Rockstar is bad at making games, end of story.
They could manage open world games, since the basic gameplay doesn't need to be all that great, but this is going to be a straight up shooter, if they don't end up butchering it, there aren't going to be any vehicles to save them, hordes of random pedestrians to assault, random minigames and NPCs to interact with, all they're going to have (if they don't butcher it, once again) is a shooting game.
That's what Max Payne 1 and 2 were, and dammit everyone liked them that way. Consider the fact that this is the Bully studio making the game... the fuck? Free aiming in any Rockstar game, including Bully is clumsy and idiotic, all Rockstar titles have sluggish and at times clunky movement.
No single part of Rockstar has the straight shooter down.
Besides, they simply adore smattering games with the same tired nonsense over and over, Max Payne 3 is going to have a recycled plot, I can tell you that right now. Probably something borrowed from GTAIV, god knows they've already entirely ripped their own stockpile of generic plotlines for Red Dead Redemption.
I don't like Rockstar, I haven't liked their games since San Andreas, I don't see the series going anywhere but down, especially since the whole article seems to make it seem like Max Payne is all gritty and no style and subtle whimsy as in the originals, they just don't "get" it, the originals were over the top for a reason, they were fully intended to be ridiculous homages, the combination of John Woo and neo-noir proves that.
Oh by the way, I have this niggling feature that they somehow don't understand the fact that bullet-time is the only thing that made Max Payne stand out in the first place beyond its style.