Furries in NMA

Damn, now I'm tempted to repost all that anti-furry Warhammer artwork in this thread... Somebody stop me, please.
no...please...think of the children...*yawns*
the humanity...be merciful...*picks nose*
dont do it *checks if fingernails are clean* it would be awful thing to do. the horror etc etc etc. Humanity blah blah equality blah.
The whole Furry Thing is an interesting cultural phenomenon. I'm interested in the psychology behind it all. Why does one become a furry? I know a few furries, and they're all gay/lesbians; so am I mistaken in thinking it's a sexual thing? I'd ask them, but it's a rather awkward subject to bring up.
To me it isnt anymore than a hobby among hobbies.
Hell, i dont have the faintest idea WHY i am a furry. I found it intresting from a scientific perspective,sort of "what if" scenario, but it still doesnt really explain WHY i like it that well. You might as well ask why people like anime.
And no its not purely sexual, certainly isnt to me. It also depends on from who you ask.
Its not a gay club. there are about 40 %, more or less, straight people in the fandom, if the polls i have seen arent total lies.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
The whole Furry Thing is an interesting cultural phenomenon. I'm interested in the psychology behind it all. Why does one become a furry? I know a few furries, and they're all gay/lesbians; so am I mistaken in thinking it's a sexual thing? I'd ask them, but it's a rather awkward subject to bring up.

You know I have noticed this as well, or if anything bi sexual at best. Not saying there are not straight people into it (obviously according to this thread there are). I am just saying those are my personal observations.

It is funny this thread came up, just the other day I had a discussion about furries in real life.

About 8 hours into the MEPS process once my fellow Marine applicants and myself got tired of talking about what we wanted to do to all the female Navy and Air Force applicants, so we moved onto talking about fucked up sexual fetishes. Furries were one of the things I brought up.

It actually shocked me, not a single one of them knew what it was. I guess the only reason I do is because I used to spend so much time on /b/.

Regardless, long story short it was unanimously decided they were all "sick fags" and we moved back to shooting pool and talking about the hot Navy and Air Force applicants.
I think there are people out there who are a bigger problem in society than furries, so I don't really see the reason for the hate. Sure it's weird, but they aren't exactly any physical harm.
Maybe it's just easy for insecure people to pick on seemingly weaker individuals.

Member of Khans said:
foot fetishist

Hey, no need to drag Alec into this now is there? (sorry, just couldn't resist :mrgreen: )
Patton89 said:
I have wondered for a while, are there other furries in NMA besides me and Grizzly ? I am quite curious.

Yes there are a few of us crazy people. Russian is a furry whether he admits it or not.

All you furry haters here...
Fuck you, I'm a dragon!
Bal-Sagoth said:
Kahgan said:
More or less the reason I slander people like that is because I think the life style is degenerate and disgusting (same with homosexuals). I can already tell I am going to fit in the Marine Corps great, there was so much gay bashing just that day alone.

I don't know that you can lump them together so easily. Like em or not, Homos/Bis have been around forever and they aren't going anywhere. Furries will never have the same sustain.
Member of Khans said:
Personal observation. While this isn't a highly scientific method, I do not claim to publish some sort of study here.
Did you never notice that late blooming teenagers* are often the ones picking on gays? That such behavior stops immediately after they got laid? That often the most intolerant and close-minded people are those, who are lacking any experience in the field they bitch about in first place? Let damitboy tell you some of his "gun haters experience".

Also, my comment wasn't aimed at anyone here specifically, since I don't know you guys.

Donno. I know a lot of older men/women who are just as, in some cases even more, intolerant as people my age and younger, regardless of sexual experience. I don't think bigotry stems from the lack of thereof either. I also don't think hating furries is being intolerant (more on that below).

Member of Khans said:
Yeah, they have issues. So what? Gays, foot fetishist and Voldemort-Paris-Hilton-Slashfic* writers have as well. When it comes to sexuality, there isn't a single person entirely sane on this planet. As long as the rights of others aren't infringed, why should anybody give a fuck?
Sure, I consider Furrys, foot fetishists and male homosexuality gross, but that's a merely aesthetic point of view and doesn't include any ethical judgement whatsoever.

To be clear, i don't hate on your 'net furries', you know, cosplayers and people who occassionally jerk off to anime furry pics or whatever. I mean, granted, that's weird, and creeps me out, but yeah, live and let live (tho i will avoid those people, except the cool ones like Ah-Teen and Mikael :P). What i am referring to are your Dracoguards and Mr. Hands kind of furries. People who find animals sexually attractive. Zoophiles and the like.

Be as tolerant and open minded as you want, but that is fucking sick, and if you think it's not, fuck you.
I'm not savvy to your lingo, man. Unless you're really asking if a cephalopod was sexually attracted to me, in which case: what.
Madbringer said:
I'm not savvy to your lingo, man. Unless you're really asking if a cephalopod was sexually attracted to me, in which case: what.
Yeah, fellatio from a mollusk, I'm being gravely serious. :roll:
Cimmerian Nights said:
Madbringer said:
I'm not savvy to your lingo, man. Unless you're really asking if a cephalopod was sexually attracted to me, in which case: what.
Yeah, fellatio from a mollusk, I'm being gravely serious. :roll:

Sometimes it's hard to pick up sarcasm thru the net. :?
Cimmerian Nights said:
I don't know that you can lump them together so easily. Like em or not, Homos/Bis have been around forever and they aren't going anywhere. Furries will never have the same sustain..
THough the ideas about beeing an animal, have the spirit (and power) of animals or feel close in spirit with animals isnt a new thing either its at least as long around like the first cultures started to record their history. Probably even since the first caveman started to paint something on a wall with coal that had nothing to do with hunting.

Humans always wanted to be close with animals even if it was just to have or share "their" power and abilities. Sexuality as well played sometimes a role in it. Already ancient cultures like the greek or Ancient Egypt had art and ideas about creatures that could be seen in similar way like "furries", the conection between animals and humans seen in creatures like the Minotaur, Centaur and Egyptian gods Anubis or Sobek.



Member of Khans said:
Being a furry is not having 'uncommon sexual preferences', it's a clear sign that you have fucking issues.
Yeah, they have issues. So what? Gays, foot fetishist and Voldemort-Paris-Hilton-Slashfic* writers have as well. When it comes to sexuality, there isn't a single person entirely sane on this planet. As long as the rights of others aren't infringed, why should anybody give a fuck?
Sure, I consider Furrys, foot fetishists and male homosexuality gross, but that's a merely aesthetic point of view and doesn't include any ethical judgement whatsoever.
Are you gay? If not then please dont generalise and throw "gay" or "homosexuality" in the same arrea like a "fetish" which "furry" actualy are part of. Homesexuality is a sexual preference just like heterosexuality.

I see to many people here posting things they seem to have no knowledge about. If one would dig a bit deeper he would know the difference between a "fetish" and a "dissorder" regarding sexuality.

A person with a fetish has not a unhealthy relation. It starts to be a dissorder when you cant have any sexual feelings or can not get arroused without the object or the interest regarding the fetish. When a fetish starts to affect your behaviour in a negative way then you can talk about a dissorder or sickness of some sort. Comparable with a Hypersexualität if you have much sex its not the sign of a sickness but if you feel umcofortable with it or if it affects your behaviour that it has control about you then it could be a dangerous sign.

Please dont mix "homesexuality" with "furry". You have gay furries but not all furries are gays.
Well as long as this(like all things) isnt taken too far (read animal abuse) i think im okay with it. Its just a fantasy and doesnt really harm anyone.

I think it can be be somewhat irritating if one is seeking attention with their sexual preference too much, but most people usually keep that part of their life somewhat private. Young people are generally more sexually open and like to talk lot about that part of their life and i guess its normal to people with different preferences to do this too, so i think its best just to go with it.

I personally like animals, watch documentarys and sometimes take walks in the woods to listen some birds singing to relax, but i dont think that means anything furry.
Cimmerian Nights said:
I don't know that you can lump them together so easily. Like em or not, Homos/Bis have been around forever and they aren't going anywhere. Furries will never have the same sustain.
Furries are older than you seem to think, just look at mythology. I would agree that the latter half of the 20th century has made the furry interest/culture/what-have-you much more accessible and changed it.

Madbringer said:
What i am referring to are your Dracoguards and Mr. Hands kind of furries. People who find animals sexually attractive. Zoophiles and the like.
I'd be interested in finding out how many Zoophiles are into anthropomorphic animal stuff (the furry fandom), I'd wager that it wouldn't be as high of a percentage as one might expect. That said, I'd expect an above average number of furries to be zoophiles when compared to general population numbers. I do not think it is correct to lump zoophiles and furries together as they are seperate fandoms/fetishes. I'd actually like to see some studies in regards to how many zoophiles are furries.
Check out the two articles on Wikipedia:

Bal-Sagoth said:
Oh, neither group has to go anywhere. As I said, I do not actively target them. If the subject is brought up I just let me feelings be known about it.
Except that you do bring it up, as evidenced by your earlier story where you brought up furries in conversation and no one else knew what they were. You're more pro actively intolerant than you admit.

Crni Vuk said:
THough the ideas about beeing an animal, have the spirit (and power) of animals or feel close in spirit with animals isnt a new thing either its at least as long around like the first cultures started to record their history. Probably even since the first caveman started to paint something on a wall with coal that had nothing to do with hunting.

Humans always wanted to be close with animals even if it was just to have or share "their" power and abilities. Sexuality as well played sometimes a role in it. Already ancient cultures like the greek or Ancient Egypt had art and ideas about creatures that could be seen in similar way like "furries", the conection between animals and humans seen in creatures like the Minotaur, Centaur and Egyptian gods Anubis or Sobek.
Indeed, don't forget Native American and African mythologies which have figures who change between human and animal form and have extremely anthropomorphic animal deities.

Sorrow said:
So? So, all other people with mental disorders need to be labelled so, but not homosexuals? What about the feelings of these other people?
It's as much a mental disorder as heterosexuality is.

Per said:
I suggest you stop there. Baiting aside, turning a furry bashing thread into a gay bashing thread is derailing.
Hahaha, gotta keep that bashing appropriately focused ;).

As for how much of the furry population is homosexual, here are some freely available studies:
http://www.klisoura.com/ot_furrysurvey.php (uses the seven point scale which suggests to me that they had a list of questions to determine the results, it's a more accurate representation than the three point scale)
I like hairy vag, and I once made the comment that I like women with "animalistic" features. Does that make me a furry?

I mean, the unleashing of your inner-most primal desires, your Id running wild in an unrestrained need that never stops, a giant rush of chemicals flowing through your veins, your neurons firming in different directions. All of it focusing in on this inward lust, this biological abstract. Ya know, that place where brutality, lust, love, everything illogical combines in a giant vortex of omnipotent need. The skin peeling back, the scales shedding, giving focus to all Darwinian ideals in your brain and making it reality by painting your environment in what ever bodily fluids you can.

Does that make you a furry?