So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Most games tend to have pause, RTwP is usually used to denote being able to give commands to your character/squad when paused. Commands which are then actioned when the game is unpaused. Yes?
In most RTwP games your character tends to have some sort of AI, they'll respond to attacks, even initiate attacks when spotting an enemy. Leading to the accusation they play themselves. But if you directly control your character as in a traditional shooter, or even as in a clickfest the character will not act without any input from you, then why would you need commands?
Either you have direct control and the VATS is basically a bulletime/slowmo mode. Or you have no direct control and click on targets to tell the character to attack, using the tactical mode to make targeted attacks. In the latter case RTwP would be an appropriate description, but in the former it's not the same thing at all.
It's bad enough that there's no clear definition for RPG used, don't let's start muddying the waters about RTwP.
In most RTwP games your character tends to have some sort of AI, they'll respond to attacks, even initiate attacks when spotting an enemy. Leading to the accusation they play themselves. But if you directly control your character as in a traditional shooter, or even as in a clickfest the character will not act without any input from you, then why would you need commands?
Either you have direct control and the VATS is basically a bulletime/slowmo mode. Or you have no direct control and click on targets to tell the character to attack, using the tactical mode to make targeted attacks. In the latter case RTwP would be an appropriate description, but in the former it's not the same thing at all.
It's bad enough that there's no clear definition for RPG used, don't let's start muddying the waters about RTwP.