Game Informer article scans removed

@ DarkLegacy: I think it was someone who was trying to lick his anal sphincter - he seems to be inclined to liking that, for some reason. :P

Just kidding alec, you know you're everyone's favorite foot fetishist. :lol:
Slicerdicer said:
Prolly one of the many Beth plants around here. :lol:

Oh shit, they do that now? Its now apparent that my anal protection is not adequate and I must reinforce my hind quarters for the imminent risk of a eight legged green jagged glass plant to crawl up my leg and into my backside! :shock:

You know, I got a quote from Pete saying all images that would be released about Fallout 3 would be sent to any interested party... food for thought...
Why cant bethesda be more like blizzard? Not giving exclusives to some crappy magazine not even sold to most of the fallout fanbase (europe) rather having a giant campagne on there site showing of neat bits every little while. bethesda can't even host there own teasers. you should think bethesda would care more about there fanbase...

i liked the tease.. i liked the artical.. now i don't like bethesda.

oblivion with guns comes next! exclusiv on xbox!
eladmir said:
Why cant bethesda be more like blizzard? Not giving exclusives to some crappy magazine not even sold to most of the fallout fanbase (europe) rather having a giant campagne on there site showing of neat bits every little while. bethesda can't even host there own teasers. you should think bethesda would care more about there fanbase...

i liked the tease.. i liked the artical.. now i don't like bethesda.

oblivion with guns comes next! exclusiv on xbox!

Prolly because they are greedy Jackbooted fucking Nazis. :evil:
were those pages really worth saving? I mean maybe for a glance. I guess you got to stick it to a whore of a magazine and a pimp of a company.
Well I'm just fucking glad I didn't save those Obli...errr Fallout scans, make me sick each time I look at them. Beth cumulates bad moves after bad moves...and this one just added fuel to the fire and the scans will probalby spread like fire in a haystack on the internet. This is just plain fucking ridiculous, NMA is one of the most important fallout fan site and has helped keep the fallout name alive all these years and this is the way they say thank you. I can almost hear Pete screaming in his office...Keine Energie und keine Unterstützung, die von irgendeinem Teil der Welt kommen, können das Resultat dieser Schlacht in jedem möglichem Respekt ändern. NMA fällt SIEG HEIL, SIEGG HEIL... MUAHAHAHAHAHA.
hahahaha !
As if i would miss those scans....actually i am happy that i don't have see them anymore !

It's not like posting a few pages of its mag (GameSucking eh GameInformer) will hurts its sales.. :roll:

Bethesda is one of the worst game developer due to its action of censoring any information bout its upcoming game.

They could just put a big sign of 'When it's done!' on Fellout eh Fallout 3 official site! It's like watching a geisha trying to open her kimono but all she do is keep opening a little bit then close it and repeat again. :roll:
I don't get it.. Why alienate their fan base even more? Why threaten to take legal action against a big fan site just for showing the game like NMA did? Living in Sweden I know I'd never read the articles from GI, and this was really the only way for me to get some info about the game.

Thanks for the trouble scanning, transcribing and hosting them, guys!
I wonder why most of you whine about the removed scans - I wasn't so wise to save them and so I read them just once, but they were a classical preview - nothing important, no "real" ingame screenshots, no information, just small bits that can change before Fallout 3 is out (you don't know how many features are planned and how many are already implemented, Bethesda might just realise that the development will continue beyond budget and release Fallout as realtime console something with mutated orcs and still earn a lot of money).
Ahh come on, not the guys at GamesInformer are the bad guys, but the guys at beth...

I mean, look at this whole "Meet the Dev's" thing, where the devs were eager to participate, saying all around 'Oh yeah and we are that big Fallout fans, we really thought F1&F2 as the best RPG's ever' and such things, being sociable only to get you us toward liking them and therefore stopping being negative about all we knew until then...
And yes, that's my view on their postings there. I mean come on, how many people from other cgaming companys did you see taking part in the forums so frequently? - It was as if their PR apartment told them to take part.......
Re: Hey

Havok said:
My friends, Fallout is over. If we want to be mad at someone, it should probably be Herve. He's the one that canceled Van Buren and sold the license them.

No it's not. We still have FO1 and FO2. And it's still fun to play them.
eladmir said:
Why cant Bethesda be more like blizzard? Not giving exclusives to some crappy magazine not even sold to most of the fallout fanbase (europe) rather having a giant campaign on there site showing of neat bits every little while. Bethesda can't even host there own teasers. you should think Bethesda would care more about there fanbase...

i liked the tease.. i liked the artical.. now i don't like bethesda.

oblivion with guns comes next! exclusiv on xbox!

Asking for removing the scans is just business as usual, nothing on a grand conspiratory scale or particularly evil.

Still this guy is right, one would think they would try another aproach for the release on info about the game, new context, new fanbase, new franchise, this needed new PR tools, not the Oblivion strategy. Instead the dominant idea is that if it worked with Oblivion it will work with Fallout 3. i have my doubts about that, we shall see.
I was getting ready to say that, considering it's copyrighted material, they do have a point(it's possibly about the sales of the mag, I guess they do have to make a living), but then I saw all those other sites that you listed as having them posted as well.

Granted, some of them are not nearly as popular as NMA(though the bashers in the Official forums always try to diminish the value of the site and the number of fans checking it out), but I'm pretty sure sites like kotaku's get many hits indeed.

I hope this doesn't have anything to do with that opinion expressed in a topic here that Bethesda favors sites that don't criticize their games and cuts off info on them(as in that it is actually true). That would be a bellow the belt hit which none favors.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure the exclusivity deals don't last for long, so maybe in a bout a month they'll be back up for those that didn't get them all those days.

Plus that the majority of the fans wouldn't care all that much considering this is a primarily for consoles game apparently.
All I have to say is:
Too late mofos, we saw everything :P
Hurray hurray N-M-A!!!

*Nice chant I found there :P
I find it normal for them to not allow every site posting the magazine, if you want to see the pictures, buy the magazine.

It is pretty normal... but the fact that bethshita are shitheads is another problem.