Furries in NMA

that's the bloody point, aint it? if they weren't stupid, they wouldn't be furries.

the water is wet,
violets are blue,
and furries are fucking stupid dicks with a persecution complex that all should be send to re-education camps (or mass exterminated if that doesn't help). the ironic thing would be that that would actually validate their persecution complex, of course. but hey... if they'd stop rubbing their distateful shit in our face (and YES I'M LOOKING AT YOU Mikael Grizzly) maybe we wouldn't have to hunt them down and put them down like rabid dogs.

that will be all.
Patton89 said:
I have wondered for a while, are there other furries in NMA besides me and Grizzly ? I am quite curious.
Curiosity killed the <s>Cat</s> fucking furry!!!!
Mikael Grizzly said:
You do realize, Sua, that the above comic is basically "I hate furries because they are stupid" accompanied by random intelligent-looking words to make it look like an intelligent dissertation on the suckage of the furry fandom?

Not really. The above comic is basically "Do whatever the fuck you want but stop rubbing it in my face, you're not being persecuted you're just an ass".

Hoxie said:
This is pathetic.

If by "this" you mean "my contentless post" then yes. Please post with content or do not post at all.
SuAside said:
that's the bloody point, aint it? if they weren't stupid, they wouldn't be furries.

the water is wet,
violets are blue,
and furries are fucking stupid dicks with a persecution complex that all should be send to re-education camps (or mass exterminated if that doesn't help). the ironic thing would be that that would actually validate their persecution complex, of course. but hey... if they'd stop rubbing their distateful shit in our face (and YES I'M LOOKING AT YOU Mikael Grizzly) maybe we wouldn't have to hunt them down and put them down like rabid dogs.

that will be all.
You know what is the fun part about this Sua? That it can be replaced very easily. You know what I mean?

that's the bloody point, aint it? if they weren't stupid, they wouldn't be "gays".

the water is wet,
violets are blue,
and "homosexuals" are fucking stupid dicks with a persecution complex that all should be send to re-education camps (or mass exterminated if that doesn't help). the ironic thing would be that that would actually validate their persecution complex, of course. but hey... if they'd stop rubbing their distateful shit in our face (--) maybe we wouldn't have to hunt them down and put them down like rabid dogs.

that's the bloody point, aint it? if they weren't stupid, they wouldn't be "niggers".

the water is wet,
violets are blue,
and "niggers" are fucking stupid dicks with a persecution complex that all should be send to re-education camps (or mass exterminated if that doesn't help). the ironic thing would be that that would actually validate their persecution complex, of course. but hey... if they'd stop rubbing their distateful shit in our face (--) maybe we wouldn't have to hunt them down and put them down like rabid dogs.

Now I am NOT saying youre a racist Su or that anything from what I have changed above has directly something to do with your oppinion. Target is to show how dangerous generalisations can be and how similar it is with what I hear many times cause isntead of "niggers" I could also have just replaced it with "serbians".

I have quite often here with Germans to "fight" (rhetorically) about the Yugoslavian Civil war as they see it from a completely different point with "their" experience. They are not "inherently" wrong but they can not judge it in a unbiased manner, because Germans can of course usualy only see it from a "German" point of view as they neither know serbians, bosnians or croatian people that have seen the war or experienced the situation dierctly and thus often enough base their oppinion on wrong informations or expectations (for example many seem to know the Name Milosevic but never heard about Franjo Tuđman). I am from Serbia and I have enough relatives in Bosinia and Croatia and I also educated my self with the history of the area and I have got education in Germany.

Issue starts already when people compare the yugoslavian nation with their own one (like Bavaria in Germany, wasnt Serbia/Bosnia/Slowenia just a state?) when it took for Germans aprox 4-500 years to form a nation and get the "feeling" of beeing Germans this was never present for Yugoslavia as it was just in short words a construction after WW2 neither Bosnians or Slowenian people ever "feelt" really as "Yugoslavian" people. But that just as example.

Now to get back to the topic. People here tend very easily to "generalise" and just "condemn" the situation as whole [Dont like anyting about it, Dont want to know anything about it, Dont want it to exist]. One would think today that exclusion and intolerance are regressive in our society but the anonymity of the internet shows a different picture which is proven again by how many here tend to just mix all the groups together and call it "wrong"

Pablosdog said:

I just see it as a really fucked up fetish.

It's a little different from homosexuality in that, well, its cross species sexuality.
Relentless666 said:
I don't get furries. I don't hate them, I just think they are... umm... damaged? I think that's the word. They are a biit more damaged than gays and alot less damaged than people who eat their own feces. Still, compared to pedophils and rapists, they seem harmless.

BTW, any other fish fetishists out there? :P

If you people dont like furries, homosexuals or what ever, thats fair, thats ok, everyone has to respect that, you have every right in the world to "disslike" it just as everyone has every right do disslike people that smoke or drink or how everyone has the right to disslike some kind of food. But means that you have the right deny people the opportunity to tell about their liking or show their interest as long its not ilegal? Is it wrong for someome to say that he is a "homosexual" but right for people to say they are "heterosexual" ? Are males eventualy that different cause they dont want to "fuck" some female porn model in the ass (you would be surprised how many still today see that as "usual" talk ...).
Crni Vuk said:
But means that you have the right deny people the opportunity to tell about their liking or show their interest as long its not ilegal?

Last time I checked, no one is denying furries this opportunity.

That's exactly where your comparison to gay or race oppression falls flat on its face. Furries aren't being oppressed, people make fun of them, as is their good right. Get over it.

(SuAside's rather belligerent tone ignored for the sake of above statement, though)
Brother None said:
Crni Vuk said:
But means that you have the right deny people the opportunity to tell about their liking or show their interest as long its not ilegal?

Last time I checked, no one is denying furries this opportunity.

That's exactly where your comparison to gay or race oppression falls flat on its face. Furries aren't being oppressed, people make fun of them, as is their good right. Get over it.

(SuAside's rather belligerent tone ignored for the sake of above statement, though)
And gays or serbians get neither "opressed". Not directly. You have laws against such situations.

But you still have missinformations around it everywhere.

or another question, how do you think about "gay parades" ?

To say that. Actualy I dont want to compare furries with homosexuals. I dont know what it is anyway as I defnietly would not see it as sexual orientation (it probably fits most with a fetish of some sort which is neither a good or bad thing in my eyes). Dunno just think its never good to generalise, neither with a fetish, group or sexuality. Probably to judge a "group" is not inherently a bad thing though. its just the tone which I find strange.

Member of Khans said:
Crni Vuk said:
You know what is the fun part about this Sua? That it can be replaced very easily. You know what I mean?
I'm 100 % sure he was being sarcastic.
If that is true than of course I apologize. Guess its time for a brake and a coffee to cool down for me >_< !
We have a furries thread in tO guys, and if we hated you just because you were furries, it would have been vatted.

Same goes for pretty much every other furry occurrence in society excluding the red states.

But when the same type of thread is opened in NMA forums, it seems everyone squirts out their period blood all over each other and starts crying.
BN is of course correct...

i don't give a shit about furries except when they rub themselves in my face. and when they do, i respond in kind. this thread for instance makes me want to go on a furry safari (i wouldn't collect any trophies though).

tbfh i just don't give a shit about furries as long as they leave me alone.

remember kids: shoot a furfag in the head, because he has no heart.
Furries are amusing. Especially when crowds of them chase people while wearing fur-suits.

Assuming I am not among the people who are chased.
UncannyGarlic said:
Ah-Teen said:
As I write this, I'm humping another dragon. It's all sorts of kinky and awesome.
You wouldn't happen to be otherkin, would you?


Pablosdog said:
I just see it as a really fucked up fetish.

It's a little different from homosexuality in that, well, its cross species sexuality.

I just don't see how someone can get a boner looking at a horseman fucking a dragon woman-man thing. I won't hate on people who LOOK at it. I just..well...It's just fucked up(from MY perspective as a straight male). At least homosexuality can be seen in nature. I just don't understand or "get" the culture of it, to be honest, I'd rather be kept ignorant.

I don't really understand why you think females are hot. But thats just my prospective as a gay furry. But thats ok.

About cross species... go into the order forum. Find the thread about getting shagged by a rare parrot and watch clip.

Crni Vuk said:
Brother None said:
Crni Vuk said:
But means that you have the right deny people the opportunity to tell about their liking or show their interest as long its not ilegal?

Last time I checked, no one is denying furries this opportunity.

That's exactly where your comparison to gay or race oppression falls flat on its face. Furries aren't being oppressed, people make fun of them, as is their good right. Get over it.

(SuAside's rather belligerent tone ignored for the sake of above statement, though)
And gays or serbians get neither "opressed". Not directly. You have laws against such situations.

But you still have missinformations around it everywhere.

or another question, how do you think about "gay parades" ?

To say that. Actualy I dont want to compare furries with homosexuals. I dont know what it is anyway as I defnietly would not see it as sexual orientation (it probably fits most with a fetish of some sort which is neither a good or bad thing in my eyes). Dunno just think its never good to generalise, neither with a fetish, group or sexuality. Probably to judge a "group" is not inherently a bad thing though. its just the tone which I find strange.

It isn't even wholely a fetish. There are a bunch of furries who don't get off on it. They just think furries are cool or whatever.

Also, Apparently I can go around telling people I'm gay! Cause I won't loose my state job over that.... OH and hate crime laws! Nah, they don't need to protect me! It's just normal assault and battery when they beat me into the hospital.

Don't give me that bull shit....

Ravager69 said:
Furries are amusing. Especially when crowds of them chase people while wearing fur-suits.

Assuming I am not among the people who are chased.

Crni Vuk said:
And gays or serbians get neither "opressed". Not directly. You have laws against such situations.

I think you need to look up the meaning of the word oppressed. Unless the violence or threat of violence is consistent, they are not being "oppressed" in any real sense of the word. Just manhandled. Or insulted.

Crni Vuk said:
or another question, how do you think about "gay parades" ?

Love 'em. No one throws a party quite like those queermos do.

Perhaps I'd like furries too if they had any idea how to throw a party.
Dopemine Cleric said:
We have a furries thread in tO guys, and if we hated you just because you were furries, it would have been vatted.

That's why we have a Checks & Balances system in effect.
Ah-Teen said:
I don't really understand why you think females are hot. But thats just my prospective as a gay furry. But thats ok.
That's your prerogative, but you can't deny that nature has at the very least, presupposed male/female human coupling. No need to beat that drum. The stuff with the mythical animals and fursuits and whatnot seems somewhat...fabricated to me. As long as it's between consenting adults I don't give a shit, I just wonder where this compulsion comes from.

And what's otherkin?
Cimmerian Nights said:
And what's otherkin?

People who believe they are mythological creatures. Either descended from them, reincarnations of them, or (for the more sane ones) as oblique metaphors.

Y'know, people who honestly think they're elves and werewolves and shit.

UG spotted it well with Ah-Teen saying "other dragon", implying both he and the humpee are dragons.

I think even the average furry agrees this is pretty idiotic. But what the hell, people believe stupid shit, and again, rule of thumb is, as long as you keep it away from me and don't hurt anybody I don't give a shit.

Also, right down from pathetic attempts to merge theriocephaly into furryism to normal furry persecution complexes to the fact that we've arrived at otherkinness now, this thread is a mess.
Ah-Teen said:
Damn I'm good.

Ah-Teen said:
It isn't even wholely a fetish. There are a bunch of furries who don't get off on it. They just think furries are cool or whatever.
Very true but that brings me back to my earlier question, what makes one a furry? I know a lot of people who like non-erotic furry art but I've never ran into any that call themselves furries. I'm not saying that they don't exist but that if they do, they are likely a minority in the fandom. I could be way off though, the studies that I linked to earlier had a question about how important sex was to the fandom to them and how important they thought it was to other furries and it had pretty much mirrored results. Most said that it wasn't very important to them but that they felt it was very important to most other furries.
That said, I'm with you that the furry fandom is more than the erotic side and if there were more big/mainstream products that it very well might have a reasonably sized non-erotic following.

Brother None said:
I think you need to look up the meaning of the word oppressed. Unless the violence or threat of violence is consistent, they are not being "oppressed" in any real sense of the word. Just manhandled. Or insulted.
Oppressed can also mean being denied rights or equal protection/opportunity but I'm with you, furries are not being oppressed. That said they are pretty hated for who knows what reason. The ones who constantly complain about being persecuted (ie the ones who whine, some go about pointing out the criticism in a fine manner) are fucking annoying but there's just as much or more of the opposite crap ("Yiff in hell furfag") being flung at them so I hate both groups for being obnoxious.

Cimmerian Nights said:
And what's otherkin?
Basically people who think that they are actually an animal or mythical creature and not a human (usually spiritually). The folks who believe themselves to be vampires are otherkin while most furries who are otherkin tend to be more animalistic creatures rather than elves, faeries, dwarves, and the like.

Brother None said:
I think even the average furry agrees this is pretty idiotic. But what the hell, people believe stupid shit, and again, rule of thumb is, as long as you keep it away from me and don't hurt anybody I don't give a shit.
It's the same as any other religion in my mind. Instead of believing that a geriatric climbed a mountain, talked to a burning bush, and got a couple of stone tablets laying down God's rules it's folks who think that they are mythical creatures (fits in just fine with Hinduism other than the fact that they claim to be mythological creatures instead of animals).

Brother None said:
Also, right down from pathetic attempts to merge theriocephaly into furryism to normal furry persecution complexes to the fact that we've arrived at otherkinness now, this thread is a mess.
I was just curious, didn't mean to make it a tangent to go off on.