Micro Center was sold out of GI before the afternoon of June 19.
What was on the shelf June 18th was sold out by June 19th.
I found a Barnes and Noble just getting ready to stock.
Had to back trail and discovered that Columbus mag distribution and stocking is not uniform.
Found a Barnes and Noble just getting ready to stock.
The clerk was more interested in the cover story for EGM on Bioshock, asked if I had played System Shock 2..... The game entertainment market seems soo big.
When I found out GI was going to have info on Fallout 3 I planned on going and buying the magazine. It has been a really long time since I subscribed to any game mag (because most of the newer games don't interest me) so this would have been the first one I bought in probably 4 or 5 years.
The scans came out and cost GI my business. Not only that but when I saw the scans I linked NMA Frontpage to a small personal forum and maybe had 5 guys look at them as well.
Those 5 guys probably won't buy GI either.
Not only did posting the scans cost GI at least 1 purchase but the also gained NMA money because we all had to click on five different links to view the content and ever time we did we all saw the same stupid "No Stank You" ad at the top. So while it was likely pocket change, NMA directly made money off of GI's article.
If you think GI doesn't know this you're crazy. To turn this into some kind of crusade is just silly. NMA cost GI money and made money off something they didn't work to create. While I wouldn't call it theft I wouldn't say GI saying take it down is "infringing on our rights!" either.
No Warez talk is allowed but we can take material directly out of mags before they are published?
GI is not threatening NMA.
YOU are threatening NMA.
Why, ... to earn 'bully points' in your little sand lot?
Feeling 'dirty', so blaming the messenger's messenger?
This lesson on how commercial information is spoon fed to the public is lost on your consciousness.
Your unconscious responds with latent rage. Think about YOUR part in this incident.
You STEAL a peak at copy written work , wait to load EACH PAGE ..... spread it to other links on the net, AIDING IN THE possible THEFT OF GI MONIES! ....
and NMA is the bad guy.
Teh funny.
(dramatic pause ...)
What are you REALLY angry about ...
If prone to piss, please to piss up the correct tree.
Stop milking this confused moral out rage, get off your ass and buy GI, or EGM if you're a Bioshock man.
And email all your 5 slacker friends to consider the option of exploring the July GI as a 'cultural document'.
Point of interest, GI offers 'papal' like indulgences so the 2D, turn based console games are kosher to the Nex Gen ... ""Odin Sphere"" is game of the month page 98.
Commercial Information and how that media data is dumped or spun, it's all about PAY TO PLAY. Interesting to study and a rewarding circus for the spectator.
Attention, meditators, mimes, and other larping life forms!
For the good of the universe, I hence forth lay my copy of July GI on my MAC.
To commune with the FO3 scans, or the rest of the July GI content, put your HANDS ON YOUR PC and relax.
Use your favorite meditative focus device, chromatic color wheel, or slowly floating off your chair ...
Tune on to the web, for the web is "''your only friend, until the end, until the end,until the end, until the end, until the .... ""
Tune on to the GI scans offered a top the MAC with an AT+T IP ... Cleveland(?) ...
Franchise followers. Attention whore wanna bees. Don't forget to read about the Guitar Hero sequel. God mode was never so acoustically aerobic.
Just learning to share ...