Furries in NMA

Crni Vuk said:
THough the ideas about beeing an animal, have the spirit (and power) of animals or feel close in spirit with animals isnt a new thing either its at least as long around like the first cultures started to record their history. Probably even since the first caveman started to paint something on a wall with coal that had nothing to do with hunting.

Heh, there were also the berserkir and ulfhednar in ye olde viking age :twisted:

This condition is said to have begun with shivering, chattering of the teeth, and chill in the body, and then the face swelled and changed its color. With this was connected a great hot-headedness, which at last gave over into a great rage, under which they howled as wild animals, bit the edge of their shields, and cut down everything they met without discriminating between friend or foe.
"Don't ask, don't tell" is only a legitimate policy if it applies to heterosexuals as well. I rather wish it was policy in general, really. Yeah, we get it: you're heterosexual (though you wouldn't know it by how hard you try to prove it). Don't need to hear your derogatory remarks about ladies' appearances yet again. For fuck's sake.

The only thing that really needs to be said is: people's sexual preferences aren't harmful to anyone (not including those that are violent in nature, of course). Your hate and intolerance are.

As far as furries go: they're harmless. They don't hurt anyone. No one gives a crap if you find it disgusting. If you don't like it, don't engage in it. This is one of those things that really is that simple. Except, of course, how are you going to feel like a big man without a group of people you can belittle?
UncannyGarlic said:
Furries are older than you seem to think, just look at mythology. I would agree that the latter half of the 20th century has made the furry interest/culture/what-have-you much more accessible and changed it.
OK, I follow you, but I guess I was looking at it in a stricter, contemporary sense, in how furries relate to the recent popularity of Manga/anime.
Did the term Furry and the current subculture surrounding it exist 5, 10 years ago? It's curious to me how it sprang into consciousness all of a sudden in it's current form. I don't know that Furries as the exist now, adhere to the same principles as the Egyptian/Helenistic examples mentioned. It seems like a relatively new, and rapidly evolving phenomenon as it exists currently. And as such it's pretty reasonable that the general public may not be completely versed in the ins-and-outs of every little sub-sub-culture associated with it.

And yeah, Baseball is not my cup of tea, but I could rattle off numerous reasons why people are into it. I'm not saying that Furries aren't a legit hobby, but some enlightenment as to it's appeal would be helpful in understanding it. I love animals (they're delicious :drunk:), some of them are certainly aestheticaly pleasing, and I can recognize some human attrubites in certain forms of animal behavior and appreciate that. It's that next step that brings in the animorphic stuff, or the step beyond that's just furry suits and the step beyond that with the sexual stuff.

And Bal: How about finishing Paris Island before you start telling us how much of a badass you are.

Sorry, couldn't resist.
The question is not if "furry" is really a new thing or not. The question is what ever society (as we know it) experience it as a new situation.

We have a very narrow field of definitions and likings. And that counts for all cultures. If you ask around the world regarding Anthropomorphism or even sexuality in relation with it you will get probably as many different answers with the number of asked cultures.

For us it is for example natural to classify always everything, almost close to "sterotypes". From "homosexuality" to "bisexuality" and "heterosexuality" and even with homosexuality you seem to have "fags" and "usual" homosexuals and who knows how many other sub-interests. Interesting enough that a few indio cultures dont even have "words" that describe sexuality. People just go with their preference which even can change. For the old Samurai it was very common to have children from people which they would educate in the art of fighting but as well in the "art" of love. Now you can imagine what that means. It wasnt seen as wrong or perverted. This kind of image only came later when Japan started to get closer with the western views and the Samurai dissapeared from political affairs.

Sovz said:
Sorry, couldn't resist.
Well, whos that furry with the black pulover on the right ? He resembles a goat or lynx.
Cimmerian Nights said:
UncannyGarlic said:
Furries are older than you seem to think, just look at mythology. I would agree that the latter half of the 20th century has made the furry interest/culture/what-have-you much more accessible and changed it.
OK, I follow you, but I guess I was looking at it in a stricter, contemporary sense, in how furries relate to the recent popularity of Manga/anime.
Did the term Furry and the current subculture surrounding it exist 5, 10 years ago? It's curious to me how it sprang into consciousness all of a sudden in it's current form. I don't know that Furries as the exist now, adhere to the same principles as the Egyptian/Helenistic examples mentioned. It seems like a relatively new, and rapidly evolving phenomenon as it exists currently. And as such it's pretty reasonable that the general public may not be completely versed in the ins-and-outs of every little sub-sub-culture associated with it.

And yeah, Baseball is not my cup of tea, but I could rattle off numerous reasons why people are into it. I'm not saying that Furries aren't a legit hobby, but some enlightenment as to it's appeal would be helpful in understanding it. I love animals (they're delicious :drunk:), some of them are certainly aestheticaly pleasing, and I can recognize some human attrubites in certain forms of animal behavior and appreciate that. It's that next step that brings in the animorphic stuff, or the step beyond that's just furry suits and the step beyond that with the sexual stuff.

And Bal: How about finishing Paris Island before you start telling us how much of a badass you are.

Furries as they are now got started in the 70s I think.

You aren't shit yet, don't talk like a bad ass bal.

PastaMasta said:
I'm for free choice and stuff, but why do people even become furrys. I honestly don't really see the point of it.

What is the point of joining a particular gaming community with post apocalyptic tendencies.

I like looking at furry porn. I don't like screwing animals and I'm debating on the fursuit which would only really be worn at conventions... IF I ever went to any. But the porn is good... so is the cyber sex. As I write this, I'm humping another dragon. It's all sorts of kinky and awesome.
Member of Khans said:
There probably is a Freudian explanation for every kink in existence, but I don't really see the use behind laypersons doing psychological analysis of sexual preferences.
Freud gave us a lot of insight into how his mind worked but applying it generally is iffy.

Member of Khans said:
Plus, there are those people who just see the whole Furry thing as a hobby without sexual connotation, kinda like a strange type of LARP.
Well there's also the question of what makes a person a furry, is it simply liking the art, is it drawing the art, is it going to conventions, is it being aroused by the art?

PastaMasta said:
I'm for free choice and stuff, but why do people even become furrys. I honestly don't really see the point of it.
Do you mean what makes people get aroused by furry art or what makes people get aroused by wearing costumes? I can't really answer for either but furries aren't the only ones who role-play sex, they just have a more elaborate costume than people who dress up as school girls or clowns.

Cimmerian Nights said:
OK, I follow you, but I guess I was looking at it in a stricter, contemporary sense, in how furries relate to the recent popularity of Manga/anime.
Did the term Furry and the current subculture surrounding it exist 5, 10 years ago? It's curious to me how it sprang into consciousness all of a sudden in it's current form. I don't know that Furries as the exist now, adhere to the same principles as the Egyptian/Helenistic examples mentioned. It seems like a relatively new, and rapidly evolving phenomenon as it exists currently. And as such it's pretty reasonable that the general public may not be completely versed in the ins-and-outs of every little sub-sub-culture associated with it.
It's actually been around for quite awhile (I've heard of people involved in it in the 60's or 70's, I heard that Disney's Robin Hood massively grew their ranks as people watched it and realized that it turned them on [how a lot of people found out that they were furries]). The internet has done what the internet does, it's made it a lot more accessible and possible for the artists to be more devoted to it and, with as the number of furries grew and they were given an easy way to socialize, it became more public. I also don't think that it's really connected to anime/manga given how it's not super common in it (especially compared to western comics and animation) and I don't know of any anime or manga in which every character is a furry. Anime and manga have a lot of mimikko (humans with animal ears, tails, and/or horns with the occasional paws) and a fair amount of zoophilia, but neither are the same thing (I know people who like mimikko but not furry).

Sovz said:
Sorry, couldn't resist.
That is mimikko, the two often get confused by people outside of their fan groups (I found out about it through anime forums).

A visual aid.

Ah-Teen said:
As I write this, I'm humping another dragon. It's all sorts of kinky and awesome.
You wouldn't happen to be otherkin, would you?
Heh, couple of people here I didn't know were furries or just somewhat liked furry stuff.

Anywho, I'm a furry as well, don't really know what makes me like the art and everything, maybe Disney movies, never really know.
UncannyGarlic said:
Well there's also the question of what makes a person a furry, is it simply liking the art, is it drawing the art, is it going to conventions, is it being aroused by the art?
I think one should really not run around and call "others" furries or even try to classify anyone. Particularly when you consider for how long now anthros or half-human half-animal like creatures played a Role in Animes and Asian cartoons (and not just there) I doubt the makers of Vision of Escaflowne are Furries or would see them self as that only cause you have human like cats and such in it.


If people see them self as "furries" so be it. But if one does not want to be one then he just simply is not one.

I just see it as a really fucked up fetish.

It's a little different from homosexuality in that, well, its cross species sexuality.

I just don't see how someone can get a boner looking at a horseman fucking a dragon woman-man thing. I won't hate on people who LOOK at it. I just..well...It's just fucked up(from MY perspective as a straight male). At least homosexuality can be seen in nature. I just don't understand or "get" the culture of it, to be honest, I'd rather be kept ignorant.

Except I feel rage whenever there's a costumed furry walking around. I can't explain it.(I think it's the same with all weaboo related cultures)

Do whatever you want in the privacy of your own home. Even if it's fucking trees or wood sprites or whatever.
Pablosdog said:
I just don't see how someone can get a boner looking at a horseman fucking a dragon woman-man thing. I won't hate on people who LOOK at it. I just..well...It's just fucked up(from MY perspective as a straight male). At least homosexuality can be seen in nature.
You've never seen dogs humping legs?
Well, that says more about a dog's lack of standards than anything I think. They hump legs because they are warm and stiff, not as a matter of preference. They also eat their own puke, sniff ass/crotch as a greeting and tongue bathe their genitals. Dogs have a lot of great virtues, too but, they're dogs.

And dogs are one thing, how do these mythical/fictitous animals come into play?
Do whatever you want in the privacy of your own home. Even if it's fucking trees
Dude, splinters.
I don't get furries. I don't hate them, I just think they are... umm... damaged? I think that's the word. They are a biit more damaged than gays and alot less damaged than people who eat their own feces. Still, compared to pedophils and rapists, they seem harmless.

BTW, any other fish fetishists out there? :P
all furries must fucking hang, burn, be shot, whatever. a combination of the above would be best...

don't remember where i picked this up, but hell something useful actually originated from /b/? whowouldvethoughtthatpossible?

PS: my love for Per is unrelated to any furry urges, i swear.
You do realize, Sua, that the above comic is basically "I hate furries because they are stupid" accompanied by random intelligent-looking words to make it look like an intelligent dissertation on the suckage of the furry fandom?
That comic was a massive pile of bull.

Like Mikael said, it wasn't anything other than the same old pitiful, "I hate you because you're stupid" junk, but trying to, in some roundabout way, act like it's not.