Lot of good memories in here! Personally, I've always liked;
[spoiler:8500754066]1. Talking smack to the Enclave guard in Gecko.
2. Listening to Myron tell his story about Jet and getting irritated at someone else being smarter than him. This conversation was always one of my favorites. For some reason, listening to him tell this story was so interesting/entertaining, and mostly because he has -zero- tact about what he has done.
3. Of course; low intelligence characters talking with Torr. (Imagine if that was
really what it was like... like two babies babbling at each other - for all you know, they are having the most intelligent conversation in the world!)
4. I think it's Jagged Jimmy Jay (the first guy you meet at Reno) - at any rate, he has some really funny lines about the "goings-on" about Reno, especially about Mrs. Bishop.[/spoiler:8500754066]
Hmm, I'm sure I can probably think of some other ones, but it's been awhile since I've played these (at least a year or so!).
Here's some more;
[spoiler:8500754066]1. Meeting Metzger for the first time as a woman - quick and to the point; "What the fuck do you want you
ugly bitch, this ain't a fuckin' whore house". Poetry!
2. Pulling out the viruses in the Sierra Army Depot and dropping them - uh, time to go![/spoiler:8500754066]
Walpknut said:
Another funny Moment I got recently while beating Dead Money with my Tribal character, I used the Mauler on Elijah, and well he just fell off the platform we were in, I killed the guy Leonidas Style, it doesn't sound that funny but I laughed hard while looking at Elijah slowly falling to his death and then everything coming back to normal speed. If only we had Kicks in New Vegas liek we had in FO2.
You missed Elijah's phat-lootz!