So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Ask yourself why are you getting so offended by this explanation that you have to quote it with snarky remark attached.
Which I never disputed.Kinda like how someone constantly uses the argument of Survivor Bias, against our arguments when we really should use it against the same person. Just because some people legitimately need help doesn't mean everyone in a shitty situation, is just unlucky.
I will call it unlucky bias. Not all individuals who are homeless are there because they are victims. Many are druggies who refuse to change. Many are there because they refuse to work.
Does that mean you won't call Slovakia a shithole anymore?snip
Crni vUK said:This isn't about victim hood or excusing every homeless, beggar, drug addict or poor person out there
Crni Vuk said:We're talking about millions of people here.
Crni Vuk said:This means, there are many things happening around us, where we as individuals have absolutely no influence on. For example, if big corporations decide to shut down large fascilities in certain areas. Or when financial institutions create housing bubbles.
Crni Vuk said:When we look at social issues, like drug addiction, poverty or homelesness, then it simply isn't enough to appeal to 'individual' achievements
Crni Vuk said:And one of the things we finally have to stop, is to treat poor, homeless, drug addicts, beggars etc. differently from the rest of the people, for the sole reason that they are homeless or beggars.
Crni Vuk said:Once we stop to blame poverty on the poor
Just because I would never let anyone go without housing or grant everyone the bare minimum that's required to survive in our society, doesn't mean I relieve them of their drug addiction or gambling debths or alcoholism.The way you explain it, it is. By saying unconditionally, you are treating these people with kiddy gloves, equating them to helpless children when that simply isn't the case.
That's still not enough reason for me, that such people should not receive help.What does this have to do with a fuckface who SAYS he wants help, but can't be bothered to enter a rehab facility and get treatment? Or go out and work when it is offered?
To fix the problem, the 'INDIVIDUALS', who are addicts need to get 'INDIVIDUAL' treatment, it is that fucking simple. The INDIVIDUALS need to work when work is offered to those INDIVIDUALS.
So you're saying, you want to punish people that do not follow a certain behaviour that you (or society) deem as good behaviour?Like REFUSE to work or REFUSE to go to a rehab facility and get fixed.
Crni Vuk said:Just because I would never let anyone go without housing or grant everyone the bare minimum
CrniVuk said:The current system we have, wouldn't even treat prisoners in such a way - in principle. Prisoners get food and housing, regardless of what they did, what crime they comitted
Crni Vuk said:The people you're talking about are a minority and even they, deserve a live in dignity, because everyone deserves a live in dignity.
Crni Vuk said:So you're saying, you want to punish people that do not follow a certain behaviour that you (or society) deem as good behaviour?
I think some of you people do not even realize how close you actually are to the real tenets of socialism.
The good thing about socialism is that they don't have people who refuse to work or live on the street. Because they'll be branded antisocial elements and put into forced labour.
Giving someone access to food and shelter is never ruined, because we're living in a post-scarcity society where food is thrown away and room/space is not an issue. Infact, in 2 days 1 billion can be raised for a burned church and each year tons of food are thrown away due to mass production.They most likely had this on their own until their addiction or laziness fucked them up. Withut solving the addiction problem, anything good is simply going to get ruined. Hence, this is why they need treatment.
What do you think the rehab facility is for?? Obviously, when people are getting treatment, they cannot be allowed outside less they be tempted to use again. The rehab facilities I propose would provide for housing and food. It may be spartan but it would work.
Crni Vuk said:Giving someone access to food and shelter is never ruined
Crni Vuk said:tons of food are thrown away due to mass production.
Crni Vuk said:And you're not granting people that, because they refuse to follow arbitrary rules?
Crni Vuk said:I am not saying people shouldn't do rehab, you just simply can't force them in to it and by dennying people the most basic requirements like food and housing
Crni Vuk said:At the end of the day,
The thing with drugs is that they're awesome. Many people could afford housing and food, but drugs are better than that. Even if they HAVE housing and food, they can't appreciate the food or keep the housing in a reasonable condition because drugs are more important.
Either way, very few people in such situations can get out of that on their own. Just giving them free food and shelter won't do shit. As cruel as it is, forced rehab would save lifes.It's credulous to blame drugs on people's behavior to that extent.
The reason people act they way they do is because they have given up on making any changes to their lives and having horrible upbringings. So you have them around society and not rounded up and put into mental treatment centers and shit them out as a government run laborer, what a smart person would do.
It's an outdated view which has been abandonded by drug conselors. giving free food and shelter, unconditionaly, changes everything as it's removing one of the reasons for abusing drugs. I mean is it really that difficult to imagine, that someone who's living in filth, wihout food and shelter, tries everything in dulling his sensens and engaging in escapism?Either way, very few people in such situations can get out of that on their own. Just giving them free food and shelter won't do shit. As cruel as it is, forced rehab would save lifes.