Independence Day made 2012 is enough to keep me away.

I remember when you could walk into a theatre to see a Hollywood blockbuster and get Raiders of the Lost Ark...
who said it has to be?

But you have to agree that the value of the story was in Raiders of the Lost Ark a lot better compared to 2012 or any Emmerich movie.
When I was a young lad, the big blockbuster film that was all the rage was TERMINATOR TWO.

Twas good times.

Is the main character of 2012 a scientist who perchance happens to know about something that will happen but the government refuses to listen to him? Sans, witty sidekick with a plethora of one-liners?

You got to love his qualities, for all his failings as a director Hal does stick to formula.
stargate was very nice, especially the directors version... really fills in some holes.

and its not based on roflcopter idiocy...

at least stargate was plausible, but the mayan calendar doesnt end for 49.5 million years
Believe me, Independence Day rocked compared to 2012. At least that movie was fun.

Most Emmerich's movies are stupid but they are a guilty pleasure of mine. I just enjoy watching CGI disasters but Independence Day and even The Day After Tomorrow are action packed compared to 2012. Those movies were about disasters first, and the characters second. This one is the other way around.
meh, ever since grosse pointe blank, i have been a huge fan of cusack so will probably end up seeing it..

emmrich movie + cusack = must see in my book, probably will end up seeing it for thanksgiving or something.
coliphorbs said:
To be fair, Raiders of the Lost Ark is far from what I would call thought-provoking cinema.
Independece Day provoked me to think my intelligence was being maliciously insulted.

Pablosdog said:
When I was a young lad, the big blockbuster film that was all the rage was TERMINATOR TWO.
I don't love T2, but I admit it has some pretty great action sequences that make it fun to watch.

Pablosdog said:
Is the main character of 2012 a scientist who perchance happens to know about something that will happen but the government refuses to listen to him? Sans, witty sidekick with a plethora of one-liners?
Are you suggesting someone dusted off the script for Independence Day, changed the names, and made the same movie twice? :D