G4 TV Fallout: New Vegas demo show

Brother None said:
Only 5 minutes long and not all of that dedicated to play, it is much shorter and less interesting than the GameVideos demo.

I forgot how annoying the G4 personalities are. Is there a site or channel that isn't so abrasive that maybe we could get some nice video footage from?
Huntman said:
I forgot how annoying the G4 personalities are. Is there a site or channel that isn't so abrasive that maybe we could get some nice video footage from?

Other than thinking JE Sawyer is from Bethesda, the GameVideos coverage is much better, and longer, with more uninterrupted gameplay time and the interviewer asking some actually interesting, pertinent question (is everyone killeable, what about children, etc)

We'll probably see more trickle through soon, I guess.
Yeah, the GameVideos one is a lot better. I wish he would have let Josh keep playing though. It seems like he was going to show a bit more before they ended the session.
Huntman said:
It seems like he was going to show a bit more before they ended the session.

Commercial break?

I like most of the game mechanics stuff they seem to have changed, a lot of it reminds me more of olden times than anything I've read/heard before, but the animations, sjeesh, they really have to make do with a dated engine, the more vids I see, the more I notice. That's probably a shame.
I spotted a popup as he entered Nelson in the game. It said hated, with a brief description of how he was not appreciated in that town. Reputation is different in different communities then? Now that is great news! But maybe i´ve been slow and just missed that bit before.

Edit: Ah, okay. Thanks for the clarification Lexx
It was said already. The game tracks faction records via reputations, not with a single karma value.
Starvation, dehydration, sleep deprivation, ammo weight, crafting and weapon addons. Someone at Obsidian must be a fan of Fallout 3 modders.
randir14 said:
Starvation, dehydration, sleep deprivation, ammo weight, crafting and weapon addons. Someone at Obsidian must be a fan of Fallout 3 modders.

Don't think so, my guess is that someone (doesn't really matter Bethesda or Obsidian) wanted Fallout to be more realistic and chalenging.
I meant all those things were added to Fallout 3 as mods, I doubt it's a coincidence. I'm glad for it either way.
Fallout NV looks better and better all the time. Plus it was nice to hear some new voices :D They weren't even half-bad :)
Jet1337 said:
What did they say about kids? Can we gut 'em and eat 'em?
It's not really necessary. As long as they aren't stupid game-stoppers, there's really little reason to turn into a childkiller at all. And you surely already know that would probably hurt the $$$.