Game Informer Fallout: New Vegas preview scans

Ausir said:
Are they that much different from the Khans?

Yes. Because the Khans might've been hinting at Mongol lifestyles, and even the concept art shows it, but ingame they're just raiders. Raiders with delusions of grandeur, but raiders.

The Legion is silly-looking. They might get away with it because it's in Vegas and suits like that could've survived the war or summat, but it's still silly-looking.

Then again, aesthetics really isn't looking like it'll be New Vegas' strong point. But it seems we're leaving the post-apocalyptic part of Fallout behind, whether it be Fallout 3's heaps-of-supplies-everywhere or Fallout 2/New Vegas' nearly-scifi-setting.
MrBumble said:
Well, the Khans didn't really look like mongol warriors ingame :-/

Due to the fact, that 90% of all critters in the gameworld looked like the same. :>
If they had had more resources/time, the Khans probably would have looked like in the concept art, though.
Dionysus said:
And Caesar's Legion does look pretty silly. I'm a little surprised that Sawyer decided to go all the way with them.

Well, the screenshot at the bottom of the same page (with the Mad Max armor) also shows alternate, underling versions of the armor that actually look pretty nice.
Ausir said:
If they had had more resources/time, the Khans probably would have looked like in the concept art, though.

Maybe. I dunno. Neither do you. What we do know is that they didn't.
Im waiting to hear about which faction in Vegas own's Tommy Gun's :D, id bet someone in The Top's own's one. Id be happy if there was just one unique Tommy Gun in the game and im almost positive there will be one as there are multiple pictures of a vault boy holding one.

Another thing we haven't seen any screenshots yet of The Strip during the daytime, you can already tell if you look closely enough there not like brand new building's. Far as the lights go, we knew those worked from the first trailer.
After this preview, I'm thinking I'll probably help out House (also, I'm amazed they revealed that much about him). Seems like he made Vegas kind of an island unto itself, in tandem with the real world. It'd be fun to drive out NCR and the Legion and pull that off if the game allows.
So, Mr. House is a pre-war human... Do you think that ghoul Desmond from Point Lookout will be back. He was taking out pre-war beings in personal vendetta. I wouldn`t mind as he was IMO best npc from F3.
Dionysus said:
And Caesar's Legion does look pretty silly. I'm a little surprised that Sawyer decided to go all the way with them.

well,you know with a armor like that, they must be really strong
It`s not about outfit, it`s about tactics. If this Cesar is as good commander as his ancient procedor then NCR is screwed.
Caesar's Legion armor, especially the grunt model you can see on 66/67 really isn't that far out there, especially for fallout. Going off of the preview and the screenshots it looks like it's made out of old football padding, y'know, like classic fallout leather armor?
I seriously doubt that Ceasar's Legion bothers to outfit it's grunts with more than basic armor. It's a slave-force, after all, soldiers are expendable.
That Lucky#Something and "Mr.Mann" seems like a good candidate for "end game" stuff I suppose.
since there or no vehicles ,i hope we can at least (a new perk maybe) sprint! that would be a great tweak. :D
Mistrz said:
So, Mr. House is a pre-war human... Do you think that ghoul Desmond from Point Lookout will be back. He was taking out pre-war beings in personal vendetta. I wouldn`t mind as he was IMO best npc from F3.
i agree ..desmond rocked!
I don't really care about Caesar's Legion looking silly, because IRL Roman soldiers looked silly as well. A little less because they had metal armor and not leather football pads, but still dorky looking.